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Tomas Elliot

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Uh, what about the people like Klive and Luna who wanna find the Janitor?

You mean Pixl? He too is not supposed to overhear the hole thing, so the solution is simple: he is about to leave, and you run into him at the school's gate. Easy, ain't it? ;)

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Well, here I was supposed to go with Lane, but he's "occupied" with this plot event. I guess I can just go alone, but can't help but be curious to know why Lane is not there. So, if, let's say, I go out of the school, see him in the garden (maybe with Anna), and then go (to Ayatane, probably, as that was Hiss' plan), will it be alright? Even though leaving right away would be the best thing for the story, it doesn't fit this much Monika.

Also, before returning to the class, I noticed Anna in the garden... Again, this was because I wanted to wait for Zechs to post after he'd left the garden (This was in my other post, not the last one) and stay nearby in case he wanted to talk with me... did I see something I didn't have to see?

If that's the case, you could still have Anna delete my memory or something :D

Also... Noooooooooooo Flynn... D: No more Monika & Sidus shipping...

Edited by Cyaloom
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Well, here I was supposed to go with Lane, but he's "occupied" with this plot event. I guess I can just go alone, but can't help but be curious to know why Lane is not there. So, if, let's say, I go out of the school, see him in the garden (maybe with Anna), and then go (to Ayatane, probably, as that was Hiss' plan), will it be alright? Even though leaving right away would be the best thing for the story, it doesn't fit this much Monika.

Also, before returning to the class, I noticed Anna in the garden... Again, this was because I wanted to wait for Zechs to post after he'd left the garden (This was in my other post, not the last one) and stay nearby in case he wanted to talk with me... did I see something I didn't have to see?

If that's the case, you could still have Anna delete my memory or something :D

Also... Noooooooooooo Flynn... D: No more Monika & Sidus shipping...

When I wrote "avoid coming up with some excuse to stay at school" I was specifically thinking about you. And of course you didn't let me down :P

However, I don't think the way I worded "avoid coming up with some excuse to stay at school" leaves any opening for any sort of sheanigans, now does it? As mentioned, the whole plot event thing won't take long, so don't worry, Lane will be left free to meet up with you in a matter of 3 Recap Posts at most, I promise.

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When I wrote "avoid coming up with some excuse to stay at school" I was specifically thinking about you. And of course you didn't let me down :P

However, I don't think the way I worded "avoid coming up with some excuse to stay at school" leaves any opening for any sort of sheanigans, now does it? As mentioned, the whole plot event thing won't take long, so don't worry, Lane will be left free to meet up with you in a matter of 3 Recap Posts at most, I promise.

Wait, is it fine to stay at school as long it will not hear the whole conversation?

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To Omega: isn't this supposed to only happen during the next post? Right now you should be just staying in the class waiting for the bell. Then you leave.

Also, I'll probably be posting tomorrow, because I'd be making too many posts... Unless you tell me I can still post without caring about that rule. - I'm actually talking with Gen now and I need to wrap up this conversation too. EDIT: I have posted anyway...

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@Vince if I was sure that people wouldn't try to metagame their way into the event I'd say yes. But since I know at least one guy who would try it, I am forced to say no.

@Omega I have said maybe 20 times that school will end on sunday. What I meant with my earlier post is that I need people out of the school AS SOON AS THE AFTER SCHOOL TOPIC STARTS. And it starts on sunday. So school is not over (I thought the fact that I never posted "school is over" would kinda give this away) and you are still at school.

@Dobby oh so funny <.<

EDIT: also I dunno, maybe it could be advisable for Azery and Hiss to let Chim and Red know about Anna's invitation? Sorry for pressuring you guys, but time is really running out...

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IMPORTANT: I am afraid I have terrible news.

