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Pokémon Academy: Ch 3: Winter Cup [IC]


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Claude scoffed. "You guys are far too wrapped up n Pokephilosophy. Forget it all, and enjoy yourselves. THAT is the key to putting on a good show, so says Claude the Extraordinaire" He wave his hands as he said so, acting as though is words were big deals before grabbing a drink he had been saving and took a hearty swig of it.

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"Sigh,another too wrapped into his own fun..not like that is a bad thing.Enjoying oneself can be very usefull-i should stop with this,Old man Fuji's rubbed off on me too much.Anyways,who do you think's gunna win this.Kristen's rubbed me the wrong way but i don't know much about her skills and stuff."James responded looking back at the screen."She seems too nervous almost as if she hasnt battled in front of an audience before,which for a coordinator is a bad thing."He said as he watched the Vullaby's Gust get disabled.

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"Oh please, Slade. Performing on stage comes naturally for a coordinator. You are no match for me~" Danielle teased her boyfriend. She then addressed James' observation of her Larvesta. "Hmm... I guess Corona came from a friendlier family of Larvesta. Either that or she is just the odd one of the swarm." She watched Corona float on her red balloon before she spoke up about her opinion on the battle. "As for Kristen, I think she is actually in the trainer program; I haven't seen her in any of my classes. Nervousness or not though, my bet is on Henry. He's more experienced in double battling and he is really calm and cool about this whole situation even though the entire audience is breathing down his neck."

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"Huh...she seems more like one in the coordinator program but there are always exceptions i guess.And yeah,My uncle's Volcarona is really old,it's his first pokemon in fact and believe me that thing is scary when you anger i-scratch that its scary all tme.I remember a time where it nearly burnt my hand for petting it.It seems those traits passed down to Solaris as that thing's a nightmare."James said after hearing that Kristen was in the trainer program."Those two are getting into the pace but it seems Kristen is gunna lose if this keeps up."

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"I'm going with Danielle on this one, pon. But that girl's pretty much a landmine for this battle. You never know what she could do if her nerves explode." After a short pause wherein Raiza realized she'd interrupted a conversation she wasn't a part of, she continued, "Also, hi," before scuttling away, aware of how ironic what she said was just now in relation to herself. Hovering over her shoulder, the Ghost-Fire type stared at James with what looked like a bit of resentment, but that was all; he followed his Trainer suit, scheming should he ever face that Duskull in battle ever again.

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Shade glared right back at the Litwick,that foolish little Fire type trying to look at his best friend like that.The glare was quickly lost as James stared looked at him almost as if he told him not to glare at the stupid litwick."Remember though the Hunter is always the one who tires first.The Prey who has to be on constant guard will make few if any mistake.Though in this situation it is quite hard to see who is taking which role...."James muttered as he remembered what old man fuji told him about Venonats."That Vullaby is Kristen's main pokemon against Henry's 2 pokemon.Hoewever with it's gust attack being disabled she's completely open for another Combo of Stun Spore and Sing.I wouldnt count her out yet though,if i know a water type right and believe me i do then that skrelp will stay up for quite a while."He commented on the ongoing battle while getting a drink out of his bag.

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Kristen cursed when first her Vullaby’s Gust was disabled before she fell asleep. “Come on, wake up!” she yelled. Because of anger and nerves she was too late to instruct Skrelp. The poison type took a lot of damage, tried to shake it off and released a Smokescreen on his own accord. The smoke hid both Skrelp and the sleeping Vullaby from view.

“Water Pulse! Keep on firing on both of them!” A series of water spheres blasted out of the smoke.


“Kristen is in trouble now! Henry managed to put Vullaby to sleep gaining the advantage in numbers!” Marco yelled excited. “But what is the crowd yelling?” The host kept his mouth shut for a second and turned his microphone towards the audience.

“Boo!! Cheap tactics!”

“Did you never learn to fight fair in Orre?”

“Go back to your sandbox!”

Professor Redwood reacted immediately by covering Marco’s mic. “Wow, I never expected them to hate Henry this bad,” the host said. He was impressed by the negativity some of them showed towards the coordinator. “In all my years as hosting tournaments I have never seen so much hostility…”

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"And checkmate," Henry spoke. He watched Gypsy was hurt a bit by the incoming water attack, but she still didn't budge from her spot. Instead, her eyes began to glow and placed an blue aura around the Skrelp (Disable). On the other side, Rosie kept jumping around easily dodging the Skrelp's incoming barrage. "You might want to read up on Venonat, deary. Gypsy here can still see you no matter how hard you try to hide. Alright Rosie, Assist."

