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YuGiOh RP Episode 3 After School Topic [IC]


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{Important Action}

When he saw the bouncer approaching him, it like angel fell out of the sky and landed in front of a handsome man. When he stood upon and spoke. Dean responded back "Remember me, Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator? I have some questions for you."

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(Important Action - Arrive at the Beach)

It would be a long trip from the school bus stop towards the beach today as Rene boarded the bus. Rene was alone as no one seemed to be going to the beach once again. Yesterday's events might have shaken the group up to the point where no one wanted to go today. Regardless, Rene wanted to see the aftermath of yesterday and wondered what had happened at the beach that necessitated the police presence. All Rene wanted to do this time was observe and if he was lucky, maybe look around the beach from afar.

Rene remained in thought throughout the entire bus ride to the beach. He could still not clear his mind of the officer that pulled him off the motorcycle. It was a very dangerous move on the officer's part as someone could have gotten hurt. Luckily, no one one was, but the motorcycle however was a different story. It had been smashed after crashing and looked like it needed lots of repairs. Regardless, the memory of that moment shook Rene to the point that he would not try to do something like that again. if he was unable to search the beach, he would begin to look elsewhere for clues. After all, he had not forgotten why he's even doing this...

About twenty more minutes pass by and the bus pulls up to its stop near the beach. Rene thought to himself as he walked off the bus, 'Better stay vigilant and not do anything stupid today.'

Rene paid his fare and looked on to see what was at the beach.

Edited by tails12
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(Important Action)


After the ride from school, Robert finally made it to the bar which Dean had said they were going to check out. Sure enough, he was there, talking to someone out front. Once he stopped in the bike, he walked over to where Dean was, waiting back to get any idea about the current conversation in front of him.

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"Nice to know you'e watched at least one crime drama in the past ten years." Dorian drawled, a sarcastic tone contrasting his serious expression. "Yes, I have a demand, I want everything your Numbers. I know you have one, or know someone who does. It wasn't hard to figure out. In exchange, you get your friend back. Simple, isn't it?"


Adam gave a puzzled look to the boy. "Either you're mistaken or I wish you're mistaken because I don't remember you at all kid." The bouncers expression became thoughtful as he tried to think back past the last couple of days as to where the boy might have been. He really couldn't remember anything...


The beach was much less populated though there were still several policemen surrounding what looked like the crime scene from before. This time however there was no crowd and instead there was only one onlooker. Rene would have recognised him as Charles.


soon enough Red found the exhibit. It was full of various artefacts and paintings that looked to have japanese origin to the trained eye. There was one particularly large painting. It vividly portrayed two figures, a man and a woman. smiling and happy as they held each other, bright colours and patterns surrounded them in their happiness. Directly next to this painting was another, far darker image. A hole had opened up below the two in this image and it looked as though the woman was being torn away by thousands of grasping hand. The man was frozen in his effort to keep her with him but it was clear the woman would be torn away from him soon, no matter what he did.

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{Important Action - Arrive at the card store}

It Roy a little while to reach the Card Shop but not too long. Once there he proceeded to open the door and walk inside hoping that there would be someone there who knew a thing or two about this card. 'Swift Scarecrow,' Roy thought to himself as he entered, 'could this really mean anything or am I just chasing something that means nothing in the long run.'

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Important action

As Red looked at the picture, she could somewhat hear the fortune teller retell the story. Which puzzled her, while the woman as taken from the man in story, Red seemed to remember that the woman died during child birth. Why is this women being dragged by hands? Red glanced her head around to see if a tour guide was around to answer her question.

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{Important Action}

Gawyn set his cards in a stack as Jack approached and took his order. "Just the usual. Tea with honey, thanks." he said, while turning over the top card. Noble Knight Medraut. Medraut ultimately killed King Artorigus after betraying him and left the kingdom in ruins. He hoped that this didn't mean anything for his information gathering. "Although, I'm here for a different reason today. Have you heard anything recently about the late professor Tenjo or ancient Egypt?" he asked. "Or maybe about strange cards going around?"

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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[[important Action]]

The fact that he even had enough time to be sarcastic...Setsuna realized that this man had complete control over the situation. There was no point in lying. She was definitely not a good liar so lying would more likely make the situation worse. In other words, she needed to somehow gain control of the situation while keeping up an illusion that Dorian was in control.

"I'm curious how you came to that conclusion. I don't exactly have some sort of public life so unless you were spying on high school kids" She shuddered at the thought of having some sort of stalker. That being said, I can pretty much conclude the same thing about you thanks to your words. You either have a Numbers Card or someone you know has one

"Sadly for you, I don't have what you're looking for. You can even search my belongings if you want but you won't find what you're looking for." If lying would not work, that meant the best thing to do was to dole out the truth in small doses. She needed to make sure to somehow maintain the illusion that talking to her still held value to him and that there was no need to take drastic actions.

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{Important Action}

Dean responded "I was chasing you 2 days ago and for the love the god, just tell me what happened 2 days ago!" After he finished speaking, he noticed Robert walking toward him, he spoke "Wait inside if this guy here allows you. I'm in middle of a conversation, I will tell you the whole story inside."

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(Important Action)


Robert looked confusedly at the bouncer, unsure about the conversation he was hearing. 'This was the lead that Dean was talking about, right? I mean, he seems pretty confident about it himself, but the bouncer seems... A lot less confident about it.' It was then that heard Dean's own directions about just heading in and letting him handle it. While that would defidently be the easy way out, Robert didn't want to just wait on him and just get relayed the information, if the bouncer was even going to share information from how he was talking.

"Just a second Dean." He turned his attention to the bouncer, seeing if he even could get anything first. "Sir, are you sure you don't remember him being here? He did see pretty confident when he was talking about you, so if you did remember anything about that then I'm sure it'd be helpful to us."

Edited by TurboAura
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