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- How do you feel your studies of psychology have influenced your behavior and the way you deal with people on- and offline?

- How did you meet and befriend Kurotsune. And on that note how did persuade/blackmail/force/convince Kuro to join the dev-team?

Wish people asked me these kinds of questions in my AMA instead of whatever it is they asked instead

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Wish people asked me these kinds of questions in my AMA instead of whatever it is they asked instead

TIL Kuro has an AMA.

Edit: It just dawned upon me... Is your name a portmanteau of Kuro and Kitsune?

Edited by Tartar
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1. Earlier in the thread you said you worked in a living home for juvenile males transitioning from jail to outside society. In another thread from last year I remember you saying that you had some level of discomfort around men due to social habits and past experiences (full quote: "In addition to that, certain past experiences I've had with boys have been rather miserable. Those compound to create a general and rather constant discomfort around males for me. Fortunately, it's not a problem over the internet, and it also seems to be subverted for people I know better, and for more feminine boys.")

What led to you working with males despite being generally uncomfortable around them? I'd personally be afraid to be around people from jail in general regardless of sex, unless they were arrested for harmless things like marijuana which I don't even think should be illegal. I'd been wondering about this for a while, but was nervous to ask for some reason.

2. A giraffe with an invisible hat offers garlic bread if you can correctly guess the color of its hat. It won't directly tell you what color it is. How will you figure out the color of the hat?

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If you were to make another pokémon fan-game, what would it be about? And after your next project, would you be open to work on another pokémon fan-game?

  • I don't have any particular plans or ideas for it, but it probably would be a shorter, more personal story with a speaking protagonist and none of the usual gyms or evil team formula.
  • However, I am really tired of working under copyright, so I almost certainly will not be doing anything like that in the future.

These are Pokemon, not bombs. You can let them explode in the air, but that'll just leave a rain of heavy Pokemon falling down from the sky anyway and that's what I'm trying to avoid -- fullproof scenario. And can the Psychic of a Pokemon not named Mewtwo accomplish lifting that heavy mass falling from the sky at great speeds in time?

Anyways, what's your most valued piece of artwork/writing that you've made yourself?

  • I was just noting on Psychic. My suggestion is still antiGravity. Admittedly if that's not controlled, everyone in the city would fly up too, so idk, there's some kind of error room.
  • I usually forget that I've written or drawn anything at all tbh but I suppose the Reborn map has certainly gotten good mileage.

- How do you feel your studies of psychology have influenced your behavior and the way you deal with people on- and offline?

- How did you meet and befriend Kurotsune. And on that note how did persuade/blackmail/force/convince Kuro to join the dev-team?

  • It's hard for me to say since I've been learning about psychology informally for the better part of my life... actually studying it in school was largely review since I was already familiar with most of the concepts I was taught. But anyway, because it's been an interest for so long, it's sort of inextricable with the way I think and it's hard for me to say how it's influenced it because so many of those things I accept as just like... common sense.
    • However, my experience working at and applying skills learned at my current job has made quite a bit of difference. Since I'm a youth counselor we are trained in various treatment strategies and ways to help maintain control over a population that resents control. That's had a significant impact with how I've approached rules and moderation in the community, and also how I interact with others in terms of being more direct, but taking my personal views out of the equation.
    • I think Kuro just showed up here one winter and offered to help because they're way too cool like that. There was no blackmail or anything-- they actually had to persuade me to let them work on it since I was pretty wary of giving project access to someone who was more or less a stranger at the time.

      But I'm glad that I did, and that they did.

1. Earlier in the thread you said you worked in a living home for juvenile males transitioning from jail to outside society. In another thread from last year I remember you saying that you had some level of discomfort around men due to social habits and past experiences (full quote: "In addition to that, certain past experiences I've had with boys have been rather miserable. Those compound to create a general and rather constant discomfort around males for me. Fortunately, it's not a problem over the internet, and it also seems to be subverted for people I know better, and for more feminine boys.")

What led to you working with males despite being generally uncomfortable around them? I'd personally be afraid to be around people from jail in general regardless of sex, unless they were arrested for harmless things like marijuana which I don't even think should be illegal. I'd been wondering about this for a while, but was nervous to ask for some reason.

2. A giraffe with an invisible hat offers garlic bread if you can correctly guess the color of its hat. It won't directly tell you what color it is. How will you figure out the color of the hat?

