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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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Interacting with Arial
Monika's curiosity not only made her sneak up on Arial, but now made her start a conversation despite her shyness. What were the right words to say?
She was the one who began to talk, after all.
She said "Hello Arial... Since I am sitting behind you I was able to see what you were doing on your tablet... Please, I am not trying to be a spy, I have just been thinking about our teacher for the entire lesson and now I see you also seem worried about this... If you are OK talking about this... I had an idea I could explain to you." and looked in her green eyes while doing a pause.
"Actually the research you have been doing could be helpful... I have a question that could be answered." said Monika, then, when she was sure to have Arial's attention, she whispered:"What if a duel could kill someone?"

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((Specifically open to Monika/open to anyone else))

"Two. Three.. ..Would that work? I'll have to check the ruling..". Sidus rummaged through the mess of cards in front of him, each in their protective white sleeves, sprawled over the table in front of him. As lunch began and the class began to filter out, Sidus remained in his seat beside the back end window, immersed in his cards. It served as a good distraction, he had told himself, to avoid confronting the reality that his favourite teacher had died. Sidus knew evidently well to keep his mind occupied or risk becoming embarrasingly somber. None of the other students seemed to be as affected as he was by this situation and how it had come about, but that didn't bother Sidus. He knew everyone dealt with sadness their own way.

Feeling his phone vibrate inside of his backpack which leaned against his leg, he slid his arm over to grab it from its protective pocket. In doing so, his arm pushed half of his mess of cards over the side and they took a tumble off the desk, littering the tiled floor. After a panicked gasp, Sidus stumbled out of his desk and began collecting his cards with all due haste. "Oh drat... I had just finished organizing" Sidus mumbled, hoping to himself that nobody was looking in his general direction when he so carelessly forgot about his deck and sent half of them over the side! He shook his pale blonde head, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Surely not".

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(To Setsuna.)

"I didn't feel like attending the class. At least, not for today." Dominic walked around to the other side of the table, sliding his bag off his shoulder and setting it down next to where he would sit, "I originally came here to just pass the time until lunch, but I got around to thinking about some of the rumors I had overheard on my way over here. I had gotten a feeling that didn't sit right with Mr. Tenjo's death, but I never suspected anything to do with the new teacher. However, this brings another addition to what could be going on.."

Dominic lost himself in thought for a brief moment, and his gaze out toward the garden made it seem he pegged the flowers responsible. Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked around before returning attention to the girl, "Anyway..!" Dominic reached into the bag beside him, looking around for his own food to eat, and saw emerge from the clutter in his bag, bringing back the rumor, "Illegal duel.." Pulling his lunch out and setting it aside for now, he turned back to Setsuna to continue, "If I heard it, surely you have been told the "illegal duel" rumor, yeah? Even I, a newer duelist, knows that's not possible. .. Right? This game couldn't be that intense.."

Edited by Zechs
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(To Rene)

"Aw thank you Rene", Red said as she quickly sat down in a seat next to him. "Quite an interesting first period, Huh?" As Red was saying this, she quickly got out her bright red lunch box and took out her things. She quickly laid out a red napkin and a small spread of a ham sandwich, container of applesauce, a spoon, rice krispy, and battle of red Koolaid. "Can't say I knew the professor that well, but he seemed like a nice guy". Red then dove in to her sandwich and started to inhale her food. Red knew there was only ten more minutes to eat her food if she wanted to use the rest of her time to study.

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To: Anybody still in the classroom (specifically Anna)

There were a few words Anna used that stuck out to him. "...She knows something...More than I do, anyways. I wonder if Tenjo did too...." Lost in his thoughts, he was completely oblivious to the fact that a kid had almost jumped from the window until Anna yelled at him. "Sorry....the fall isn't high. If he actually did jump he wouldn't have been hurt much." he muttered as he pulled out his deck and started to shuffle. When he finished, the card on the bottom was "Ignoble Knight of High Laundsalyn". Not a good sign. "Anyways....are we still on for lunch?" He had already eaten, but he needed a way to keep the conversation going.

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{To Arial, Monica, and Zander and slightly Lane and Anna}

While Zander was explaining his tale, Luna snatched one of Arial's shrimp and ate it. When he finished, Luna set the tail of the finished piece onto Arial's desk and picked up a fresh one before beginning to speak. "There's not too much to know about little ole me. I kind of grew up in a decent family, but to them I'm the problem child. It's not my fault they don't like the same things I do." She then remembered him mentioning a deck. "Also, you like card games too! Personally, I'm a big fan of zombies because are awesome. If I only I could turn into one then I'd be even awesomer than I already am!"

