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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 2: When the Kids are United [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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OOC topic here.

"Ah, the masked lady is here. What do they call her? Ice Queen or something, if memory serves right... I wonder if she could make me an ice cream with her powers. I like ice creams, but nobody ever offers me any. I wonder why nobody ever offers me ice creams? Not even that archeologist who tried to kidnap me offered me an ice cream: what kind of pedophile tries to bait a girl without offering her an ice cream, or at least some candies? Don't they teach them anything at the school for pedophiles? Oh, but pedophiles are bad people, so they probably don't go to school, dad said bad people don't go to school... I wonder why only bad people get the convenient stereotypes? I want to skip school too..."

The masked girl couldn't help but listen, with a slightly light-headed feeling, as the kid kept on rambling. She just failed to understand it: how did the kid do it? How did she carry on entire conversations without ever talking directly to the other person? How could she be content with those endless, senseless monologues? And how could a kid like that have such a refined vocabulary? The Ice Queen was an urban legend and a remorseless murderer, and even her couldn't help but be creeped out by that behaviour...

"Why did you return? I thought I had told you I don't like it when people trespass in my territory. You are a kid, so I won't hurt you, but I don't want you around: please hurry home, your dad is probably worried..."

"The Ice Queen always says that she won't attack me because I am a kid."

Replied the little girl, in her usual, bizarre way

"Does that mean I am free to come here as long as I am a kid? Oh, but maybe I should make sure I don't grow up then, or she might be mad at me... I wonder if she is just being stubborn? Maybe she is grumpy because nobody offored her an ice cream? Oh, but she is the Ice Queen, so she should be able to make her own ice cream... But then why won't she offer me any? Nobody ever offers me any ice cream..."


The Ice Queen decided to ignore the kid. As she gazed into the vast ocean, she felt nostalgic all of a sudden: she was so close, and yet so far away...

Title Theme: Tiny Bells

Episode 2: When the Kids are United

It was another beautiful day in Heartland. In class 2-2 of Heartland High School, homeroom was about to end.

Lesson Theme: Rosenqueen co.

"And I think this is all for today's lecture..."

Said Anna.

"Oh, since we have a few minutes left, there is something I have been meaning to ask you guys: have you been to the museum lately? They are having a very interesting exhibit about Ancient Egypt there, I think it would be good for all of you to broad your horizons... I was there the other day, and I couldn't help but to notice something: a lot of legends and traditions from that period mention the power of Isis, a goddess that is involved in what is probably the most famous myth of that era: the myth of how Isis' husband, Osiris, was killed and went to the underworld, and she decended there looking for him... You know why I found it to be interesting? Because we have a very similar myth in Japan: we too believe that a god and a goddess were married and then one died and went to the underworld, but in our mythology it was the goddess who died, and the god who went to the underworld looking for her! Isn't it an intriguing coincidence?"

Anna looks at the hour and smiles mischievously

"It seems we still have five minutes... Enough for a pop quiz! Who can tell me what myth I was just talking about? Any volunteers?"

She looks at the students, like a tigress picking its prey...

"... Miss Plains?"


Usual rules apply. As the title suggests, this is the episode in which our heroes will come together and form a full-fledged investigation team, so you guys are fully expected to interact, cooperate, and share your findings from the earlier topics!

This topic will exceptionally last twoo weeks, because the 25th of april is an italian national holyday and I will therefore have to go back to my hometown, so yeah, I thought it would be wiser to have this topic last two weeks, later than start the "After School" topic only to be forced to put it on hold almost immediately...

Keep in mind that some people have not posted anything in the last "After School" topic: if those people also fail to post anything in this topic, they will be kicked out of the RP as soon as this topic ends.

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Red sunked in her seat once she heard her name...

To herself

"What the hell, she asked for voleenters and i didn't EVEN RAISE MY HAND!...I'm begging to really dislike this gal...She's been picking me out all period... what the heck did i do to her??"

