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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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Guys, I kind of notice this RP has been dead for a little bit. I know we have a few new people, but I think a lot of us are kind of busy. I mean I'm not always on the RP section, but I check it daily so that I can make sure there's nothing on my side that needs done. I'll probably make a post tomorrow to move things forward or for activity.

But if you're lost, not sure what to do, or need some type of interaction, I'd recommend writing something here to keep track as generally, I'll just get back to work on schooling or work on the fan-game or mod that I'm a part of. I'm not going to be as assertive as I was so...it might be a good idea to leave me something just in case. Anyways, I'll be on tomorrow after work to get a post in.

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Well, most of us in the Male Dorms are waiting for an Update from either Chim or Dobby.

Dobby said on Thursday he wouldn't be here for a week.

And in my last update I said I wanted the 4 of you to interact for a little while and plot something. I haven't seen any progress so far, so I'm waiting on that.

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Oh. I see. Well then, in that case...

[EDIT]: I just realized, but the Ghost haunting the Dorms used Mean Look when making the Yellow Eyes, if i remember the Anime Depiction correctly. However, if that's true, then the Pokemon that used it is neither a Spiritomb nor a Rotom, seeing as their Learnsets don't include Mean Look. However, this logic is all moot for our Characters, seeing as it would be Meta-ing if I let Johnny use the Information.

Edited by K_H
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Oh. I see. Well then, in that case...

[EDIT]: I just realized, but the Ghost haunting the Dorms used Mean Look when making the Yellow Eyes, if i remember the Anime Depiction correctly. However, if that's true, then the Pokemon that used it is neither a Spiritomb nor a Rotom, seeing as their Learnsets don't include Mean Look. However, this logic is all moot for our Characters, seeing as it would be Meta-ing if I let Johnny use the Information.

When did I ever say it's a Rotom or a Spiritomb doing all of it? And why it technically would be meta-ing, you're wrong about the Mean Look.

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Well, in my last post I hinted your presence. I might as well offer you to join the other group, but as I was the last to post and I am also waiting for response from the other trainers, I'm probably better off letting them do so, instead of me.

That would mean: calm Aliah down and make him come near the position of the group (me, SIm and Johnny); is that alright?

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Well, in my last post I hinted your presence. I might as well offer you to join the other group, but as I was the last to post and I am also waiting for response from the other trainers, I'm probably better off letting them do so, instead of me.

That would mean: calm Aliah down and make him come near the position of the group (me, SIm and Johnny); is that alright?

That was my intention yes. Gather all 4 students and let them find a way out.

I'm also waiting on AuthorReborn before I can update that situation and I'll probably find something else for Adeline and Emberly for now. I was waiting until one of them would notice Doux but I guess both Hukuna and Tacos are a bit busy.

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Yes, HEE! He is very very buuuuuuuuuuuusy!!! Which is why he sent me to fill in. After all, I plague Knight am a pretty accomplished writer myself. One could say I have a very explosive style....

Anyway, HEE!!! I'm just not very interested in that scene. Not going to lie. That's why I haven't really posted.

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Yes, HEE! He is very very buuuuuuuuuuuusy!!! Which is why he sent me to fill in. After all, I plague Knight am a pretty accomplished writer myself. One could say I have a very explosive style....

Anyway, HEE!!! I'm just not very interested in that scene. Not going to lie. That's why I haven't really posted.

So basically you're holding back Tacos from posting on purpose instead of trying to get to know other characters or his character? Nor are you willing to say something unless I post that I assume you're busy. To me that sounds like you're not willing to participate until the plot starts and showing no consideration towards the other players.

The only thing so far I've heard from you is refusing to participate because one of the NPCs is putting on an act that annoys you and you judge her after two posts and now this. I'm trying to steer people to do things on their own because of the topic Murdoc made http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17659

Now I know I'm starting slow, but at this point I have no idea what you're expecting of me. If you want I can force everyone to follow the line I drawed out and give no freedom whatsoever.

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Tacos is legitimately busy and hasn't been able to post. ((pretty sure he would have by now. However I can;t speak for him... I'm not him.))

Just cause I'm not particularly interested in that doesn't mean I'm not considering people. Scene is already large enough without me inserting Emberly into it and I don't particularly want to anyway. Those two things lining up just so happens to work out for me. Taco's character and what he does with his character is none of my business. I can't control any of that. He's not held back on my account. He's held back by not having the time I would assume. ((To my knowledge the scene was left hanging on something Emberly said, not the other way around. Therefore I'd need to wait on Tacos for that to resolve before just randomly leaving. Or I could just leave but I don't think Emberly would do that. After all... her roommate just fell through an open window. She wouldn't really be paying attention to a Pokemon floating around off in the distance in my opinion.))

But, if you'd rather force me to participate in something that I don't really want to make bigger than it already is especially with a player who not here at the moment in it since he's not here ((Dobbs.)) FIne I guess. But, this means by your word I'm not allowed to have any freedom and everyone else is, or if I don't comply to that no one else gets it either. That a pretty shitty ultimatum your putting on my head. Which is bullshit and as a host you shouldn't be doing that. Cause that's what you're telling me right now. "Do what I want you to or no one gets to do what they want". How's that any fair to them?

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That's twisting my words. Like I said, so far I've only seen you complain about Samantha and now this. By telling me you aren't interested is still not considering other people. If Tacos is too busy I can't really say anything but hes not the only one who that's involved. ExLink, Dobby (on holiday) and Commander are as well.