She was about to continue when she noticed the teacher yelling at a boy on the window. She quickly chimed in yelling, "RUN, BOY, RUN! DON'T LET THE MAN HOLD YOU BACK!" She took a bite out of the piece of shrimp in her hand while she watched the show about to begin. Unfortunately, he seemed to chicken out and climbed down from the window. With the show over already, she then turned to Arial who was busy discussing something. "By the way, this is some good shrimp."

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"Hmm?" Blair swallowed a bit of her lunch and arranged the parts in front of her in such a way that they wouldn't be easily disrupted. "Duel? Me? If you must." It'd be a good thing to analyze and dissect mentally, she supposed.

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(To Red)

"You're welcome," Rene said happily as Red sat down next to him. It was nice that Rene would be able to share his feelings with someone. A teen's feelings are just that important to him or her. He quickly noticed Red's lunch and positively commented, "I like how your lunch box matches your hair. It's a perfect fit for you."

Rene listened to what Red had to say about Mr. Tenjo to get an idea of how she was feeling. He then responded:

"I didn't think coming here that our teacher would have died...I thought he was a good teacher and nice to say the least. I just don't get how he would end up in an illegal duel and die from it..." Rene started listening to the questions echoing in his mind from before, but quickly dismissed them. He continued, "Most of the school is in state of sadness over Mr. Tenjo's death. Just who would want to kill him and why? How did he get involved in such an illegal duel anyway? I feel that there are so many unanswered questions..."

Rene started eating his triple-decker sandwich he had made before coming to school. It was a tasty sandwich; made with turkey, roast beef, lettuce, some pickles, and a little bit of condiments on top to finish it off. He also had some carrots and celery on the side for when he finished his sandwich. A nutritious lunch indeed, but it only lasted so long before the questions started rolling in his head again. Normally Rene would not think deeply about matters such as this, but it is hard to accept something without some reason behind it. Not wanting to keep the conversation too negative, Rene said, "Thank you for listening to me Red. I hope they find whoever did this to Mr. Tenjo. Maybe I need a duel or something later to help me think straight."

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[[To Gawyn, though location is now in class 2-2 itself and thus available for further interaction]]

"Well, that ought to do it!"

Will looked pleased as he stood up and stretched his back, grunting softly in approval. The leak was fixed, but the pool of water on the floor remained. After tackling that job, Will decided to leave general inspection for later, since there were some girls wanting to use the restroom already. He then packed up his supply kit, and the sign outside the door, and headed back to the supply closet. He could hear some yelling to the effect of demanding a child get off a window coming from class 2-2. Passing the room, he noticed another professor in the room with that woman through the open door and suddenly remembered he could make his job somewhat quicker.

He poked his head into the room. "Excuse me, Mr. Falas, sir? Sorry to interrupt, but could I have your authorization code for the staff room in the auditorium? Seeing as it is a new addition to the school, my master key card hasn't been updated for it yet. And I need to take out the trash and the recycling from there." Now that Will was looking into the room more closely, he could see the scene before him; some groups of students were eating lunch and socializing while others chose to duel in their free time. He noticed especially that the antisocial, machine-loving girl was even participating. Will was somewhat relieved at this, for he naturally worried as any decent human would about the state of others. Though perhaps it was because he was too caring. He wasn't sure.

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(To Dominic/Zechs)

Feeling a bit annoyed that she cut herself off mid-chapter, Setsuna opened the book back up at the place she had marked and started reading again while the other student took his seat and started searching for his lunch.

She took notice of the boy giving what she thought to be a dirty glare to the flowers and scowled at him in annoyance. As the boy ended up breaking his gaze towards the flowers, he started to talk about one of the rumors floating around...the illegal dueling rumors...

However, it seemed like he was merely parroting what he heard and was trying to dismiss it so she swallowed the potato, cauliflower, and rice that she was currently chewing and responded with a hint of weariness.

"In all honestly, people are focusing far too much on the fact that he was still wearing his duel disk and D-Gazer. The circumstances of his death are far weirder. Supposedly, the police were unable to determine a cause of death and he was found dead right in the middle of the city square. In all honestly, there seems to be something far from what we keep thinking of going on in regards to his death. If it really was an 'illegal duel', I have my doubts that the corpse would be left in a place for everyone to see. It would be far more prudent to get rid of it. Honestly, the more I think about this, the less sense it makes. Add in the timing of the new teacher and the weirdness surrounding her...well, as far as I can tell...and I can't help but think that the reason for this incident is something we are unable to think of.