  • Although I knew what I was getting into, I choose to work where I do because of other conveniences (such as the fact that I don't drive, but this place is only a 7 minute bus ride away). I wasn't thrilled about the population, but I accepted it, and now it doesn't bother me so much.

    Incidentally, all of my bosses and more-experienced coworkers swear working with girls by contrast, is hell. Boys are much easier, they always say.

    Most of them have drug charges, but they are frequently there only after multiple offenses and years of commitment. I've only seen a couple who there only because of drugs-- and it was never just marijuana. I recall one such boy who had done heroin as early as 10.

    But it's definitely not comfortable. I wouldn't last in this job if I were day staff, but they sleep at night, so I don't mind. Though I will say, the first night I worked alone I was so sure I was gonna get gangbanged, I was about ready to fight for my life. Fortunately, nothing of the sort has ever happened (and the one time staff was attacked, another client saved his life.)

  • I just have to play a game or something with it, like hangman-- but perhaps a bit more subtlely, if it catches on, like where the clues are colors it is not. What kind of game would probably depend on what the giraffe was willing to do though...
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  • I was just noting on Psychic. My suggestion is still antiGravity. Admittedly if that's not controlled, everyone in the city would fly up too, so idk, there's some kind of error room.
  • I usually forget that I've written or drawn anything at all tbh but I suppose the Reborn map has certainly gotten good mileage.

Does Pokemon have Anti-Gravity outside of Magnet Rise though? How would it be justified? I'm mostly interested in this because I might try out a game but want the logic in being able to stop a large pile of large exploding balls falling from the sky.

Also, what are your favourite works of music? Do you have a playlist?

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If you were going to ask me a question, what would it be?

  • would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?

Are you worried that you've made so many plot threads in Reborn that you won't be able to tie up all the loose ends through 4 episodes?

  • that's a good question, but i think the implication is that i won't have room in that amount of time to do that? but any episode can be as long as it needs, and there is a school of thought that says conflict in writing should be resolved as close to the end as possible. i think one great example of this is in howl's moving castle (the book; movie is very different) where i recall being on like 10 pages left to the end and literally nothing has been solved or makes sense and sure enough in those ten pages, it all came together magnificently
    • strongly recommend that book btw. it's really great and the book's witch of the waste is a true marvel and terror. i love the movie too but honestly it's like they only read the first four chapters and took it from there
  • anyway, i have some concerns about the end but it's not so much a matter of not being able to include everything so much as making sure it's done as well as possible
    • plus i mean there's post game so lol

Does Pokemon have Anti-Gravity outside of Magnet Rise though? How would it be justified? I'm mostly interested in this because I might try out a game but want the logic in being able to stop a large pile of large exploding balls falling from the sky.

Also, what are your favourite works of music? Do you have a playlist?

  • considering malamar's reversal dealie, i dont think its unreasonable. some combination of topsy turby and gravity will be fine. but if it's not suitable for you, you can just change the details of the attack, such as having part of it sabotaged pre-emptively or something else like that
  • i have a large playlist of like 400 songs that i keep on my mp3 player. i uhhh don't think i'll post that whole thing here, and i dont necessarily have like specific favorite-favorite songs... but here, have a few random things.

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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a marble?

How many bags of trash does you neighbor produce in a week on average?

How many vacuum cleaners have you owned?

What did you name your breakfast this morning?

On a scale of bulbasaur to Volcanion, how would you describe the pokemon reborn forum and why?

Are you afraid of any household appliances?

If you were forced to become a talking accessory, what would you be and who would you trust yourself to?

Your short on alcoholic beverages... how do you take your paint thinner?

Who do you have the sudden urge to slap/deck right now?

Oh no... your new pet fish has mutated into a large monster that eats human hair. What do you do?

Would you rather face six klefki, six arceus, or six rayquaza with no prior notice?

That is all for now. Well this gave me something to do for a bit at least.

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- Over on Kuro's AMA xe has recently declared xyr eternal love for you, and claimed that xe has been planning your wedding to be held in 3 months' time. How do you feel about this?

- Xe has also divulged that xe during his time on Reborn has developed stockholm syndrome. How conscious of a move has this been on your part?

- Why is kurotsune so tsundere?

- Can you write a haiku about your feelings for Kurostune?

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- Over on Kuro's AMA he has recently declared his eternal love for you, and claimed that he has been planning your wedding to be held in 3 months' time. How do you feel about this?

- He has also divulged that he during his time on Reborn has developed stockholm syndrome. How conscious of a move has this been on your part?