Red finally sits back up right and glares at the teacher with a frown on her face...

To herself

And why the heck is she asking about the same story from the fortune teller...."

"Um...i'm not really a history buff, Miss Anna. But,....... could it possibly be about... Izan.....agi, excuss me and my pronunciation... and the goddess Iz....an..a....mi??? I'm not sure...if the story really has a name....to it.....Those two maybe have a similar story and alot of death? I don't know maybe you should ask somebody else..."

After Red responded, she tried to duck her head behind a student.

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Anna couldn't help but chuckle.

"My oh my, miss Plains, you really need to be more confident when giving your answers! But yes, you are correct: it's the myth of Izanami and Izanagi! Those two are said to have created Japan, but one day Izanami died when giving birth to..."


The bell interrupts the speech...

"Too bad, it's seems lunch break is here. Well, we will continue discussing this another time, everyone please enjoy your meals!"


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The moment the bell rang, Red dashed out of the classroom with her stuff like a bullet. Which was pretty impressive considering she wasn't known for running. She sprinted down the hall, turned to the lunch doors, and slid into a lunch table...which resulted in Red's side getting sore..

"Shhhh, owww..That hurt!"

Red struggled to sit down, but finally settled down into her seat and started setting out her lunch.

To herself:

"Sigh, the class seemed like it was gonna last for ever. " Red sadly looks down at her food. "Ms. Anna needs to layoff on me, its one thing to ask questions at me all day, but its another to laugh at me..."

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Well, seeing as that was one of our own cultures legends, it wasn't that hard to answer... And how is the tale of Isis and Osiris the most famous myth? I much prefer tales involving Ra and his struggle against Apophis, manifestation of the god of Chaos. Much grander. I should probably stop quibblng with a comment in my mind though. Klive looked around the class for the people from yesterday. Investigation comes first.

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Zander's head was still on last night. He needed to talk to Anna about this before he decided to chase this rumor more. Zander, curiosity squashing is bravado, walked slowly up to Anna's desk with his head hung. It took him a moment before he spoke. "Um, excuse me. Can I ask you a question about something that occurred to me last night?"

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[To Klive]

Like usual, Luna wasn't paying attention in class. When the bell rang, she looked around to find Lane to tell him a bit of news when he noticed someone looking around the room quite suspiciously to say. "Hey you!" she yelled behind his back "Whatcha looking around the room like that for. If you ask me, you got something to hide. Spill the beans before I make you spill them." Luna was still under the impression she was an inspector like yesterday. Even though she may not have gotten anything from the professor, maybe some other students found something out.

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Antex (to himself)

"Egypt huh? I thought I overheard someone in class talking about that while I was wandering around yesterday. Could it have something to do with what happened? I better ask someone about it later."

Antex gets up, and leaves to go eat.

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Klive was used to being addressed as You. It was everyone's fall back when they needed to address xem but didn't know their name. It did get on Klives nerves though. "I'm afraid your beans are already spilt if you intend on using a cliched expression to get someone to discuss their own, private, business." Klive berated the girl wit a frown and a furrowed brow.

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Setsuna was fairly tired. Her attempt at looking for information the previous night on the masked girl ended up pulling a small amount of information. It seemed that she was generally given the moniker "Ice Queen" due to the fact that unconscious people were found partially frozen in the area where they had met her. However, there had been no fatal accidents so far and the victims had no recollections of the events that led them to their states. This had led everything about the so-called Ice Queen to be classified simply as an urban legend. In the end, Setsuna penned whatever notes and observations she had made about the Ice Queen (as well as the information about Ike Johnson) and what details she had seen onto a file in her laptop and D-Pad as sort of an investigation log. She figured it would probably be a good idea in case her investigation ever hit a dead end.

The first thing she decided to do was find Arthur. She needed to apologize for running off. So, she went straight up to his desk and placed her hand covered in multiple bandages on her desk. "Um…hi, Arthur. I'm sorry about running off yesterday. I felt that if we spent too much time there, we might end up losing our lead…though certain circumstances led to us not being able to find him anyway."