"However, please do go to class if you can. I want to confirm this feeling I have about the new teacher myself but I never found the opportunity to do so with anyone else.

"It's just...I can't help but worry that this string of absurdities is a sign of something bigger starting to happen."

She turned the page on her book and took another spoonful of the rice in her bento.

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{Monika, then Luna (and Zander)}

Before she had a chance to respond to Monika's question, Arial turned around abruptly as Anna Reinier yelled at Lane, believing that they were in trouble or something. When she saw that the crisis was averted by a bluenette, the tomboyish teenager returned her gaze back to Monika, rolling her eyes at the foolishness. She honestly has no idea why Lane would do such a thing like that. Okay, not having Professor Tenjo as their homeroom teacher is disappointing, but it certainly didn't require suicide. Life was too fun to give it up so easily!

"What a weirdo..." she muttered before addressing Monika's concern properly. "Aaaannyyways, of course I wouldn't mind talking about it. It's not like it's a secret or anything. Those duels though... I'm not gonna lie, I didn't expect anyone to be interested in illegal duels. Many seemed to have dismissed them immediately when those words left our dear professor's mouth." She chuckled, scratching her head nervously. Being around boys for most of her life, Arial was not as smooth of a talker with girls as she is with the boys, especially shy girls. She always felt more restricted in her speech when she is talking to girls. "But, to answer your question... Yes, I believe it could happen."

Arial grabbed her tablet from her lap and showed Monika the webpage that she was looking at. "From what I just read, illegal duels are unregulated duels that take place in secrecy. The reason they are in secrecy is not because they are unregulated, but because each duel is a fight to the death, literally. Underground dueling was a prime example of this; each duelist has to wear a set of electrodes that delivers electric shocks whenever a duelist loses life points. And they both cannot leave the duel arena, which is surrounded by a huge metal cage, until one of them is defeated." Arial paused, taking a deep breath before she went on. Her voice had grown a little more somber, though, as if she was sad about the next facts. "It was rumored that the Kaiser was a participant of these at one point in time. Since he was in perfect health before he became "Hell Kaiser" and after he went back to using his regular deck, the only reason that could explain that heart condition he had during that in-between period was because of those electrodes..."

"By the way, this is some good shrimp."

"Oh, I'm glad you liked them!" Arial answered, not realizing it was Luna that had complimented her. Food stealing was a typical thing with her brothers at home. "I still have some if you -- Wait a minute!" She flipped back to her desk and found herself face to face with several empty tail shells... And an obviously satisfied Luna. Arial's shock and disbelief slowly turned into annoyance. Normally, she would care less about someone stealing her lunch, but since this girl almost scared the s*** out of her before and not even apologize for it... "Oh, you're welcome." Arial replied with noticeably less enthusiasm than before, trying to keep her cool as much as possible. "You could have asked me if you wanted some, I would have given you a piece..." With that, she popped another piece of sushi into her mouth, desperately trying to distract herself from blowing up by chewing and refocusing her thoughts back to Monika's question.

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(To Minerva + Anyone else in the room)

Ken only laughed at Minerva's reaction, surprised. He had pride in his sweets for sure, but that was the first time he'd ever gotten such a reaction. Flashing a smile at the girl, he offered her another cookie before speaking.

"Really? I guess you've never been to Sugar King then. It's my dad's sweets shop, I'm the one that does the pastry baking for the place in my spare time. We're small, but local and delicious." Ken said, adding a bit of promotion for the store. "In fact, since the shop is called Sugar King, one could even call me the Sugar Prince." Ken added with a smile.

"You're the first person to react so strongly, I'm a bit flattered. I'd love to try some cooking sometime, if it's as good as you say." He said, waving it off. "But baking's not too hard, it just takes practice. If you want, I can try and teach you sometime if I'm ever actually free, we can get to know each other a bit more." He said before digging into the tin for another cookie, absentmindedly biting into it before speaking up again. "I made these for the class, considering people may be a bit shaken up by the death of Tenjo. Might as well see if anyone wants one." He said before inhaling and belting out two single words.

"Free Cookies!"

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(To Minerva + Anyone else in the room)

Ken only laughed at Minerva's reaction, surprised. He had pride in his sweets for sure, but that was the first time he'd ever gotten such a reaction. Flashing a smile at the girl, he offered her another cookie before speaking.