- Why is kurotsune so tsundere?

- Can you write a haiku about your feelings for Kurostune?

I'm not a man

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I'm not a man


When I said "he" I was using it as referring to the second definition as in the example above, and not the first... I did definitely not just unintentionally embarrass myself, and I am certainly not trying to get out of the situation that I didn't create. Got it?

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My question is

When are you going to ask me questions???

  • i already have, sit down
    • i'll ask more when i have them, or feel like it :c

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a marble?

How many bags of trash does you neighbor produce in a week on average?

How many vacuum cleaners have you owned?

What did you name your breakfast this morning?

On a scale of bulbasaur to Volcanion, how would you describe the pokemon reborn forum and why?

Are you afraid of any household appliances?

If you were forced to become a talking accessory, what would you be and who would you trust yourself to?

Your short on alcoholic beverages... how do you take your paint thinner?

Who do you have the sudden urge to slap/deck right now?

Oh no... your new pet fish has mutated into a large monster that eats human hair. What do you do?

Would you rather face six klefki, six arceus, or six rayquaza with no prior notice?

That is all for now. Well this gave me something to do for a bit at least.

  • what if a marble is its own center? idk. try three.
  • i am not observant so let's randomly guess three
  • i can remember three in the past few years.... and the world i've forgotten before then doesn't exist so three.
  • i cant even remember what i had for breakfast because i was still in a daze lol. let's just call it three
  • itd be a venusaur because it still has room to grow despite being sizable and significant already. also it's pokemon #3.
  • nah, but i wouldnt be surprised if my toaster killed me in my sleep one day cuz it's broken in like three different ways
  • an accessory... how about a necklace? it's not likely to get lost or damaged, and it's inconspicuous enough. i'd want to entrust myself to a three year old, so i can teach them things and help them grow up and believe they've been chosen for a great fate all along
  • i dont drink anyway... just gotta hold my breath, count to three, and get it over with
  • i'm a pacifist so i wouldn't do that, but if i really had to i could think of three or so people who deserve it.... i won't name names though cuz some might be connected here
  • first, make sure it is safely contained with at least three levels of security. then i'll call the government or sciency people and see if i can sell it for research or something
  • deffo six klefki. they cute. i like klefki, used one for a little bit and im a fan of swagplay cuz i came up and toyed around with the same sort of thing (or at least with 3 out 4 same moves) on prankster liepard back in 5th gen

How much pie can you eat in one sitting?

If you were in the pokemon anime, what would be your team?

Can you spaghetti?

  • idk probably just a couple slices. i dont like pie that much
  • ummmmm lordy i like too many pokemon to choose... sylveon, gardevoir, alola-ninetales, absol, mawile, lopunny?
    • the fairy prevalence isn't deliberate... i just happen to like a lot of fairies.
  • hellya

Can I ride my bike indoors? Please??

  • that is illegal
    • but fuqq da police

- Over on Kuro's AMA xe has recently declared xyr eternal love for you, and claimed that xe has been planning your wedding to be held in 3 months' time. How do you feel about this?

- Xe has also divulged that xe during his time on Reborn has developed stockholm syndrome. How conscious of a move has this been on your part?

- Why is kurotsune so tsundere?

- Can you write a haiku about your feelings for Kurostune?

  • i didn't know they were being so forward about it! i'm really looking forward to the big day!!
  • what-- me? give someone stockholm syndrome? i mean, it's only natural that the love of my life should sooner or later realize that i'm the only one they'll ever need. but a conscious move? that's ridiculous. it's just fate.
  • they sometimes need time to cope with their true feelings. a facade like that helps them feel safe while they do. it's okay. we all know the truth
  • dear ashen-black fox

    flowers bloom below burnt woods

    stay my rose always

If you were in a position where you were required to get a dog, what breed would you prefer?

  • siberian huskies are my favorite breed. but shelties are cute. and so are poodles. and yorkies? idk. any's fine. i mean i have two dogs though already though and have for most of my life

Which of these Youtubers is the best? (They all work with Normalboots Entertainment Rebooted.)

-Jontron (JonTronShow)


-The Completionist (ThatOneVideoGamer)


-Satchbag (Satchbag's Goods)

  • the only one i've even heard of is jontron so let's go with him, although i don't really watch him myself either i just hear about him from other people
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i don't even have overwatch ;;;;

but who knows, whenever i feel like it

anyway, i think it is high time to retire this.

so long and thanks for all the kicks

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