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Rejuvenation Version 6 Discussion Thread [SPOILERS]


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You have been warned...

Anyway this thread had to come to be at some point.

Go ahead, discuss here. I would approve the use of spoiler tabs in here, but they aren't needed for the title of this thread should be enough.

Man was this entire thing a roller coaster. K, so I'm about to fight the gym leader, but before I do lemme say some things about this version. This being the end of Act one is astonishing. The sheer magnitude of this version alone is enough to make all previous updates so far cry. We got redone maps, more story, more pokemon and sooooo much fun and enjoyment. So let's start from the beginning of this version shall we? You have been warned.

So it starts off real simple. You just need a way to get Magma Drift and so you follow your great friend (I say friend loosely as battling her is a bitch) Aelita. Unfortunately though, as you return to Sheridan with Aelita to find a Magma Stone, you hear there is a new sensei in town and he likes to fucking party. Although he is a huge asshole... I hope we see more of him tbh. Anyway Amaria also shows up again. Yay. So you break into Caratos mountain like a boss and find the place is corroded. You explore it further and find... MAIDS?!? It turns out they wish to save Angie. That's no good. Luckily you find a big ass door that only they can get through. Cool. Plot device door OP. So you get the Eldest help and open said big ass door with the help of a random Xen grunt. Inside however is... Not what you might have been expecting... Anyway you come out on top like a badass and get your stone... And then an ultimatum arises... If Reborn has taught me anything, it's not to negotiate with terrorists, so I said, "No bitch!" And kept that stone. I friggin earned it. Of course she gets half of it and runs, but hey, we still have a stone.

You get Magma Drift and go into Valor Mountain. All seems normal except for the Jan cameo. I know it's Jan too, don't kid yourself. Anyway, we climb this mountain while trying to save Amber at the same time ye? Well we get walled hard. A huge ass wall is here damn. But then Saki being the best character in the game that she is, busts that shit down. Awww ye. Fuck yo wall. Anyway we also find Rens sister in there... Weird. Anyway as you keep climbing you meet Eli and Sharton and then guess what. You fight them. And even though she stands right next to you, VENAM IGNORES YOU. Thanks a lot girl. Afterwards Shardon is just like, "lol3edgy5me" Then Crescent is like, "kys emo." Then Sharpon is all like, "OH NOES I DIDN MEAN IT." You argue with this weird psychic only for Saki, being the best character in the game she is, to pop up again with Sharkon. Eli is super happy and actually calls her Sharon. How sweet. Crescent says some harsh as hell things and then teleports Saki and frens. You continue your climb and find Melia. She has a plan too. Too bad that plan flops. It flops hard too.

So you fight another fucking boss, not too difficult though. However, this is where the version took a turn. One that I was not expecting it to. Jenner tries to save our friend Nim but is caught and is about to get Fukt. You rush to his aid but... This had a very obvious end to it... Anyway if you are playing Intense Mode, this is where you encounter a nearly impossible battle. Fuck this was hard. Geara and Zetta. Bitches the two of them. You come out on top of course. Melia is about to save Nim and... Wait. Geara has her fall anyway... This is where shit gets real. We like to believe if we win, that's just it, we win the battle and you can't do anything... but no. Geara and Zetta take it by force. They take Melia from you and shove you. Right into the mountain. You hear Melia screaming for help as you fall. You can't get to her though. It's all over for her, for you, for Venam, for everyone right... wrong. Suddenly you're in another realm. As you walk by, you see things. A passed out Venam and Aelita, a Jenner and Nim swimming in lava... and your dead mother. Crescent sits at the end of the hall and gives you another shot at it. Suddenly you're back at the mountains peak. Time is frozen. It seems like you're moving faster. You move to the point of your death and...

You're back. Crescent comes in and saves the day. She tells Madame X to fuck off too. You wind up back at Terajuma Shore... Melia seems to wish it could all go back to normal. You then head back to Teila and Amber wants to party. When the room empties, Crescent tells you something. Your friends care more about themselves than you. And they will betray you. This is a scary thing to think about. Your friends wouldn't ever betray you... Would they? You then go to fight Amber...

I'll leave it at this for now. The gym is something to be discussed here. However... If there is a preview, I haven't gotten to it yet. So I'll edit that in here if there is one. This version was magnificent and grand. Just wow.

Jan, you outdid yourself man. I want to thank you for this. Keep it up man. You blew my expectations out of the water.

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I agree. This was by FAR the most interesting and well thought out version so far.

The gym fight was alright, the AI isn't the smartest, Amber's Ninetails kept spamming Nasty Plot and only attacked once, by that time I double attacked one Pokémon and made work of her.

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if anyone started a new game and chose the random machine, did you get any mon other than the 18 starters? amaria mentioned there was an extra surprise mon(s) if we chose it so just wondering :P

Edited by bloo123
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So Ambers gym is pretty hype. Just partying and having fun with everyone else in there is a blast. Not sure if this will be the same for Amber who I'm about to fight. I'll edit this post with my thoughts on her.

Ok so Amber wasn't hard. At all. Noivern set up one tailwind, Delphox set up light screen, Jellicent set up Rain Dance and then Jellicent and Greninja Spammed Surf to victory. One of the easiest gyms of hardcore yet, and I'm glad seeing as this version had some tough as hell battles.

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The machine will very rarely give out a Pokemon that isn't a starter. I think there are 3(?) different Pokemon that come out of there. And...they're no joke.

Edit: And yes Pyrrhon, there's a bit of a cut scene. All you have to do is leave Amber's gym to activate it. And oh, it is NOT something you want to miss.

Edited by superiorserperior
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In reborn style mode you can onl get helioptile in casino just like in casual mode right?

No event Pokemon are changed in any modes. The Casino prizes are still the same from Version 5, so Seel, Espurr, and Helioptile.

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That preview for the next episode is neat... Chapter, page, idk whatever you call it. Also... Crescent is seeming like more of a villain to me rather than some angelic figure who's a savior.

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I found out which are the extra two starter Pokemon. And let me just tell you, they are EXTREMELY useful. There's only two of them, though. I will tell you that they would not have helped me in my Monotype, but that's all~.

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I can't help but think I've come across a bug, but I'm looking to get some feedback before reporting it. In Valor Mountain, after defeating the scientist guarding the large crystal, the mountain becomes angered and the terrain changes accordingly. However, because I did not Magma Drift back to the entrance to that room and instead left, am I stuck? Or is there perhaps a path I've not yet taken?

Edit: Welp, smashing stalagmites fixes problems.

Edited by Arkhidon
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I'm doing the Gearen City sidequest where I have to find Rosa, and I just finished the Violet apartment bit and talked to the girl out front. I can't find her anywhere in the Pier, however. Anyone know?

EDIT: Had to talk to the girl that initiated the quest first, NVM.

Edited by BIGJRA
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where is ditto jirachi anyone going to give hints here

when does library quest end

also do we have a topic for rock climb areas yet

The house in there fennekin was.

Go leff side and find there.

So find it in route 3 and you can get easily follow ditto where it's goes.

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