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What was your favourite thing about the Reborn league?

  • Gosh, there were a lot of things I enjoyed about it. I think if I had to say one singular thing though, what I enjoyed the most was seeing how players worked with each other, from helping each other train different strategies, to trying to investigate things about the characters, even to just how whenever there was a league battle there would be a half dozen other challengers at the least watching, cheering either side on.

    And fortunately, despite it having been years since then, I don't miss that at all. Cuz that's exactly what you guys do with the game all the time. ^^

-On a percentile scale, describe your emotional frequency. (EG: X% Happiness, X% Excitement, X% Irritation, etc.)

-Thoughts on narcissism?

  • Good question. My special ability lets me not feel anything most of the time unless I really remember to try to. so lol.
    • 75% literally nothing at all; 4% actual relaxed contentedness, 8% hyperexcitement mania, 10% that vague lonely cuddly feeling, and 9% the oppressively crushing sense that literally everything i do or enjoy doing has no meaning to it whatsoever and my function in this world has no significant purpose or effect beyond shallow gratification delayed or otherwise
      • (not that i actually believe that)
  • I have no respect for the narcissistic kind of attitude. Ah... someone like that should just.. be brought down a notch, right? ^~^
    • I really do not want to go there myself but then sometimes I do things like have a 12 page AMA, so... you know...

We'd be a tsundere X yandere pairing. That'd be either the greatest or worst thing the world has ever seen.

I really can't imagine how it could possibly go wrong~

I haven't actually gone to a safari before. It's something I want to do.

Do you prefer earbuds or a headset?

If earbuds, do you like a certain style? Like some have that cushy thingy that fits in your ear easier, or perhaps the kind of headphones that you just kinda plop into your ear?

If you prefer headphones, do you like the like standard ones I guess or the ones that go around the ear as well and it's all encompassing.

Do you like sugar gliders?

IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE ONE, would you rather go to an aquarium, safari, OR a planetarium?

part of me is sorry, the other part laughed when I saw the above-post

  • Aren't they like super expensive? I can't imagine they wouldn't be.
  • Headset. There's no way I can't answer this considering how regularly I wear my cat ear headphones
  • among earbuds, ploppies. cuz the cushy ones like barely stay put
  • Cat ear ones are around the whole ear, so that. Plus it's like ear muffs during the winter! best. ear muffs. ever.
  • they are ok. i actually associate them with an ex of mine, cuz sugar gliders were her spirit animal. very cute but probably not ideal for me to have or anything. much like her, apparently.
  • let's go see the stars, yukki-kun!!
    • its ok. i asked for it this time.

Top 10 favorite things to do overall?


When you get cold do your hands and feet tend to get colder than the rest of you or is it pretty much just cold overall?

Have you ever seen the show, Supernatural?

Would you rather have a short train ride or an overnight one?

You are thrown into some unknown land and you are given any sort of weapon that you can imagine. What is your weapon and why?

Have you ever received a gift that caught you off guard?

Have you ever given a gift to someone that caught them off guard?

  • uh. this is in no particular order (though the first six are like, 95% of what i do)
    • working on my games
    • league with my friends
    • binge watching anime
    • other vidya gaem
    • spriting
    • even if i'm not working on it at the time, just thinking about and figuring stuff out for what to do on my games in the future
    • music stuff (practicing or putting stuff together-- though i wish my gadblamed launch pad would work qAq)
    • hosting live event games (stuff like nonary or even the reborn league, king's game/mafia/etc IRL)
    • drawing
    • staying up and talking to people in the afternight. especially with new people, i think the best conversations always happen after midnight.
  • Usually my hands and feet first, yeah. RIP circulation. unless it's when i just wake up, in which case the entire world is made of ice.
  • I have not, and I have no particular interest in it based on what I know.
  • Overnight one! I have fond memories of train rides, and if it's gonna be an experience, go big or go home!
  • Anything? Hmm... Hook me up with dual-wielding bladed SMGs on infinite ammo. And lace their shots with electrified brimstone.
    • sound familiar to anyone?
  • Yes. Frankly, most gifts do. Though in particular, I find I keep being especially off guard with those gifts that I feel like are meant to obligate me to someone else's favor. I really don't know how to respond to those, and it tends not to be pretty when I do.
  • probably....??? in recent memory yes but it was only a small thing for someone who thought I hated her. there's probably other stuff I've forgotten though.