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With Arial

For Monika that day was surely a strange, odd day. One of those days that are a complete change from an everyday routine, and that you don't forget easily even after some years. She was not even being the normal Monika, getting in trouble with cops, bouncing around the city like a ball in the flipper and finally meeting this weirdo with an unique card.
That card was so important that someone killed her teacher. Or not only that card. Ayatane said that those cards were 108, so there could have been even more people using them. Then there were illegal duels... And the two things seemed to be related.
All of that aside, Monika had to admit she didn't behave like she would have done normally, talking to unknown people like Ayatane, being that persistent with Lieutenant Flagstarr, and, well, having befriended so many classmates in one day - something that normally Monika found fairly difficult.

That night she constantly thought about that and couldn't sleep well; she also ended up waking up one hour earlier than normal. She dressed up right after coming up, but then her attention was immediately caught by her Rollerblades she left near her backpack. She took a look at them closely, checking their conditions, then decided to do something she did only one or two times ever, going to school using her skates, and not the bus. She had nothing else to do there, at home. Monika therefore had breakfast quickly then put the skates on, placed her shoes inside the backpack and wore her helmet. Skating would usually help the girl let go all her thoughts, liberate her mind and calm her down; and this happened to a certain degree. While she was still thinking about this, she also came up with some decisions: she had to avoid getting in trouble again and think more about what to do before executing an action... But, mostly, try to stay calm, serious and reasonable. Those were some of her bigger merits, after all.

And now, after skating across the city and having gone through Anna's lesson, she was in her class during the lunch break. Her Rollerblades were, of course, hanging from her backpack while her helmet and her lunch were inside of it. She grabbed the latter and started eating there. "I wonder why our teacher asked that question about mythology... But wait, she mentioned the museum, and that's where Arial went yesterday." she thought. So, before eating hel lunch, she called Arial: " Uhm... Hello again Arial. Right now I'll have lunch but, well, I'd like to ask you some questions. So " continued the girl, after eating some food "You went to the museum yesterday, didn't you? Was it interesting and what did you discover? And also, what did you do later? I've only seen you again in the central square before today."
Having behaved in a different way yesterday turned out being helpful there, as she actually had friends in the classroom. And when Monika was talking with people that were actual friends, her shyness was left aside. Arial was one of these people and Monika was in fact very happy to talk with her again.

She also noticed Zander approaching her teacher, Anna; while she could know something too about what was happening Monika decided to ask Zander what he heard from her afterwards, as she was already talking with Arial.

Edited by Cyaloom
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As the bell for the end of class rang Roy let out a big sigh. Today's lesson felt like it dragged on, an on for days. Though for now he can regain his bearings and relaxed while eating lunch. 'Hopefully he'll be back in the ally way again, I have couple of questions to ask him.' He thought to himself, 'And if it leads to a duel between us, then so be it.'

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{His own classroom}

Gawyn sat in his room eating a sandwich, and contemplating just what had happened last night. The gods of Egypt hadn't played a big part in his studies up to this point, since the era and location of Camelot was very far off from ancient Egypt. He wondered why they were so important now. Well, he was a history professor, and he supposed theology somewhat counts as history. Finishing his sandwich, he opened a book and began to read.

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"So you are hiding something. Don't tell me you're cray-cray like the rest of them. I mean I'm cray-cray, but not that kind of cray-cray." Luna seemed to start giving into to her thoughts, but she snapped out of it seeing as this was something serious. Then she thought something seemed off about this...person. "I'm sorry, but are you a boy or a girl? I'm pretty sure you're a boy...but...I don't want to cause another one of those episodes."

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(To the Beach Group yesterday and anyone else who might listen in)

"So..." Rene said aloud to all those still in the classroom, "Has anyone found out any information from yesterday that they want to share? Otherwise, those of us that were at the beach last night have a possible theory behind what may have happened to Mr. Tenjo."