My grandfather was hospitalized again: the whole thing looks to be pretty damn serious, more so in fact that it looked like when he was hospitalized the first time. My mother will therefore have to spend her days (and probably nights too) at the hospital with him, and my father works in a city that is pretty far from my hometown... Which means my grandmother will be left alone at home. Which is a problem for a 90 YO lady who can barely walk. So yeah, we will seek help, but since it is unlikely that we can afford to pay a caretaker to stay with her 24/7, I will probably have to do at least some of the caretaking myself. In my hometown. And at the same time, I cannot neglect my studies. In Bologna.

I think you can imagine the mess my life is going to be as a result: I will have to balance my time between two activities that take place in locations that are VERY far from one another, and exams are coming up (one month and one week left). So yeah, Reborn in general has just slipped pretty low in my priorities, and that includes this roleplay: factor in that the next 3 months (june, july, august) are going to be even worse (exams in june and july, and my mother demands that I spend august in my hometown, AND chances are that this situation won't be resolved by then) and you see that this spells the premature end of this roleplay, unless someone is willing to take over as the host.

I sincerely apologize, from the bottom of my heart: I was really looking forward to creating a wonderful adventure with all of you, but this is a situation I cannot control. Please understand.

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Important!!! Listen Up!

Ok people, upon reading the previous post you all know that it looks like the situation is rather dire for this little activity of fun and Joy and possible death for PCs. Now, why would we want to let that die?

We don't.

With that being said, with the consent of Tomas himself and Murdoc, I will be taking on the main role as host for the foreseeable future. (Shut up Azery, don't say anything about Ab00se or I swear to god Charlotte will live up to the Char part of her name, capiche?).

Now, with the expected arrival of the After school topic coming around I have to ask a concesion of you all. What do you think of waiting an extra week so that I can get to grips with the entirety of the RP, not just the limited amount told to a player? Thus far I've kept an overview of the plots going-ons but with the role of Host I need some time to look at pretty much everything in more detail than in the past and coupling that with kicking off the After school job and juggling all of you mooks around, that will be hard. Furthermore, I'll be contacting the Judges o get some more insight into their characters than their role allows them to tell the general public.

So, lemme know your thoughts and hopefully a decision will be made by 9:00 GMT +1, my timezone.

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I'm not saying anything about ab00se...you're just very easily corrupted by power...like every other human being lol. Anyways,as long as you don't make any death threats for now,I'm capiche!

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I am ok with dobby as temp host but I am curious. How you will handle your character?

Klive will play truer to the Temperance card than I really had planned. Now Klive will be treated more as a faux safety net if ever I need to drag things back on course without the prodding of Anna. I won't use my position to send xem to each perfect spot, nor will I use xem to help you guys too much, if at all. Xes kind the antipode of Anna who, funnily enough, serves a similar purpose to direct you all as needed. Very neutral in all of this now.

Ouch, damn shame. I think this is gonna take on the whole group to help.

No need to put in more effort past controlling your PC as you would normally Red. An RP is a cooperative experience, the host is merely the conductor for the ride. I just need some time to get adjusted with the entirety of the RP before things resume as per usual when Tomas returns.

I will keep this ship afloat, if not even making progress with it.

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I'm okay with this. This RP seems super detailed so take as much time as you need to let everything sink in. Since the founder and host is okay with it, I see no problem.

Tomas, I hope things work out for you buddy.

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Ok, so if no one objects the At school topic will continue on for one more week. So, no pressure to finish convos now. Feel free to continue or hunt other people down for a chat.

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Thank you everyone for your support, it means the world to me. Honestly I don't know if/when I will be able to reclaim my role as host, but I do know Dobby is the right person to take this home, with the help of all of you.

Again thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and good luck!

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Ok, so if no one objects the At school topic will continue on for one more week. So, no pressure to finish convos now. Feel free to continue or hunt other people down for a chat.


But yes, I'm fine with Dobby taking over. TBH, I'm probably going to be on a bit of a haitus on this RP because of how crazy it gets for a week or two so bunny Luna as necessary.

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