Suddenly, a bright light came from Henry's belt and hovered over to Rosie. The light eventually took shape as a translucent Drilbur. Rosie then jumped in the air and began spinning before she eventually dived underground. Once she was underground, Gypsy focused another Psybeam right at the Skrelp again."

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Jacob looked on in disappointment, shaking his head at Kristen's nerves getting the better of her. She seems so strong on the outside, but I suppose she's never been in a situation like this before, he thought to himself as he watched Henry prepare his next attack. He felt bad for the fiery redhead. After all her talking and blustering, she was getting creamed by Henry. "Come on, do something!" he shouted, voicing his inner thoughts. He then covered his mouth and looked around the room, hoping no one had heard his small outburst. I know you can do it. Just breathe, he hoped. If Kristen didn't get her act together soon, she was going to get knocked out in the first round.

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She's done for, Mareek thought to himself as he watched the fight carry on. I can tell already, she's losing her grip over the situation while Henry over there is about as calm as ever and so are his partners. A light emitting from his jacket let him know that Java had gotten through with his work, pulling it out again and looking down as Jacob shouted at the screen.

"It's run by fellow students" Java said in a message on the device. "Mostly upperclassmen. Unknown if faculty has any inkling of it's existance, but highly likely given the extent of the site's data and how long it's been up and running. Predictions of likelihood of winning the cup also found for each competitor."

"Bring up Kristen's page again." The porygon2 did, scrolling right down to the analysis section... Mareek only sighed when he saw it, shaking his head. "Well that explains a lot... it's looking to be like what they anticipated." He was interrupted by the shouting and booing from the spectators, fully audible from the display in the room. "It's a bit impressive though," Mareek observed to himself with a tinge of respect in his voice, loud enough for Jacob to hear him. "They're all sitting up there, spewing out hate and condemning his fighting style... and yet Henry's just carrying on as if he doesn't hear them at all..."

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"Aww, who knows. Maybe Corona could soften him up a bit? She has been able to get through to everyone." As Kristen's Vullaby fell asleep due to Rosie's Sing, Danielle could see that the redhead finally cracked under the pressure. She winced as Kristen began to yell at her Pokemon on screen. "Well, that basically sealed her fate." Danielle commented. "She is making the same mistake she made back when I had to battle her. Like Raiza said," she gave a nod to the girl who ran off, "Kristen lost herself to her temper again. Even if her Pokemon are capable of carrying on, they aren't skilled enough to take on a supported duo like Henry's."

A few snickers could be heard from Avis as she watched Danielle's rival struggle in vain. To the Murkrow, Kristen is just receiving her just desserts. Avis doesn't care if Kristen happened to be dating a good friend of Danielle's; anybody who insults her master gets put on the grudge list. Oh sweet revenge is sweet.

On the other hand, Zared let out a yawn at the foolish display. He, like Phoebe, was hoping for a more exciting battle. At least Henry's combinations were keeping him awake for his master's match. He hoped he would be used; sitting here watching everyone else fight is not as fun as participating in a fight, especially if he was watching a boring one.

Corona finally paused in her air balloon adventure and stared up at the screen. Upon seeing the redhead contorted facial expression, the Larvesta let out a gleeful cry before she jumped and landed next to the Mawile. She wouldn't mind seeing Kristen lose to the most hated boy on campus.

"I take that back, James. Maybe Corona could be mean, in her own way." Danielle chuckled as she deflated the red balloon. She watched her baby bug cheer Henry on before she focused on the match once more. 'That Assist is going to be so annoying...'

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The second disable failed. Apparently once the move was already in effect it didn’t work twice. “Skrelp, use Water Pulse on the ground!” Even if the Venonat could still see her Pokémon, the same didn’t apply for the Skitty. Kristen could only hope the dig attack was also aimed at her airborne Skrelp so she could dodge both attacks.

The Vullaby, still sleeping on the ground, was wide open. “Come on, Mandy! Wake up and use Feint Attack!” When nothing happened Kristen cursed and was forced to turn to her Skrelp once again. “Poison that Skitty, Toxic on the ground when she shows up!”

((Ground type attacks hit flying types on the ground. Vullaby is still asleep))

Edited by Chimchain
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Seeing that the fog was still up, Gypsy used this as an opportune time to get closer instead of going on the offensive. Battles always switch around which is why Henry taught her to not always follow his orders. She slowly charged into the smoked filled area and released another set of yellow powder (stun spore) into the air, but it wasn't so easily seen this time around. Meanwhile, the Skitty shot straight up into the air nearby where the Skrelp was at.