Rene waited to see what anyone else might have found so they could piece together a possible theory or explanation behind Mr. Tenjo's death.

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Blair waited for a few people to filter out of the room before approaching their teacher. She wanted to speak with her about the murder but she was positive she wouldn't want to speak about it until the other students left the room. Her somewhat intense-looking stare lasted a few moments before a jaw-cracking yawn interrupted it. She had stayed up late working on her customized D-pad, and it definitely showed on her face and in her mannerisms.

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Once the class ended, Robert took his lunch out and moved towards Klive, hoping to see if xe had learned anything after the groups had separated yesterday. Without a lead of his own, he ended up heading home without any ideas, which only made him question just what he could've missed. As he got towards Klive, he noticed someone else already talking to xym. "Uh, heya Klive. And, sorry I don't know your name, but could I get it? Robert here, by the way."

Edited by TurboAura
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Dominic darted up when he heard the bell ring, the last couple of minutes of class he was caught up trying to remembering the events of yesterday, while also getting over the fact that he nearly faced death. "Well.." Raising his arms up to stretch, he let out an audible across the room: "To the EXTREME!!" Grabbing his bag and hanging it over his shoulder, he walked away and at first headed for the door, extremely hungry.

His body still felt weird after what happened to him, and each time he threw a punch it seemed off, and each throw reminded him of how hopeless he became in that one second. "Am I really so weak..?" He became oblivious to things around him, and he just fell into a trance of punches while still in the classroom. "If Setsuna hadn't been there I.. I would've.." His punches were wrong, and for each incorrect punch, he threw another to see if that one could be better, but each came out failed, which irked him, so he threw more and more in a vicious cycle.

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Zander began to shuffle on his feet a bit, not sure exactly how to speak in regards to his current scenario. "Well, I kind of went out last night to see if I could learn anything about Tenjo's death." Zander chose not to speak about the other students because if he were to be in trouble for investigating, he wasn't about to rat out his fellow students. "And, I got a bit of a lead on this one guy in crimson armor that seems to hang around this school at night. So, thinking he might be the culprit, I followed that lead. I did find him, and after interrogating him in an alleyway, he told me that he was a friend of Professor Tenjo, and that he was there to avenge him. He even showed me this card: Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja. He said that it was one of 108 cards that kind of just showed up around here. He said that he felt like they give some sort of powers to the holder." Zander paused for a moment. "I'm not questioning his allegiance, but just wanted your thoughts. Do you think that a card is capable of giving extraordinary powers? Or maybe, even better, do you know about these cards already and could give me more details?" A little twinkle grew in Zander's sapphire eyes. "Or perhaps even better, do you have one of these cards?"

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Hmm, at least this girl outright asked. Klive could appreciate being straight-forward. However, that didn't mean xe had to be straight too. "Neither, i'm just cray-cray-cuckoo" Klive gave a bemused little smile at xyr own humour and real lack of any answer. "Ah, hello Robert. This is Wanda" Klive said, introducing the girl with a random name that xe almost knew full well wasn't her name.

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((Anna / Zander))

Lane was barely paying attention. The card he 'won' yesterday in the duel against Adam was lying on his desk as the memories played through the young rebel's head over and over again. What were these cards? And what did those visions, or whatever it was, mean?


Those words were enough to snap Lane back to reality. Who just said that? He looked around the classroom and eventually found the girl, only for her to sprint away as soon as the bell rang.

Lane cursed. He immediately grabbed his card and started a pursuit, knocking over his desk, as he barely dodged Zander who had approached Anna. In his manoeuver he dropped his card by accident as it fell face upwards next to Zander so the boy could read it; Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction.

“Oh, sorry about that. I tried catching up with... nevermind.”