Is there a style of glasses you prefer over others?

Favorite type of natural disaster?

Least favorite?

If there was some sort of cataclysmic event that would pretty much destroy anything, what would you think it to be?

If you owned a library, how would you organize the books?

Do you like wired or wireless tech?

If you were forced to have carpet for flooring, is there a certain type of carpet you'd want to have?

Do you like rugs?

  • not really. maybe the tight squareish ones?? but i really havent paid close attention to the meganes
  • is a blizzard a natural disaster? it shouldn't be, cuz it's flippin' awesome
  • i think epidemics count as natural disasters too? double checking, it is on the wiki page for them so i assume so. gross.
  • despair consumes all.
    • nah. probably something dumb that humans did.
  • like a private library? gosh, idk. maybe based on their utility or when i would need them
  • wireless
  • I like the carpet I have in my room. it's black and cool
  • eh. they're a pain to vacuum. usually not that pretty. pets eat them.

Do you have any bumper stickers?

Do you prefer using emoticons or do you prefer typing them out?

Parenthesis smilies or bracket smilies?

Do you care if your notebooks have different colored covers or not?

Would you rather be a radio talk show host or a TV host?

Do you listen to the radio often?

  • bruh i dont even have a car
  • typed. i have trust issues with emoticons.
  • that depends on the intent. :] is sarcastic and memey. : ) is impending doom.
  • the only notebooks i use anymore are like sketchbooks or personal journal kinda stuff and i'd rather those be plain and simple to not attract attention
  • TV cuz radio's closer to being obsolete, and there's a lot more you can do with it.
  • not anymore, but I used to listen to it regularly up until sometime in high school

If so, do you have a favorite station?

If not, any particular reason?

Do you have a preference to types of desk lamps? Example - I have a LED lamp but a friend of mine has some freaky cool lamp that apparently is kinda like sunlight he said? I think he called it a sunlamp? Or perhaps the above desklight that you can expect from dorms or an architech workspace.

Do you have a go to song for when you need to be pumped up?

Is there anyone that you'd want to sit down with and just ask endless questions?

Do you have a favorite Zoo?

Zoo or Safari?

  • I probably don't since my music taste has changed so much since I stopped listening.
  • I don't have a preference. I do like the lamp that I have though since I can direct the light right against the wall and so it's pretty dark in my room even when the light is on.
  • No, but I have a full playlist (and by that I mean the bulk of my music collection) for that.
    • However, I have started to collect a small set of songs that i've noticed are particularly good for me to work too. Like I can listen to these kinds of things on repeat forever while getting shit done.

  • Being more curious about other people is a skill I need to work on. So presently, even assuming it didn't annoy them, I don't think there is.
  • I can only recall ever going to the zoo in this city.
  • Even though it's boring, the zoo. cuz like... See, if I took a safari, right? I'd just be worried about bugs getting on me the entire time ;;;

have you been scuba diving or have any interest/desire to?

can you whistle?

If you can, can you do any bird calls/whistles?

can you ride a bike?

What do you think of motorcycles with 3 wheels?

You arrive home after a long, long day at work to find out that the lighting isn't working at home. Suddenly you receive some sort of telepathic message, premonition, epiphany, or intuition that one of your household appliances is going to attack you in the dark. What appliance is it and why? How would you combat it?

  • I have not but I really love the ocean so I'd be willing to try it. However it's not a particular desire.
  • I can't :c
  • Yeah, though I didn't actually learn how until I was like, 12..
  • ehhhhh. no style points. but i guess it'd be safer?
  • probably the bloody toaster for all the abuse i've put it through. i'll choose microwave-chan to defend me. they have a violent history together.

