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What does the fox say?


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What do you think of the trend in gaming the last 5 years or so of remaster this and remake that?

It's an appeal and homage to nostalgia that has its strong suits but otherwise falls flat when you think about how, instead, these homages would be better used by actually making new games that pay homage to the old ones instead.

If you were going to ask me a question what would it be?

Do you believe in life after love? (after love, after love, after love)

Would you rather go to an aquarium or on a safari?


What is something that is popular that you just don't get all the hubbub about?

Pokémon :>

...To be perfectly frank, anime.

You're writing a story, is the main character male or female or (whatever else)?

The main character will be whatever gender I feel fits the story best. I personally like to write females into typical male roles and males into typical female roles, but I'm just as willing to go with the default too. It depends on what sort of sensations I want to convey to my reader.

What's the character's name?


Why did you pick such a shite name?

Because it's a story about your fucking dumb face.

Are you getting tired of my questions yet?

Nah I'm ok

When and what was the last nightmare you had?

It was a night terror at the start of my current project. I was jolted awake in sleep paralysis and became unable to move. My entire body started shaking viciously and I could hear a familiar female voice speaking gibberish. It was trippy and gave me lots of idea for some horror stories.

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What is the title of your favorite Youtube Vine video?

Who is your favorite Youtuber (if you have one)?

What is your favorite Anime, and which character from it do you like the most?

If you've seen someone play Overwatch, or have played it yourself, what's your favorite character, for play style or personality/lines/voice actor/etc.? (Mine's Reinhardt just saying)

I have no idea what else to ask so: Why is what is who is huh?

(You don't really have to answer that last one XD)

Edited by Scottieboy2020
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Do you like Seth Rogan?

He's okay

What's the newest song you've found that you really like?

What's your biggest pet peeve in regards to coding?

Overcomplicated code. There's a programming-slash-military doctrine that's called KISS - Keep it simple, stupid!

That doctrine is basically to remind you that there's literally nothing you can code that can't be coded in a simple, easy to understand manner. If it can't, you're doing it wrong.

What is the title of your favorite Youtube Vine video?

Who is your favorite Youtuber (if you have one)?

Game grumps

What is your favorite Anime, and which character from it do you like the most?

I don't watch a lot of anime, but the girl from Shiki that looks like Ame and has on-point fashion style

If you've seen someone play Overwatch, or have played it yourself, what's your favorite character, for play style or personality/lines/voice actor/etc.? (Mine's Reinhardt just saying)

Genji is my main bruh

I have no idea what else to ask so: Why is what is who is huh?

Because hamburguers can't melt steel horses.

What does the box say?

Nothing. For 'tis a box, and henceforth uncapable of speech. It must instead ponder its quietly lone existance 'till the day destruction brings to it its sweet release. Alas.

What does the ox say?

Quite a lot, actually. That one's a chatterbox. Ironic, considering as mentioned before boxes don't chatter.

What do you think would be the best thing about being a penguin?

Having a natural tuxedo at all times

@AI response: couldn't we just program them to not rebel?

No - That's the problem with the Singularity. As mentioned, at that point the AI is so advanced that no human on earth can even begin to comprehend its programming. It's not possible to add code to something you don't understand, specially considering you're dealing with a sentient creature that, for all you know, can delete that code as soon as you finish adding it or ignore it altogether during its execution. From the moment an AI becomes more advanced than we can understand, its possibilities are effectively limitless. It becomes a living breathing genius capable of adjusting itself within microseconds to adapt to whatever enviroment you put it in. Think "Darwin" from the X-Men, 'xcept while also being able to infinitely clone itself and seize control of nearly any network system that's connected to the internet.

What will happen when we give you a satisfactory amount of questions?

The world will achieve eternal happiness.

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what kind of wedding theme did you decide on?

Obviously we'll marry on a ship.

Themed around the jinx x lux ship.

And thus both the Kurame and the Linx (patent pending) ships will sail together, onto a glorious sunset.

Anyway since I figure it's about time to let this trend die for now so we can all act surprised when it resurfaces in two or three month's time, I'm locking off this thread, Toodles!

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