Meanwhile, Kristen couldn't see it, but there was a big grin on Henry's face. He knew after this, Kristen was going to absolutely lose it. "You may as well do yourself a favor and just forfeit now. The blow of surrendering is much softer compared to what is to come. I'm growing bored of toying with you so I'm actually going to start fighting now."

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Kristen didn’t even hear Henry’s taunts. She was too distracted while listening to what the public was yelling. Because she let the audience distract her, she completely missed the stun spore attack. The yellow powder rained over the Skrelp. “There is that Skitty! Poison it!” The water-poison type’s movements were slower than usual but it still managed to pull off the Toxic attack.

In the meantime the Vullaby woke up with a loud cry. The bird, that often showed the same temper as Kristen, was pissed because she fell asleep so easily and went after the Venonat. “Finally, use Faint Attack!”

The little egg walked over disarmingly before throwing a Sucker Punch with her small wing.

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"You know, it's kind of a pain when your opponent doesn't even acknowledge you," Henry spoke. He watched Skitty step back while Gypsy took the Toxic for her. Being a poison type, she completely absorbed it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MJgs7dyfgk don't care if it's fitting or not.

Henry cracked his neck while he watched the Vullaby draw in close. "Heart Breaker," he ordered. The Skitty stepped in front of Gypsy ready to take on the Vullaby's hit. In that position she began to sparkle with hearts surrounding her along with singing again, but it was a bit of a different pitch compared to her Sing move (Charm+Disarming Voice).

Gypsy on the other hand didn't need instructing. She focused her attention back on the Skrelp and released another Psybeam. As long as Rosie kept the Vullaby busy, she could easily take this Skrelp down in a couple of hits.

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Oblivious to the nasty looks that Lucifer was giving and receiving, Raiza's eyes were glued to the screen again as she took her seat. However, she was fully aware of the insults being thrown at Henry; unbeknownst to her, her face was beginning to twist into a scowl. "No, no, I've got to keep my head. If Henry's not paying any heed to 'em, then I shouldn't either," she said to herself quietly. Even still, her fists were clenched tightly on the bench. When Henry began going on the offense, however, the Trainer forgot to be irritated and looked on in admiration. "It's amazing how he just tunes all that out, innit, pon? I mean, just look at it, Lucifer. He's totally not fazed at all."

Beside her, the Ghost-Fire type watched as well, choosing to pay no further heed to the pure Ghost-type plebeian. Seeing the Coordinators calm demeanor, underlined with a sort of ruthlessness, inspired the Litwick. He began to throw jabs in the air as his flame sparked and grew brighter in excitement.

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The paralysis kicked in and caused the Skrelp to be hit by another Psybeam. The Poison type could barely stand and swirled around. Kristen realized she had made one mistake after another and that it was too late to change the tide. She stared at the audience and cringed at the booing she thought was also aimed at her now. “Skrelp, come back, you did your best,” she said as soon as her Pokémon fainted.

The Vullaby on the other hand didn’t seem to care about the Skitty. She went on a full out offense, hit her Faint Attack and followed up with Pluck from close range, trying to rip the Skitty’s fur and tail to pieces. “Mandy, that’s enough. We lost. I’m sorry but I just can’t keep it together in front of a big crowd like this,” she whispered, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

The Vullaby just glared at Henry and his Skitty before she was recalled. The Dark type held grudges for a long time… Kristen then turned away from the field and walked inside with her head down. She realized it was about time she changed things around and gave up on becoming a trainer that participated in tournaments.

Phoebe’s waiting room (Darklight and everyone else in there)

The Water type expert jumped up. “Alright, Missy, it’s your turn. I hope you did your homework on your opponent. I’m supposed to be neutral but I made a bet with Tyron. If I have more students in my waiting room that win their first battle, he will pay for my meals for a week. Right now I’m losing 1-0 and I don’t want to pay for his meals!”

Hosts (DarkLight)

“And the battle is over! After Skrelp went down Kristen, overcome by nerves, decided to forfeit the match!” Marco yelled in his microphone. “Don’t underestimate the pressure that comes with the Winter Cup, ladies and gentlemen, but nonetheless I ask of you to applaud both competitors!”

After the applause, and booing for Henry, died down Professor Redwood took the word. “Our next competitors in Block A are Danielle and Nico. The winner will face Henry later today when Block H’s battles are done.”

“Can you give us some more information about these two gladiators that are about to enter the ring?” Marco’s added drama made Devin roll his eyes, but the host didn’t see it. His attention was on the battlefield where he saw Danielle and Nico leave their respective waiting rooms on opposite sides.