The year is 2016. Technology has kinda been wonky and through no fault of any crazy/mad scientist - cars, buses, trains, bikes, and airplanes can talk. Which one would you want to talk to the most and why? What do you think they would sound like? If it helps, they speak the same language you do.

Would you rather speak to a talking dog or talking cat?

For the rest of your life, you are stuck in one of two places. The places are a safari and aquarium. You'll have access to all facilities that you would need, have food/drink/electricity etc. Which would you live at and why?

Do you like hoodies?

Do you like sweaters?

  • i think airplanes would have the most unique perspective. uhh... literally. i imagine it'd sound like someone who's trying way too hard to be edgy, and is also way too close to his microphone.
  • a cat. dogs couldnt hold a solid thought.
  • dear lord send help. the aquarium. again, cuz of the bug thing.
  • if they have vibrant designs or animal years, hellya.
  • pass on the sweaters. i prefer light and tight-fitting clothing.

Long sleeve or short sleeve shirts?

Do you own a fanny pack?

If you could have unlimited of any kind of fruit drink, what would it be and why?

Have any phobias?

Have you read Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen?

  • short sleeve
  • nope
  • rasperry juice, no quesstions. please please please and thanks.
  • i really really really don't like most bugs.
  • yes, actually! many years ago. i don't remember it whatsoever but i do remember having read it.

Would you, could you, and will you, give Aya the beer cock(tail)

jazzy she is underage p l e a s e

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Upupupupu! You wake up in the Onyx Trainer School with 4 other girls by your side. You've seen this before. But the twist is different this time. A monitor lights up and the familiar face of a black and white bear appears and giggles at you. He tells you that you're all trapped in here permanently unless a certain scenario is met. You must kill three of the four girls around you. You look around and see Titania, Amaria, Saphira, and Charlotte. You think hard about what you'll do next. Your thought process is interrupted when the obnoxious bear tells you that the rest of them only need to kill you for all of them to escape. The game's begun, what do you do?

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Huh, I anticipated a different answer, frankly, but here, have a few more while I'm having these questions:

-This probably isn't something I should ask here but checking out the Field Effects and stuff, does the High Striker Field actually affect Fly? Does "an extravagant aerial finish" allude to a boost or is it just something you put there out of a thematic sense?

-What do you do to surmount negative emotions and bad times?

-What are your thoughts of manga adaptions into anime, particularly ones that are badly done so?

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Upupupupu! You wake up in the Onyx Trainer School with 4 other girls by your side. You've seen this before. But the twist is different this time. A monitor lights up and the familiar face of a black and white bear appears and giggles at you. He tells you that you're all trapped in here permanently unless a certain scenario is met. You must kill three of the four girls around you. You look around and see Titania, Amaria, Saphira, and Charlotte. You think hard about what you'll do next. Your thought process is interrupted when the obnoxious bear tells you that the rest of them only need to kill you for all of them to escape. The game's begun, what do you do?

I am so proud of you. This is fun.

Unfortunately, it's not easy when I'm not the one setting it up.

As fun as much fun as my usual persona would have with this, I'd have to pretend like

I wouldn't play that game. In order to get the others to let their guard down, I'll say

I'd let the others kill me. And when they argue over if they should or not, then I'll make a move

Because there's really no need for three to die by my hand when I can make them kill each other.

To save just myself I can frame Tania for Charlotte's death, making Saphira fly into a rage. Loser dies and I kill Amy for the win.

After all, I'm a pacifist...but only when it suits me.

Huh, I anticipated a different answer, frankly, but here, have a few more while I'm having these questions:

-This probably isn't something I should ask here but checking out the Field Effects and stuff, does the High Striker Field actually affect Fly? Does "an extravagant aerial finish" allude to a boost or is it just something you put there out of a thematic sense?

-What do you do to surmount negative emotions and bad times?

-What are your thoughts of manga adaptions into anime, particularly ones that are badly done so?