I just linked 'I don't like that character and I'm going to avoid her completely' and 'I'm not interested in this scene' together. Especially with the way you wrote it. Because that's all I've heard from you so far.

And I have no idea how you turned that into thinking that I'm not allowing you any freedom. All I said was if people don't want to take initiative and get involved (aka the impression you are giving me right now), I will narrow possibilities down so I don't get burned out like last time by going out of my way to force posts that basically tell others what to do.

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I mean that because you've basically told me that I have to participate in this scene. I'd already decided I don't really want to. I'm not saying I'd entirely avoid it forever... its just I don't really want to add to a scene that's already huge with a character that I know I'm going to react poorly too since I've seen two odd posts and wouldn't know how i could with it it being a horrible mess of bleeeeeeeeeeeeh.

And I'm not twisting your words. I'm going with exactly what you're giving me. Which is that I have no choice and this matter. Setting up intuitive etc... also means I'm allowed to choose NOT to be part of a scene as well. I will choose where I want to get involved and when I want to etc... But right now you're basically choosing for me. If I don't want to be in this particular scene it means I don't want to be in this one. But apparently if I choose not to participate that means I never want to. It's you who twisting my words and trying to make me seem like that bad guy here. I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong. Part of freedom is allowing me to also have the choice to not participate in this particular scene. Saying that I have to be takes away my agency. Apparently, I'm not allowed for Emberly to not really care about some person being loud at the end of the hall. Not everyone would go check that out.

If you want true intuitive and true independence you have to allow us to choose NOT to participate as well. But I'm apparently not allowed this option in this instant. This is what you are telling me. And because I don't want to and I've decided to stay out of the scene you are saying that I'm being uncooperative and that I don't want to participate. I want to in the RP, but I should be allowed to choose to do it in my way and not be forced into things which is what you're doing right now and your're trying to make me look like I'm the one in the wrong. Nobody is wrong here... stop trying to make it look like I'm doing something bad or incorrect. I'm not, I've just chosen to not participate in this scene because A. I don't really see a way that makes sense or that I'd feel comfortable with B. it's already too big and I'd rather not add more chaos directly to it, and C. It's my choice. I can do my own things elsewhere as well or come in after there's another development. I don't have to insert myself now.

So, do I really have freedom Chim if I'm not allowed to take my own intuitive and not be in a scene?

TL:DR If I don't have the choice to not participate in a scene then I have no choice. Therefore your intuitive and your freedom in this RP are both entirely illusions and it has neither of them. I don't want to be in this scene as I see zero good way to interact in it without adding a bunch of white noise etc that literally doesn't matter. Unless I have a hook that I want to pursue or a reason to get involved in that scene I will be waiting for Tacos to post after mine. ((Since I'm hanging there.)). If I have a reason to put Emberly in that other scene I would, but I have no real reason to do so right now. If you want people to truly take intuitive Chim you can't just force them into scenes. That's not them taking it, that's you taking it for them. That's what you're trying to do to me right now or at least how I see it at the moment. And sorry if it's annoying but you need to allow me to have the freedom to that if I want to. If I had a reason that I could see to get involved other than you wanting me too ((which is not a character reason, Emberly in my mind has no reason to care about that scene going on. I'm not about to force my character into a random scene for no reason.))

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I'm probably going to have to side with Hu...Plague Knight here. Part of the reason I was hesitant was because of how chaotic it could get. I mean the only reason I wanted to participate is so that Citrine and Claude could meet. Literally, I pretty much had zero clue what to do after that. I'll get to a post, but it's going to take me a little bit as I actually am doing something irl for once but I don't really know what it will be. Seriously, Citrine really does cause brain damage playing as.

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I left the ending of my post fairly vague since I don't really know what Sim would find in the dorms. I'll probably wait for an update before I post again. Sorry for being very resistant to making Sim do anything not strictly guided, I don't really want to screw anything up since my experience in these things are limited at best.

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Sorry about the delay. I feel bad for not saying anything after not posting for so long. I'm overwhelming myself with so many things and free time has been few and far between for me recently.

While I may be a bit late to the conversation, I'm in agreement with Hukuna. He was in no way keeping me from posting as my schedule was the main contributor to that. Additionally, I think it's more important for him to go by how his character would truly react to the situation. If Drake doesn't want to be involved in the shenanigans, then I don't think she should have to. She just won't develop any new friends or adversaries just yet. I'd like to think I know Hukuna well, and he's definitely not the type of guy to just avoid any interaction thrown at him, but I think he's within his own right to ignore this one if he feels like it. It's not a life-or-death situation like what is happening at the boys dorm (I honestly haven't been paying too much attention to it just to avoid any potential metagaming on my behalf), and there are already a significant amount of people taking part in this interaction already, even excluding Adeline, so its nothing that makes it so his character would have to be involved despite her will.

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Well, I probably was unclear in my last post: I actually asked Johnny something but it seems like I left that area without giving him a chance to reply... I didn't express that properly: I still wanted to interact with the other trainer before leaving, but I wanted that to be just a quick conversation, so Lucas is basically ready to proceed and is already past the other trainers, looking back for a response.

Staying in the same place for a longer time is not a part of my plan because Lucas had to follow Johnny's instructions/suggestions and keep looking for other people in the dorms without wasting time; and Johnny was already helping Aliah out.

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You are actually right; which means my previous post here is totally useless now. I have edited the old post accordingly; consider me near Aliah and Johnny now.

Also, thanks for pointing that out.

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