"Really? I guess you've never been to Sugar King then. It's my dad's sweets shop, I'm the one that does the pastry baking for the place in my spare time. We're small, but local and delicious." Ken said, adding a bit of promotion for the store. "In fact, since the shop is called Sugar King, one could even call me the Sugar Prince." Ken added with a smile.

"You're the first person to react so strongly, I'm a bit flattered. I'd love to try some cooking sometime, if it's as good as you say." He said, waving it off. "But baking's not too hard, it just takes practice. If you want, I can try and teach you sometime if I'm ever actually free, we can get to know each other a bit more." He said before digging into the tin for another cookie, absentmindedly biting into it before speaking up again. "I made these for the class, considering people may be a bit shaken up by the death of Tenjo. Might as well see if anyone wants one." He said before inhaling and belting out two single words.

"Free Cookies!"

Focus : Minerva

Location of Focus : In her classroom, 2-2

Focus Mood : Joyful, Determined, Social

Others Present : Ken


"Sugar King?" She pondered the name to herself out loud as she quickly bit on the second cookie, which contained the same smoothing and enjoying taste as the first one. She never really had to the time to take a look at the place, however she didn't hear bad reviews about the place. "I guess I might check the place out sometime when I get the chance, its not like I have anything else thats better to do around here." She said giving Ken a smile.

"I mean, Baking does seem like a thing I want to learn, but whenever I try, I always manage to fuck up something whenever I'm baking. Strange how I managed not to fuck anything up when I'm just cooking for myself." She sighed but gave out a slight giggle "But as you say, like most things, its comes with pratice." Changing her tone to a rather more determined tone. "So I guess I'll take you up on your offer for that Sugar Prince!"

She then pulled herself a chair and sat closer to Ken. "Yeah, I get that. I know I wasn't too shaken up by his death, but its not like I actually cared about whatever he taught. To be perfectly honest, I think I could probably duel better then him." She commented about the death of Tenjo. "What are your thoughts about his death?" She asked Ken curiously.


End Focus : Minerva strikes up a conversation with Ken, also taking up on his offer to teach Minerva how to bake.


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(To Minerva + Open for anyone)

Ken nodded as he absentmindedly popped a cookie into his mouth. He didn't show it on the outside, but inside he was ecstatic. Someone besides himself had actually called him by his title! Well... not that it was an official title, but he thought it sounded cool, so he used it. "Yeah, it's a small place. I still say it's the best sweets shop around, but I'm probably a bit bias. Call me anytime you want to learn, I'm usually free if I'm not working, napping, dueling, or... well no, just those three things." Ken said inbetween small bites of cookie with a laugh.

He only nodded again, taking in the fact that she wanted to learn baking from him, and stifled a small laugh when she noted her ability to "fuck something up when baking." He wasn't really much of a teacher, but he always liked to help other people when asked... as long as if didn't cut into naptime or required moderate amounts of effort. He hated effort, he'd much rather just laze about and go with the flow. Rather than take action, he'd just sit in the background and let other people do it for him rather than get his hands dirty himself. He liked it that way, it made life easy. Some called him lazy, but he was okay with that, although he preferred the term "laid-back" himself.

Swallowing his seventh or so cookie, he registered Minerva saying she was probably a better duelist than Tenjo and what his thoughts on his death were. "Hard to say you're a better duelist if you never fought him, although not that you can really do that now..." Ken said, a slightly forced laugh coming out of his throat to accompany his words. "I never did either though. Way too much work on my part. But it's a shame he died. Even wierder that he died with dueling equipment on. It reminds me of some stories I heard some of the older customers say, stuff about "Illegal dueling rings" like that one cyber duelist was in." Ken decided to take a pause to grab another cookie before continuing.

"Personally though, I'm trying to not think about it. Too much work and confusion for now. I figure I'll just let people do their mourning while I provide sweets and good cheer. Someone's gotta smile, you know?" Ken said with a more genuine laugh as he pushed the cookie container further up on the desk so people could just come up and grab some.

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Interacting with Arial, then Sidus

"So you actually can die because of a Duel... This might have involved our teacher teacher. Now you know why I sneaked behind you. You could have found some good informations..."

Monika had to turn around because of the sudden noise. Behind her, there were a lot of cards on the ground. one of them immediately caught Monika's attention. Stellarknight Constellar Diamond.
"Sorry Arial for ignoring you now... But this is a Constellar monster!" she said, turning around. On the desk behind her, slightly upset about dropping all of his cards, was sitting Sidus.