  • It's a boost. That should be specified in the manual. It used to have a different effect but it was so binary I removed it.
  • Keeping in mind that I historically don't feel those kinds of things at all... Hard to say. Since I'm only just learning to feel some of those things again, I'm also only just learning to deal with them. Some things that I've found calm me down or refocus me include spriting, typing (even if it's just nonsense), playing music, doing a quick sudoku, or meditating.
  • A lot of series I enjoy are manga sources... I think it's a pity when shows get ahead or deviate and lose the original plot just because of production schedules (looking at you, Pandora Hearts).. Since I haven't read much manga, I don't really have a basis for comparison as for when it's bad or not but I'm sure in most cases the manga is better. Even so, if the anime draws in more fans to the series, it's probably okay anyway.
    • would be really nice if the animations would finish though... coughrozenmaidencoughbtoomcoughdeadmanwonderland

If you gained the power to read minds, who are the 10 people on the forums you'd be most interested in mind reading? Why?

  • idk. i don't really want that power. i don't see any good coming of it.
    • I might just choose ten random people who seem interesting but who I know little about. That way I don't risk anything like existing friendships, and I would probably learn a lot of different perspectives intimately. Ideally they wouldn't know if I chose them or was reading their mind, so that the process of observation doesn't alter the data.
    • Just as a general thought experiment though, the thing I'd be most curious to discover is, if knowing every thought they had would make me like them more or less. Or to what extent it would vary from person to person. The people I select would probably be chosen in order to best answer this question. But I don't have specific names for that purpose right now.

thoughts on BPD?

why the fuck does java suck so much?

do you have a copy of that old rain team you used to use on the og po1 server?

  • I think we really oughta clear up first if BPD stands for BiPolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder. cuz it's used for both, and they are pretty different.
    • In reference to Borderline: I struggle with it due to past relationships with such individuals that became really unhealthy for me. Although I'm much better suited to handle those kinds of challenges now, I'd.. really just rather not.
      • A certain phrase my dad told me when I was very young, about borderline individuals sort of sticks with me to this day and mars my perception of them. I was going to say it here, but on second thought, I'd rather not further that idea.
    • In reference to Bipolar: This one hits a little closer to home for me because when I was younger my family thought I was bipolar. And while I am not, the manic-depression paradigm resonates pretty strongly with me because I frequently do have those really polar moods. It's just, my moods lack the permanence that are necessary to characterize the disorder, and since I am no longer suicidal or anything like that, I see no reason to look into it further.
    • In either case I prefer a focus on Trauma-centric/Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Although the combination of medication and therapy is usually most effective, I am not qualified to recommend any such medicine, nor would I particularly want to, because I personally believe those medications are a bandaid solution that try and stop the bleeding without actually suturing the wound, and can have enduring negative effects in addition.
  • idk dude i can never get my head around java/js but i bet dan would be happy to help you :]
  • Probably not, but I can remember the key points.
    • Politoed, Drizzle, Leftovers, Protect/Perish Song/Scald/Toxic
    • Vaporeon, Hydration, Leftovers, Acid Armor/Rest/Scald/Baton Pass
    • Kingdra, Swift Swim, Leftovers, Substitute/Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Outrage
    • Whimsicott, Prankster, Leftovers, Encore/Leech Seed/Substitute/Hurricane
    • Espeon, Magic Bounce, Leftovers, Calm Mind/Psyshock/Hidden Power Fighting/Wish
    • Sharpedo, Speed Boost, Life Orb, Aqua Jet/Earthquake/Crunch/Ice Fang
      • such a fun team to use. i love my encore semi-stalls.
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- Hypothetically speaking were you to make a Reborn sequel, what would the story be about?

- If you an Jan were to make a crossover between Reju and Reborn, what would it be about which characters would you want to interact the most?

- Fern is pure comedy gold, how do you write him so well?

Edit: would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?

Edited by Tartar
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You're required to put a scenario where Team Meteor or whatever evil organization is going to drop a netful of Voltorbs/Geodudes/anything that can use Explosion from the sky to destroy some place. What's the best way you can make a character (or a group of characters) stop it?

