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YuGiOh RP Episode 3 After School Topic [IC]


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((getting the title mixed up earlier actually saved me two seconds typing it out again. Which I promptly wasted typing this MOVING ON!))

The final bell of the schoolday rang once more, faithful in its duties of alerting the school populace of the end of the day, signalling the release of the students to go about as they wished.


The man opened the door to the basement, a creak spread throughout the dark, musty room. "Right then Miss Monika, it's time for you to get going" he said, holding Monikas phone, stolen from the backpack, in his hand.


Setsunas phone began to chirp. A call? She probably ought to answer it...

((Everyone is free to do as they wish as per usual. However for X amount of reasons there was next to no discussion in the At school topic. Therefore there won't be any hints you can use from the others... It's a shame. You almost saved someone.))

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Just getting back from a doctor's appointment, Gawyn took his usual seat in the Bootleg. He wasn't quite a regular there, but sometimes he went in just to clear his head and today that was something he felt the need to do. After talking to a few students the day before at the museum, he had gotten a terrible headache and had to call in sick for work. There was nothing really wrong, according to the doctor, so he figured he might order some tea and ask Jack if he knew anything about the recent events. Taking out his deck, he began to shuffle and waited for someone to notice him.

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(Beach group, heading to beach)

Rene could hardly believe the school day was over already. It just seemed like time was flying faster than ever...or maybe he didn't care all so much about school to the point he only wanted to get back to searching. Yesterday's events were still buzzing around most of the group that went to the beach, however Rene wanted to make sure nothing went unnoticed. He would start at the beach, but if it were still restricted he would look elsewhere for information. Before he left the classroom, he said to the rest of the beach group, "I don't know if anyone's up for just checking the beach once more, but I'm going to scope things out there once more. If it's still under lockdown, then I propose we go elsewhere like the park or the pier."

That said, Rene left the classroom and the school. He started to make his way for the school bus stop like he did yesterday and wait for the bus. If anyone had anything to say to him, they better do so soon.

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Setsuna (phone call)

Monika's hope was that she could get out of that situation alone - she was in danger and she couldn't avoid it now, but at least her friends could be safe. But, she realized soon that her hope was not possible in reality and was just something utopic. She was therefore forced to get Setsuna involved in something very unsafe.

"Can you hear me...?" asked Monika after beginning the call. "It's me, Monika, and... I have been abducted... and I am a bait for you. So be careful if you decide to come." she said, then tried to look outside from that small window, and described what she could see to Setsuna, hoping that this way she'd guess where Monika was being kept.

If there are any issues just tell me; I'm trying to go a bit faster than before with these posts...

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[[Monika]] (phone call)

Setsuna's phone was playing a familiar tune as she waked out of the classroom. She picked it up and noticed the contact who was calling. As soon as she opened it, she heard the voice of her friend on the other side. At first, she was relieved to hear her friend's voice. However, all of that relief washed away in an instant when she heard the word abducted. She ran straight to the outer garden while Monika mentioned that she was likely being used as bait. As soon as she got to the garden, she immediately started taking notes.

She simply asked a bunch of questions about locations and landmarks--things like the size of the window, the general location of the sun in the sky, landmarks in the area, how close they were to a crosswalk, and so forth. She needed to get as much information as possible if she wanted to go after Monika. Even if Monika was being used as bait, going to the police would slow things down in a situation like this where time was of the essence.

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Red sighed. Class had been boring as usual and talking at lunch really hadn't gotten Red closer to any answers. After been almost mowed down by a student running towards the courtyard, Red reached her locker and packed up for day. Now the true question began. Where the heck did Red go next? She was basically back to square one since Luna disappeared and Klive had mentioned he had other work to do after school. As Red started walking down the street, she thought about what would be her best course of action.

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((Monika wasn't supposed to be the one to start the phone call but I didn't realise Cyaloom had snuck a post in and Hiss had already responded. Don't change your posts but Cyaloom, try to read behind the lines next time instead of immediately posting like that. I thought it was implied that Setsuna would answer her phone first and that the man naturally wouldn't just hand the phone to Monika))

The man in black took back the phone from Monika before she could give Monika any more information. He was mildly annoyed with the girl for going overboard and telling her friend of her new-found status as bait but it didn't matter too much. Any fool would be able to quickly piece together what he was planning. "Good afternoon. My name is Dorian. To you and your friend at least. I believe you and your friends have something I would like. So please meet me at the alleyway next to the address I will be sending you momentarily. I suggest you come if you wish to see your quiet little friend well again." and with that Dorian ended the conversation, hanging up and then messaging to Setsuna the address of the house he would be watching from. Then, without a word, Monika found another moist rag over her face and the murky darkness of the basement melded into the complete darkness of sleep.

[[only Setsuna has the address. Do with it what you will but I suggest sharing the information sparingly. Bad guys always seem to have a contingency plan to deal with the authorities...]]

((I'll address others in a proper recap post later, this was just a post for damage control))

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[Roy - Heading to the ally behind the school]

He honestly didn't think there'd be much left at the beach after the police incident so he decided not to go. Instead following what little lead he could possibly muster up in his mind he headed towards the back ally. Maybe by some luck he might find something that'll lead him in the right direction, maybe even something more then that. But he didn't get his hopes up since what would be there was probably gone after two days had past since his encounter with the man there.

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As soon the bell rang, he rushed out to the outside of the school. He send Robert a text saying "Meet me at the pub. We talk." After that, he whipped out his skateboard. He put on his helmet and zoomed. While he was skating to the pub, he thought about Lane "Why he wasn't at school, more importantly, what was that vision about?"