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Arial had only stayed for another hour or so after Klive and Rene left the beach yesterday; she was just fusing her dragons mindlessly while she thought about the events that had transpired earlier. At last, when she is satisfied with her internal sorting of said events, Arial found herself standing in front of Cyber Dragon Nova or Infinity's younger brother, as she likes to call it. After she checked the time on her D-Pad, Arial proceeded to slip the cards back into her deck, allowing Nova to disintegrate into thin air. Arial hummed happily as she made her way home on her motor scooter, pleased with herself and the world.


{Monika and those in the Classroom}

Arial quickly jotted down the last few notes of today's lecture before she heard Anna talking about the museum and the myth surrounding Osiris and Isis. The green-eyed teen was intrigued; since when was Professor Reinier interested in Egyptian mythology? She couldn't recall a time when the woman spoke about it before. And then she began talking about Japan's creation myth with Izanami and Izanagi... Just what is her point? 'It's almost like she's hinting that I should go to find Johnson or something...'

Once the bell rang to signal lunch, Arial watched as various students shuffle (or in Red's case, run) out of the classroom as she put away her tablet and brought out her lunch. She noticed that most of her classmates she met yesterday have decided to stay behind, including the casanova and the annoying chick. Arial rolled her eyes as Luna questioned Klive on his, or her?, gender. Doesn't she know the meaning of privacy? Arial took a bite of her salad before hearing a familiar voice calling her. "Yo, Monika! What's up?" she greeted Monika, making her way over to said student. "And yeah, Rene and I went in there to take a look. It's kind of ironic, now that you mentioned it..." Arial gave a glance towards Professor Reinier before continuing. "A part of that museum talked about how ancient Egyptians believed that they could start a Shadow Game by using Isis' power. They would draw on these stone tablets, believing that the soul of that drawn creature would protect them from danger." Arial took another bite of her lunch before continuing. "These stone tablets became the monsters we use in Duel Monsters, which is really neat! But it also led to another rumor; those Shadow Games soon evolved into something called Shadow Duels, where the loser of a duel will get their soul sucked into the card while the body is left to rot."

Arial took a moment to compose her thoughts on Monika's second question. She decided to leave out her melancholy part of the list of activities, since it's not relevant to the topic at hand. "After the Central Square, I went to the beach and bumped into Lisa Arclight. You know, the little girl that dresses like a goth? She told us that an archeologist knows something about Professor Tenjo's death, and said that he will be back at the beach today! But, the real kicker is that the museum exhibit was designed by an archeologist as well! And then Professor Reinier talked about the museum too! It's almost as if she wants us to go and find out! So, I have reasons to believe that those two are connected somehow!" Arial then stood up and posed dramatically, not realizing how loud she was getting. "And that's why I'm going back to the beach today! I'll get to the bottom of this to avenge Professor Tenjo's death!"

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Paul couldn't really pay attention to much today. After the whole incident with Ayatane yesterday, his head was still spinning. The cards, the dark powers they gave, the murder with more to come. All of that crap added with the disturbances at home. Dang, things just kept piling up in Paul's mind. He took out his pack from underneath his desk and plopped it on top, slumping his head on top of it, still exhausted.

After Ayatane made his rather flashy exit from the alleyway, Paul had to take a long walk home, as it turned out he had no more money for the bus ride home, and it seemed like no one in particular was open to give him a ride. As this thought returned to mind, he made a somewhat annoyed glance at Zander up in the front of the class for driving off in his scooter without so much as a word to him, Roy and Monika yesterday. He was talking to Anna at the time, so he probably didn't notice, with his back facing him and all. But, he took his eyes off him in the same second, he wasn't really too mad at him. Honestly he was only pissed at his parents for the time being. The way they were taking Sylvia's disappearance was all types of wrong.

When Paul had arrived home last night, it was considerably late, at least later than his curfew. What could he say? He was a slow walker, and the long distance home didn't help that fact either. His parents bombarded him with scolding and finger wagging as soon as they heard the front door's lock click. something about, "We can't lose you too!" and "You have to take responsibility for once!" among other, more hurtful things. It really seemed like they blamed HIM for his sister's absence.