P:S By stop it I mean stop it in mid air while it's falling down and say 15 seconds or less from exploding. Psychic won't stop them from going boom.

Edited by Noir
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Having successfully survived the killing school life in OTS, you strut towards the exit and shove open the doors with a mighty thrust of your arms. You close your eyes, step forward, and inhale through your nose, expecting a rush of gasoline fumes and cigarette smoke through your nostrils. But instead, the scent is rather stale. You open your eyes and notice that now you're in the abandoned Yureyu building. You look behind you to see if you can return through the door you came in, but it's gone.

Upupupupu! That silly dichromatic bear is at it again. He calls everyone to the ground floor for a special announcement. Four other members file into the room with you, and they're all familiar faces. You, Dan, Ikaru, Kuro, and Inuki stare at the chuckling bear as he explains that a second killing game is about to begin. The rules from the first apply, only this time, you have bracelets with forbidden actions! That's silly, you think. The bracelets aren't even on you yet and there's no way you'd consent to receiving one. You look down and a black and red band is latched around your wrist and you sigh, accepting that things just don't make sense anymore.

Seeing only the best in each other, you all reveal your forbidden actions to each other. You tell them that your forbidden actions restricts you from killing anyone directly (effectively, the only way you can kill someone is to trip their forbidden action). Inuki informs everyone that his forbidden action prevents him from reciting any memes that reached their peak in 2011 or later. Kuro then carefully reveals that xyr forbidden action is to speak a sentence longer than 9 words. Ikaru steps forward with a rare amount of self-confidence and discloses that his forbidden action is to express any self-depricative thoughts. Finally, Dan approaches and informs you all that his forbidden action is to express even the slightest bit of sarcasm. Having all learned each others' forbidden actions, you all agree to search for a way out rather than killing. Except for you. You've been through this once and there's no way in hell you're waiting around here. Episode 16 is just around the corner and the people want more.

You don't have much time to win this, so you decide that you must set off everyone's forbidden actions in a chain reaction rather than individually. You have the choice of killing all 4, or choosing 1 that you would like to leave with you while killing the remaining 3. Explain to me your chain reaction and what you do.

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I gotta follow THAT question up?....damn it, Tacos. That's too good.

Anyway, Kettle.


Suppose you are presented with two evils and you are faced with a choice in which you are unable to make a clear-cut decision using your moral compass. This question has nothing to do with trolleys and amounts of people, making quantity of lives (or anything, rather) a non-factor. Choice A is bad in it's own way, and Choice B is bad in it's own way. You get absolutely nothing for winning.

Which of these responses to the unknown dilemma are you likely to go with?

A - You decide that the decision is a "tragic moral choice" in which you are unable to reconcile yourself either which way, and make a decision between the two based on a factor unrelated to morals at all - knowing you can atone or come to terms with your decision later on.

B - You decide that the appropriate procedure to solving the dilemma is "searching for the greater good" - and you go with what you decide is the "least" bad decision after weighing your options. This allows you to make exceptions and justify your answer with a roundabout moral argument.

C - You deny the dilemma entirely, and refuse to make a decision either way.

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Ikaru steps forward with a rare amount of self-confidence and discloses that his forbidden action is to express any self-depricative thoughts.

shit, just kill me ahead of time

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  • I think we really oughta clear up first if BPD stands for BiPolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder. cuz it's used for both, and they are pretty different.
  • idk dude i can never get my head around java/js but i bet dan would be happy to help you :]

i was talking about borderline personality disorder

unfortunately the student has become the master in this case...

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What do you put on your hot dogs?

What's your favourite kind of jelly?

If you could transform into one animal (and back) what would it be?

Who would you call the snazziest member of the Beatles?

Regular or sweet potato fries?

Candy Land or Parcheesi?

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Any chance of a Reborn sequel happening? Or did you plan for Reborn to just be a single game.

- Hypothetically speaking were you to make a Reborn sequel, what would the story be about?