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Robert read the text from Dean as he walked out of the school, feeling hopeful for today as he read it. Once getting out, he grabbed his bike and rode his way to the pub to meet up with Dean.

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As Red walked down the street, a flash of color caught her sight. As she turned towards a window, Red could see a poster for a new museum exhibit. The same exhibit that Anna had wanted the kids to take a look at..... "Why would an alien want her students to see an exhibit?" Red thought for a moment, then started walking to towards the museum. If Anna wasn't going to give much information, the Red was going to have to atleast start following her clues.....

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Setsuna looked at the address for a bit. There were a number of things she found weird about that conversation. For one, the man seemed to be implying that she and some friends seemed to have something he was after. However, she had no clue what he was talking about. At the same time, it was so obvious to her that this was likely some sort of trap. In other words, going in alone would be suicide. She had no clue whether the man was acting alone. In other words, she needed some form of backup. Calling the police would likely slow things down or complicate the situation. The man already abducted someone so he probably have some sort of contingency plan in case the authorities came in. So, she needed to have one or two people come with her when she made her way to the address.

She locked up the outer garden's entrances and made her way to the entrance of the school to find Gen. Perfect.

"Hey, Gen. I need you to stay calm and listen to everything I'm about to tell you." She disclosed every bit of information she had learned about the abduction to him as well as her own deductions and confusions. "Basically, I need someone in the background to keep a close eye in order to help prevent things from going awry."

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Charlotte hadnt done much the last few days, Instead staying in class to finish something else instead of going looking for clues surrounding the recent happenings. She left the school as soon as she could before walking down the street,she hadnt been able to go to the museum like she had planned a few days earlier but hopefully today she'd get there before it closed. Once she reached the bus stop.she sat down at the seat to wait for her bus,hopefully it wouldnt take so long....

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Dean (Important action-Pub)

When Dean arrived to the bootleg, he thought "Now where is that son of a baseball outfielder? I have some questions for you~." He proceeded to get off of his skateboard and being to look for the bouncer.

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"It's obvious that it's a trap." Setsuna replied. "However, regardless, I do need to be there in order for him to bring Monika out. In other words, I'll be the bait. You find a distance that's close enough that you can keep watch and intervene in time while at the same time far enough that he won't notice. That's our plan here. Do you think you can do that?"

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[Roy - Important Action\Arriving at the Ally]

It didn't take him much time if any to get since it was literally right by the school. A little doubtful he'd find anything, he began searching around the area to see if there was even a sliver of a trail to go on. Though if the other two from the time they were first here came back they'd probably have taken them already. Monika had been mysteriously gone for the past two days and he had no idea where Paul was. Zander was with him at the beach yesterday so couldn't know much more then him about the two or anything in this ally after the meting with that samurai dude. Either way he wasn't going to follow a dead trail. If he couldn't find anything here he'd just look around a bit until he gets another lead.

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Setsuna got off a bus at a location near the given address. It was a fairly run down area on the outskirts of town. The appearance was so cliche that it almost hurt. Still, it definitely looked like the type of place where a kidnapper would hide.

"I think here should be fine. Stay around here and focus on not being seen by this guy. However, if things start to spiral out of control, make sure to step in." She said to Gen.

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Tonight the pub was busy and it took Jack a quite a while to get to Gawyn. "Sorry to keep you mate, what'll can I get for you? First drinks on me"


The scene was bereft of most clues, most but not all. Roys thorough search uncovered on clue, a card. He found the card for Swift Scarecrow lying on the floor of the alleyway but what could it mean?

Hiss, Vince & Cyaloom

As Setsuna entered the alleyway, Dorian peered over the edge of the adjacent building. He spotted another boy outside of the alleyway, waiting apparently. That was fine. Dorian grabbed the unconscious Monika and took a hold of the rope he had fastened, hopping over the edge of the building and abseiling down from his now useless hiding spot. After landing he placed Monika on the floor, not worried about her escape as she was bound with more rope. He turned to face Setsuna after readjusting his clothing and broad-brimmed black hat. "Good afternoon"


The bouncer eyed the kid approaching warily, probably another kid hoping to get some booze. "You're free to enter but don't expect to be served alcohol. Are we clear?"

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{Roy - Important Action\Going to a local card shop}

"So, I guess there is one thing here. Though I have no idea what this card means." Roy mumbled to himself. Maybe someone around town knows more about his card. The logical place to start looking would be either some ally man that knows stuff about the streets or someone who knows about cards like these. Not wanting to get caught up in some situation with back ally kids he decided to look up a local card shop in the city. After he got the nearest one's location he got on his skateboard and headed off. He might've told someone though none of them has proven that they're trust worthy in his eyes. Especially after that beach incident. So headed towards the shop alone wanting to deal with as little people as possible.

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[[important Action]]

The kidnapper, his entrance, his demeanor--everything about him screamed 'typical villain'. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a hostage at stake, Setsuna would probably be laughing. She tightened her grip on her bag.

"Good afternoon to you, too. Seeing as we have my friend sitting there as a hostage, I would prefer to get to the point of this as quickly as possible. What is your demand? I doubt a kidnapper would actually take the care to meet someone for a hostage exchange unless he had a demand."

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As Red approached the steps of the museum, she wondered about the story that Anne wanted the class to hear so badly. Flashbacks of the scene gave Red chills as she remembers being embarrassed in front of her classmates. Red quickly made her way inside and looked for the exhibit that Anna had mentioned.

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