"I use Constellar monsters too... We must have very similar decks, as yours could be a Stellarknight deck or a Constellar deck like mine." she said.
Monika now didn't know who to talk with. She started a conversation with Arial and obtained some true facts supporting what, during the lesson, was just a theory in her mind. Then, she started talking with Sidus about his deck, turning away from Arial...

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Dominic thought about what she said, and nodded in agreement, "It certainly makes sense, and if our new teacher has any part behind this, I'll certainly try and find out." Dominic started in on eating with something small, a single rice ball neatly placed with others, and took a small bite to finish quickly and continue, "But perhaps it really is too much of a mystery. For now, anyway." Dominic took another bite, and put it down for a drink before continuing, "But this is far too intriguing to just wait out!"

Dominic slammed his hand on the table, and then pointed it forward dramatically with a huge grin, "I say we continue this mystery ourselves!" Dominic exclaimed proudly, "This is a feeling that cannot simply be ignored!" Finally, he sat back down, leaning his head down on his hand that rested on the table. His grinning expression soon changed into curiosity as he glanced over to the book in the girl's hand, "What are you reading, anyway?"

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((Arthur, slighty Anna and Luna))

Lane was distracted for a moment when a random girl yelled at him to jump. He grinned, gave her the thumbs up and turned to Arthur once again. “I'm not going to abuse professor Tenjo's death. To be honest I thought this would be the fastest way to get out of here and skip next class. But if you want to duel; sure, but I'm not that good...”

He put his foot back on the frame. “I'm not going to take the risk with the new teacher so I'll meet you at the cafetaria. And don't worry, I can break my fall by jumping in that container filled with cardboard. See ya!”

Before anyone could stop him Lane jumped straight into the container and was relatively unharmed. He climbed out and made his way to the cafetaria to meet up with Arthur. On the way he grabbed his deck and started to look for a specific card. Once he found his Raidraptor – Rise Falcon he sighed. “How can I make you fly? I haven't been able to summon you even once.”

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To Gawyn

Anna watched the young man jump off the window. A normal teacher would have been worried about the risk that involved, or at least furious about the open act of defiance. But Anna wasn't a normal teacher. Or a normal person for that mattered.

A free spirit, uh? I might have found what I was looking for...

... So, Professor Falas.

She said aloud

I believe you had invited me for lunch: shall we head to the cafeteria then?

The dissonance between her calm demeanor and the situation was jarring, But she wasn't one to pay attention to such details.

And she also seemed to have completely forgotten about Klive, and the scolding she was about to give xyr...

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Open to everone.

Gen looked on the class, seeing that some of them had thoughts about what really happened.

("Illegal duel. That's impossible, except...")

When suddenly, something struck on his mind.

"Wait, could it be? But it's only rumors....."

Edited by Ace_Trainer_Vince
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Wordlessly, Klive observed the two teachers. Xe didn't dare make a move to remind them off xyr presence nor did xe want to

speak up and continue any kind of farce with the teachers. Xe would rather catch up with Lane who had jumped out the window to know if he expected to get away with such actions and how (Such a skill, if available would be very useful to avoid situations such as the very one Klive found themselves in now) and xe also wanted to continue questioning Robert, though xe didn't expect much. That said, xe was still stuck with the teachers, trying desperately to fade into the background and cursing xyr height and hair colour.

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{Lane and Arial}

Arthur blinked quickly in surprise as lane ejected himself from the classroom via the window. The bluenette then nodded to himself and took the last bite of his tuna sandwich before packing up the rest of his lunch. He picked up his bag and went to walk out of the room. However, before he left he couldn't help but take a glance backward at Arial. He gave her a little smile and a wave before proceeding out the door and into the hallway. Once out of the room, he turned back and stared at Miss Reinier for a few moments. There's a number of things I'd like to ask her, but for now I'll do her the silent honor of leaving her be in front of her colleague. Arthur turned and walked down the hall, his thoughts turning to his upcoming duel with Lane. If he said he's not that great a duelist, then my Atlanteans should be able to pick him apart without a challenge. How boring, he noted. Maybe I'll try to get that card out on the field. It's hard to do against skilled opponents, but if he doesn't make the proper plays then I can easily counter him. He finally reached the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table, his blue hair making him quite noticeable in the sizable crowd that had gathered for lunch.

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It didn't take long before Lane reached the cafetaria. He almost immediately managed to locate Arthur and waved at the boy to greet him. “Hey,” he said, taking a seat, “I hope Miss Reinier didn't give you any trouble for not stopping me?”

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