- If you an Jan were to make a crossover between Reju and Reborn, what would it be about which characters would you want to interact the most?

- Fern is pure comedy gold, how do you write him so well?

Edit: would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?

  • I think a prequel would be more likely, but I'll let some things in E16 speak to that.
  • This is probably a better question for Jan because I am a Bad Friend™ who has only barely played past the first badge in Rejuvenation :s
  • idk how i do anything it just kind of happens
  • A SAFARI! ...i said, never.

You're required to put a scenario where Team Meteor or whatever evil organization is going to drop a netful of Voltorbs/Geodudes/anything that can use Explosion from the sky to destroy some place. What's the best way you can make a character (or a group of characters) stop it?

P:S By stop it I mean stop it in mid air while it's falling down and say 15 seconds or less from exploding. Psychic won't stop them from going boom.

  • Psychic could still throw them upwards back at Team Meteor lol. Or just (anti) gravity for the same effect!

Seeing only the best in each other, you all reveal your forbidden actions to each other. You tell them that your forbidden actions restricts you from killing anyone directly (effectively, the only way you can kill someone is to trip their forbidden action). Inuki informs everyone that his forbidden action prevents him from reciting any memes that reached their peak in 2011 or later. Kuro then carefully reveals that his forbidden action is to speak a sentence longer than 9 words. Ikaru steps forward with a rare amount of self-confidence and discloses that his forbidden action is to express any self-depricative thoughts. Finally, Dan approaches and informs you all that his forbidden action is to express even the slightest bit of sarcasm. Having all learned each others' forbidden actions, you all agree to search for a way out rather than killing. Except for you. You've been through this once and there's no way in hell you're waiting around here. Episode 16 is just around the corner and the people want more.

You don't have much time to win this, so you decide that you must set off everyone's forbidden actions in a chain reaction rather than individually. You have the choice of killing all 4, or choosing 1 that you would like to leave with you while killing the remaining 3. Explain to me your chain reaction and what you do.

I really actually wouldnt kill my friends just to finish E16 ;;;

'sides, being trapped with my friends is hardly a bad thing.

Further, and not that I mean to undermine your premise though, but I think it's a little difficult to create a chain reaction of specific events when literally all all of them have to do to survive is just... not talk at all. So presuming the chain reaction is possible is assuming that there is some sequence of events that could make all of them talk at all if they're resolved not to.

And while I imagine Kuro might deliberately waver for reasons of their own, I'm not going to insult them by supposing they have so little self control.

Suppose you are presented with two evils and you are faced with a choice in which you are unable to make a clear-cut decision using your moral compass. This question has nothing to do with trolleys and amounts of people, making quantity of lives (or anything, rather) a non-factor. Choice A is bad in it's own way, and Choice B is bad in it's own way. You get absolutely nothing for winning.

Which of these responses to the unknown dilemma are you likely to go with?

A - You decide that the decision is a "tragic moral choice" in which you are unable to reconcile yourself either which way, and make a decision between the two based on a factor unrelated to morals at all - knowing you can atone or come to terms with your decision later on.

B - You decide that the appropriate procedure to solving the dilemma is "searching for the greater good" - and you go with what you decide is the "least" bad decision after weighing your options. This allows you to make exceptions and justify your answer with a roundabout moral argument.

C - You deny the dilemma entirely, and refuse to make a decision either way.

  • I don't see a case to not pick B. Although I'm sort of inclined to A, that's just lazy. Some thought needs to go into it. If I'm wrong then I just have to learn to forgive myself later.

What do you put on your hot dogs?

What's your favourite kind of jelly?

If you could transform into one animal (and back) what would it be?

Who would you call the snazziest member of the Beatles?

Regular or sweet potato fries?

Candy Land or Parcheesi?

  • Usually just ketchup. Occasionally garlic or onions though.
  • Raspberry!
  • Golly. Something that can fly is tempting but I'm not a huge fan of birds aside from flight. Playing godly messenger as a fox could be fun. But people might be afraid of me. So maybe just a cat. And then people can pet me. Worth.
  • eehh.. none.. john lennon i guess?
  • Regular
  • I completely forgot Parcheesi existed but I remember liking it as a kid, so let's go with that.