“Danielle is a Coordinator and quite the opposite of Henry. She’s popular and has a varied team. Her Murkrow, Avis, is known to be a real prankster but isn’t to be underestimated. Nico on the other hand is in the trainer program. He usually keeps a low profile and snuck his way into the tournament. His ace is a Heliolisk. This should be an interesting battle.”

((I’m not going to control Nico. I only gave some information about him so feel free to decide on his second Pokémon.))

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"Don't worry, Danielle got this battle in the bag." Slade said to Phoebe while giving a smug grin, "Besides you should be thinking on what lunch he should buy you, because we ain't loosing either." Slade said as he did a fist pump in the air. Xemnas also gave a cheer to rile his team mates up though Sasuke wasn't the cheery type and 101 doesn't express himself much. Xemnas was disappointed he wasn't sighed up for the tournament but at least he can give support from the side lines.

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"Don't get too far ahead of yourself...Slade,your opponent might have already researched about your characteristics and team and brought forth a team set specifically to counter yours."James said after he saw the end of Henry and Kristen's battle."I've gotta be carefull and not bring forth too many of my strategies,Lana and Mareek's battle is right after mine and the victor of that one will have to battle the victor of my battle.If i win by using my main tricks they'll have an idea on how to counter it.Therefore Tytanniel and Liona will have to battle without me revealing their main tactics."James said as he remembered what pokemon Lana used in his battle against her on his second day."A Nidoran Female and Her Rhyhorn presumably her starter and one more which i don't remember correctly,while Mareek has his Scyther,Porygon which i think has evolved and that Cubone."James thought as he looked at his Pokedex.

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"Coordinator power, You go girl" Claude cheered, wishing Danielle luck in his own way. Claude looked around wondering where Doux had got off to, when the small puffball landed on his head. "Dux wishes you luck too!" Claude translated when Doux chirped.

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"You worry too much," Slade said towards James with his hands on the back of his head, "knowledge only goes so far in a battle, it takes much more then that to win a battle." He leaned down and rubbed Xemnas no the head, "You need a strong bond with your pokemon like you said before, and I have faith that they can pull through anything." Xemnas let out a cheerful cry as to confirm what Slade had said.

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"The bond with your pokemon has to be strong as i said hoewever overconfidence is what will bring you to your knees.Underestimating what an opponent can do will be your downfall."James said to Slade."Regardless the ball is in your court,it's your choice whether you make sure you don't underestimate you opponent or if you do make sure it doestn bite you in the ass."He muttered just barely loud enough for slade to hear him."Anyways,good luck Danielle,make sure you don't get taken Down by that Heliolisk.Thing seems Nasty for Avis."

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Ryan reverted his attention from the gloomy Kage to James. "Well since when did you become the wise old man of all of us? If you give your opponent the benefit of the doubt all the time, you're never gonna feel like taking a worth while risk." He laughed a little bit, seeing how his roommate had changed from when they'd first met. "Either way, we'll be rooting for you, right Victoria?" Victoria started jumping on Ryan's lap and throwing her arms up. She released small excited screeches with every jump. Glacien was still being dopey as ever, deciding the thought of a nice, juicy Sitrus berry was far more interesting than Kristen's loss or Danielle's upcoming battle. He didn't even notice that he was falling off Ryan's head, and eventually fell on top of a far less than eager Victoria. The small dragon continued to yell, except far more angry this time. She started swinging little punches at Glacien while he couldn't help but sit there and laugh. He was getting more naturally bulky, and the small attacks were like tiny tickles.

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'That's a shame; she actually looks defeated.' Danielle thought as she watched Kristen walk back inside. She was jolted out of her thoughts when Phoebe announced her time to go on stage. The teenager couldn't help but giggle at Phoebe's explanation for her enthusiasm. The Water-type expert was certainly different compared to the more serious professors like Professor Cadmus and Professor Silva. Regardless, the coordinator gave a salute to those around her as her Murkrow flitted down to sit side by side with her other two Pokemon, who were waiting anxiously to go. "Thanks guys and Professor! We won't let you down! Isn't that right, my trio of awesomeness?" She saw her Pokemon give their energetic cries before she recalled all of them into their respective Pokeballs.