"Eh, who cares... I just wanna sleep." he thought to himself as he started to take to fall into a nice nap on his surprisingly cozy pack.

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Anna could barely hold back a smile after the events that suddenly unfolded in the class. Apparently she had done well in pushing the events in the right direction... Unfortunately now there was the unforeseen side effect of students directly questioning her, and they were too many and too spread around the class to hope that they would all look in her eyes at the same time: but there was nothing to worry about, if her powers couldn't turn that situation to her advantage, her natural charm (and the kids' lack of clues on what was actually going on) certainly could.

"My oh my, what's with you guys? First someone asks about those mysterious cards that are told in rumors all around the town, then another person drops one of those very cards in the middle of the class, and now there are even people who claim that all of this somehow has to do with my lecture, and that going to the bottom of this will somehow solve the cae of professor Tenjo's death... Isn't that right, miss Longshire? We all have ears, you know..."

Since she was now sure to have captured the attention of everyone in the room, the teacher continued.

"But I was directly asked for an opinion, wasn't I? So I will tell you exactly what I think. I think that it is intriguing that two cultures as different as the Japanese and Egyptian ones would have similar myths involving similar deities. I think that the similarities between Isis and Izanami cannot be a coincidence. And Duel Monsters is a game whose origins are linked to the ancient egyptian myths involving Isis... And it was developed in its modern form in Japan, where it also got its first burst of success. With this in mind, can you believe that Duel Monsters is just a game for kids? Do you really think it holds no deeper meanings, do you really think it has nothing to do with the similarities between myths told in two cultures that developed far away from one another? I don't. And I know professor Tenjo didn't, either. And that archeologist, Ike Johnson, was a good friend of both myself and professor Tenjo back in our university days, and he has always shared our views on the matter, which is exactly why I worded today's lecture the way I did: indeed, miss Longshire, I did want you all to see his exhibit, because I strongly believe you could all learn something from it. And I am glad to hear that you went to it of your own accord, that was a good decision on your part."

A small pause to look at her small audience, then Anna continued.

"We were a group of dreamers, back in our university days, we used to believe that common interests, even apparently unimportant ones like a card game, are bridges that unite the world, we used to believe that by tracking their origins in the depths of history, we could teach the people of the world that they are indeed brothers and sisters to one another, that they are all branches of the same tree, and share the same roots. As silly as it sounds, we really did believe that we could achieve world peace with a card game and a bunch of ancient myths..."

Anna smiles weakly, and wipes a tear from an eye.

"We were so innocent... It is one of my fondest memories. So yeah, I simply thought that, now that those times are gone, the gang has disbanded and professor Tenjo is dead, it was my duty to make sure that youngsters like yourselves would carry on our legacy, would share our convinctions or at least know about them. I am sure that was the very reason why, after all these years, professor Tenjo contacted Ike Johnson and persuaded him to have his exhibit here of all places. It is unfortunate that he cannot discuss these matters himself anymore, but alas, the girl of the gang, the one who was suspected to be into the projects of the group thanks to her appearance and not to her brain, will have to carry on for him. In a way, it is my occasion to prove that I wasn't just a brainless beauty who for some reason liked to hang around with a bunch of nerds..."

Anna turned around to face Zander

"Speaking of which: if by 'person in a crimson armor' you mean Ayatane Michitaka, know that he was one of us, as well. Just like Ike Johnson was the expert egyptian matters, he was the expert on japanese ones... But I am surprised to hear that you met him, are you absolutely positive it was him? Because he had pretty much sworn he would never set foot in this city again... Then again, he was particularly close to professor Tenjo, so it makes sense that he would return after learning about his death... Still, Ayatane breaking a oath? Next thing I know, he will start wearing civilian clothes..."

Anna ended her speech with a joke: her somewhat sad tone and her distracted air, as if she was not talking to the people present as much as she was reminiscing about distant, yet fond memories had stricken everyone in the heart...

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