Edit cuz I apparently missed this:

Will this thread ever end?

Thoughts on lemurs?

  • Probably not naturally, but I intend to close it a little bit before E16 beta.
  • They're okay. They were cuter in avatar. Idk i dont have strong feelings about them
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  • Psychic could still throw them upwards back at Team Meteor lol. Or just (anti) gravity for the same effect!

These are Pokemon, not bombs. You can let them explode in the air, but that'll just leave a rain of heavy Pokemon falling down from the sky anyway and that's what I'm trying to avoid -- fullproof scenario. And can the Psychic of a Pokemon not named Mewtwo accomplish lifting that heavy mass falling from the sky at great speeds in time?

Anyways, what's your most valued piece of artwork/writing that you've made yourself?

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Having successfully survived the killing school life in OTS, you strut towards the exit and shove open the doors with a mighty thrust of your arms. You close your eyes, step forward, and inhale through your nose, expecting a rush of gasoline fumes and cigarette smoke through your nostrils. But instead, the scent is rather stale. You open your eyes and notice that now you're in the abandoned Yureyu building. You look behind you to see if you can return through the door you came in, but it's gone.

Upupupupu! That silly dichromatic bear is at it again. He calls everyone to the ground floor for a special announcement. Four other members file into the room with you, and they're all familiar faces. You, Dan, Ikaru, Kuro, and Inuki stare at the chuckling bear as he explains that a second killing game is about to begin. The rules from the first apply, only this time, you have bracelets with forbidden actions! That's silly, you think. The bracelets aren't even on you yet and there's no way you'd consent to receiving one. You look down and a black and red band is latched around your wrist and you sigh, accepting that things just don't make sense anymore.

Seeing only the best in each other, you all reveal your forbidden actions to each other. You tell them that your forbidden actions restricts you from killing anyone directly (effectively, the only way you can kill someone is to trip their forbidden action). Inuki informs everyone that his forbidden action prevents him from reciting any memes that reached their peak in 2011 or later. Kuro then carefully reveals that his forbidden action is to speak a sentence longer than 9 words. Ikaru steps forward with a rare amount of self-confidence and discloses that his forbidden action is to express any self-depricative thoughts. Finally, Dan approaches and informs you all that his forbidden action is to express even the slightest bit of sarcasm. Having all learned each others' forbidden actions, you all agree to search for a way out rather than killing. Except for you. You've been through this once and there's no way in hell you're waiting around here. Episode 16 is just around the corner and the people want more.

You don't have much time to win this, so you decide that you must set off everyone's forbidden actions in a chain reaction rather than individually. You have the choice of killing all 4, or choosing 1 that you would like to leave with you while killing the remaining 3. Explain to me your chain reaction and what you do.

Further, and not that I mean to undermine your premise though, but I think it's a little difficult to create a chain reaction of specific events when literally all all of them have to do to survive is just... not talk at all. So presuming the chain reaction is possible is assuming that there is some sequence of events that could make all of them talk at all if they're resolved not to.

And while I imagine Kuro might deliberately waver for reasons of their own, I'm not going to insult them by supposing they have so little self control.

I'd go out with a bang and say:

"Fuck you tacos I am not a man for fuck's sake"

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I'd go out with a bang and say:

"Fuck you tacos I am not a man for fuck's sake"

At which point I make a joke about myself being a bitch and not a manly man, inuki mocks the extreme side of tumblr with a meme about assuming others' genders, and dan would have lived but he gave Ame shit in the form of a fake complaint about needing to save her from herself.

And so, Ame wins, but Kuro was the one who did all the work. Be like Kuro, everyone.

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- How do you feel your studies of psychology have influenced your behavior and the way you deal with people on- and offline?

- How did you meet and befriend Kurotsune. And on that note how did persuade/blackmail/force/convince Kuro to join the dev-team?

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