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Task Force Buster 3 a Nanoha-verse RP[OOC]


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well its up to you Lexi.

on another note i will send a message to yamiju and see whats up there. (he was on really early today so he most likely has seen the post so hopefully he's just been busy)

edit: he's fine.

Edited by rustytengo
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Should we use the Crash Emulate System at all? I mean, this isn't a DSAA event. It's still military training. Plus, the only mock battle we've seen in the franchise that used Crash Emulate was the large one in Vivid and that was mainly because it was purely for fun.

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Yes but the mock battle in ViVid was the only one with a high number of CQC users. The idea of magic in the Nanohaverse is that it doesn't cause permanent damage; Even Teana in StrikerS walked away relatively unscratched a while after being hit by Nanoha's Educational Bombardment . However, both of our characters are using bladed weapons; if we don't mitigate the damage with Crash Emulate we might end up killing each other during a Mock Battle, and that isn't exactly a very desirable outcome for the TSAB. Crash emulate is meant to simulate battle conditions while cutting the physical damage.

Oh, and when I say crash emulate I'm referring more to the whole broken leg broken arm damaged nerve system thing than the points.

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yep Acqui is correct hence why Chrono said you shouldn't hold back(also points out if you had any questions about the field you could ask Yuuno) i assumed that the TSAB would use something at least similar to the Crash Emulator for training. similar how in real life our military's don't use live ammunition(well at least not without a lot of safety measures in play.)

i will say this the battle field is destructible since it runs on a similar concept as the Crash Emulator.

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Katsup mostly just wishes he was with Shou, since he prefers to be an offensive support rather than a burst damage source in a team battle

But hey, at least he's sort of learning to work with Dave

totally didn't plan that at all nope nope.hehehehe

Honestly making the teams balanced was not easy at least not with the information that i had. hence why there not permanent. This mock battle serves a purpose both in the RP and out of it.

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so i'm guessing everyone is done and ready to get the battle started? if so i will get that post up sometime over the weekend(maybe...there is going to be some distraction for me in the form of Fire Emblem so it may take a little longer.)

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Imma give Yamiju a chance to reply before I make my post (cuz I'm ready and steady to write at all times) ~ You know, just to see what Jin intends to do 'bout that beam comin' at him from my favouritest team-bud, Jerkface ~

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