As Marco and Devin gave their respective opinions on her match, Danielle took in deep breaths and counted to five, tuning out most of the unimportant information. She stared at the boy standing at the opposite side of her; Danielle recalled his information that Avis had managed to find for her late last night. Thanks to the whispers of the students in the coffee stall, Avis was able to hear about a strange database and had notified Danielle about its existence. With some help from her parents, the coordinator was finally able to locate the website and took a brief scan of its contents. Statistics, while helpful, were only glossed over by Danielle. She preferred to look at the battles to know her opponent, as she had done back in the Laverre City Gym.

'Since most of his team could evolved by now, I need more defense. Avis will have to sit this one out, it seems.' Danielle thought as she walked up to her respective spot on the field. She turned to the cheering crowd (what a different atmosphere it is now), attempting to locate her parents but with no luck. "Hi everyone~ Hope we could entertain you~" After giving the crowd an energetic wave, she enlarged her Great Ball and Pokeball. Once the buzzer sounded off, Danielle threw both capsules into the air. "Alright Corona and Zared, come on out!"

Zared, being bigger and taller of the two Pokemon, landed on the stage first; he let out a fierce growl and snapped his jaw at his opponents (Intimidate), who turned out to be the said Heliolisk and an Aromatisse. Corona then bounced off of the said jaw and did a somersault before she landed in front of the Mawile. The small fire bug turned to chirp at the crowd, but no sound came out. The massive crowd has caught the shy bug off guard. With a petrified squeak, Corona curled up into a ball instead and began to emit sparks of embers around her body (Flame Body).

"Oh no, not this again..." Danielle mumbled to herself as she watched her Larvesta's stage fright take over. Even during mock contests, Corona was always one of the few Pokemon that still froze in the spotlight. The Larvesta eventually got over the fear after a few false attacks, but Danielle really doubt that Nico would be that forgiving. 'At least I'm not running away from Fairies any more. Otherwise, this would be worse...'

"Sorry, Danielle. I applaud you for getting over your fear, but that doesn't mean I will let you win out of pity for your Larvesta. Chanel! Set up with Calm Mind! Sandisk, get that bug with a Quick Attack!"

Danielle grimaced as the Heliolisk charged at her frightened bug. "Fine with me; I don't need your pity to win. Zared, intercept with Bite! Corona, Flame Charge on Aromatisse!"

Corona cried helplessly, overtaken by her shy demeanor. Zared immediately stepped in front of her and took the Quick Attack with his powerful jaw. As the Heliolisk cried out in pain, Zared tossed him back to Nico's side of the field, where Chanel's body is glowing faintly. The Mawile then tried to calm down his paralyzed teammate, speaking softly to the small firebug.

'It's no use. The only thing that calmed her down is when I sing that song, but she won't be able to hear it over this crowd unless...' Danielle began to look around for Marco. 'I can't believe I have to do this...'

"Hey Dani and co, eyes on the battle! Use Flash and Draining Kiss!"

"Cover your eyes! Then shield us with Fairy Wind!" Danielle called out without looking at the field. Once she spotted the host, she ran over as fast as she could and pointed to his microphone. "Sir, may I borrow that for just a minute?"

Zared was able to block the blinding effects of the Heliolisk's light with his horn before he conjured up the pinkish Fairy Wind to blow back the Aromatisse from kissing him. As soon as he was sure that the opposing Fairy was out of his personal space, he allowed a cloud of Fairy Wind to cover Danielle's side of the field to obscure them from view. Zared could hear his master asking someone for something. He just he could hold both of them off until Danielle is done with whatever the hell she was doing.

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"Well that was quick..." Mareek muttered to himself as the fight ended on screen and the competitors headed off the field. "Henry seems a bit interesting though. Java, you know what to do."

Instead of bringing up the Page on Baldwin's data the cyber pokemon brought up that of some chick called Liza. "Look at the immediate competition first before going off on tangent hunts." Appeared on the screen. "The priority lies in knowing them over any other competitors."

Heh... so the thing was reprimanding him now? Well, He did have a point, now that Mareek thought about it.... "Fine," he sighed, "Show me..." He paused, skimming over the stats for Liza and her team, nothing very impressive or note worthy. He could go on to Lana's page, but why bother when he already knew about her? That left only one other student... "James Neferion." Up the page went like a bullet, loading so fast on the screen that the only explanation was that Java had already opened it before Mareek had ever asked.

"Duskull, Dratini, a Ferroseed, and a Gligar..." He thought to himself, "Java should be able to handle the Duskull, and the Dratini too, though we're definitely taking it out first; I hate those God awful D-rages... either Erce or Nemo can just run support for him, take a few blows here and there to keep em at bay..." His attention was only attracted away when he noticed the next match starting on the screen. "Well, this oughta be good..."

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