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[IC] Brailens Gifted: The First Gift: Premier


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September 7th Monday 5076 12:36pm The School Gates

Today there was a rather large crowd just outside the School gates. The Grand building, made of weathered stone and marble, one of the greatest buildings in the city. It stood over the almost the entire population of Gifted living withn the city limits. They had all gathered despite the theory some had posed of a mass culling because there was supposedly some nigh earth shaking news that the Headmaster had to tell each of them. Almost all of them were milling about, talking and wondering what oon earth could the headmaster have to say

"Maybe we'll finally be recognised as an Asset to this forsaken society"

"I don't like this, this is all a plot by the Swords! That Headmaster better have a good reason for this"

Such were the thoughts floating around, each varying from person to person, every one of them thinking differently.

Amongst the crowd, Darren and Sabrina were waiting too, chatting about what they were going to eat later. Why? Because Sabrina didn't want to talk about it, and Darren was happy enough not to. Sabrina was well aware tell that this speech could bring change of the negative variety, and this worried her for her rather daft friend. Sabrina glanced at Darren as he mused about which shop to collect he ingredients. He's such a damn fool. This was a recurring mantra in her head, but it was repeated more so today than ever.

Interspersed throughout and around the Crowd were also various notable figures, each brought here for their own reasons.

((This is where you all start. In this crowd, you can't find each other, so just give a quick little intro for your character and I'll move on when we've all posted))


As the people waited outside the school gates, The Headmaster watched, running through the possible scenarios in his head. At the very least, with the presence of Bigby and Sarah, he could prevent a riot. Recruiting the two was one of his greatest ideas. Bigbys Gift of simple strength mixed with Sarahs Neutralising Gift meant that they could dispatch any gifted, should it be needed.

He cursed himself, letting his mind wander was the worst thing he could do right now. Today could very well be a complete shit storm and the worst part is that he knew he was the one who fought for it. It had been clear for a long time that the parties were beginning to set themselves in place, even if the Swords couldn't tell that they were stuck as second in the people eyes.

Change was what he was about to bring about, but whether it would be good or bad was almost out of his hands. He could only hope his faith in these people was warranted.


The winds of Change were indeed blowing, and the rest of the city was in a hustle, making preparations. Well, almost everybody. The Merchants Guild was as inward focused as ever. The mass of narcissists couldn't give a rat's ass, so long as the flow of money and goods kept coming.

Not only were the Three Parties preparing, but also those in the city who knew what was happening.

This was the Beginning of the Era of Change. A Gift from Fate

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Bruh.. these people needs to chill, all these negative energy is killing my karma, i'm sure it's nothing serious. Desmond thought to himself as approach the crowded vicinity, He seems noticeable enough throughout the crowd with his bright floral shirt and his long dreadlock hair sticking out like a sore thumb. Discretely, he produce a single rosebud under his sleeve and sniff out its fragrance under his nose, reminding himself to be calm and find peace despite of this stress out situation.

Desmond stands tall, secreting what seems to be a strong, soothing scent of daisies,as blends in with the crowd and waits for someone that will assess this event.

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Jackson stood in the crowd, his heading poking over most of the people within the crowd. I sure hope I'm not blocking anybody's view right now. Everyone should be able to see this. This could be the moment of change we were all looking for! A grin came across Jackson's face. He was wearing a white button down shirt, a little too tight for him, as he hadn't been able to get any new clothes recently, black dress pants that were just a little too short, and gloves to muffle his "gift" in case anything were to happen. He did not want to start any trouble.

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Lucille stood in the very outskirts of the crowd, a hooded cloak draped over her Blouse and Dress to conceal herself as she looked out over the assembled masses with eyes that seemed perfectly fine yet saw nothing, a few strands of her blonde hair poking out from under the hood and dangling in her face. She would've covered her ears to the din around her... but that honestly would just deny her all orientation rather than actually help anything. All the chattering and commotion made it virtually impossible for her to focus on any one sound, but at least she knew it was coming from infront of her. Elemus still gripped her by the arm, clamped down like a vice. The hunter had guided her just like this once they had gotten closer to the gates, having gotten annoyed by her stopping and refusing to continue when the noise had gotten so loud that she could no longer Echolocate effectively. She was perfectly fine with him being annoyed though, because it was his own damn fualt; had he allowed her to bring along Theo, the man wouldn't have to guide her himself right now.

"You didn't mention anything about the noise..." She said, a bit miffed about the man telling her she couldn't bring her hawk.

"What did you expect?" Elemus answered, gripping a little tighter since she was beginning to annoy again. "It's a crowd, girl. A high amount of noise should already be implied by the mere word. And besides, if you don't like it, then that's your own fault; you paid me to take you along with me today, recall? I didn't ask you if you wanted to go, nor was I planning on having any company for this, especially company that's blind as a damn bat."

She didn't have anything to say to that... the Hunter had a point. But she didn't let it drop quite yet.

"You Could have at least let me bring Theo, though, if you knew it was going to be this bad..."

"You say you take that bird with you whenever you go out, didn't you?" Lucille nodded to the man, not quite seeing where he was going with the question. "Then that means it's a habit, something that can be noticed. The surest and fastest way anyone would know you were gone is if the Hawk was nowhere to be found. Ergo, you leave the hawk behind and break that habit, and you lower the chance of being discovered so easily. Now stop griping about it." She did.

Elemus turned his attention back to the gates when he had finally shut the girl up, setting his mind back on the reason he'd even bothered to come here today at all. From what one of his many little birds around the city had told him, apparently the head master had some big information to reveal, something that would probably prove useful to hear. Well, he was a bit skeptical as to just how useful to him the intel would be, but he wasn't one to go passing up potential sources just because he wasn't entirely sure of their value.

He had originally planned to be here and then be on his way, but that had gotten a bit complicated when he told the Blood Girl to inform her brother he'd be unavailable for the entire day due to other business. He should have just walked out immediately after, not verify her guess that it had something to do wit the Gifted Populace in the city. And he should have refused to take her, but she said she would pay him once they got back... and he knew that the girl kept her word...and it was rather easy money, a good amount as well. The only real thing he wished was that he could just let go of her arm and leave her here to find her own damn way back, what with how much she had annoyed him along the way, refusing to just take the faster method of travel and let him guide her, and then stopping completely at one point once it got too loud for her to guide herself with sound anymore... but alas, She would only pay him once they got back to the shop and she could them enter through Theo's eyes. And so he would just have to be stuck with her for a while longer.

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Cara Rynguard stood near the outskirts of the crowd, adjusting her hoodie and fixing her scarf to cover her mouth. She kicked the ground, stirring up a small bit of dust as she silently waited for the headmaster to speak. She quickly scanned the area, looking around for any shadows. There wasn't many, but probably enough to escape if things went wrong. She stepped back, rummaging in her pockets, finding a small knife as she waited. She had brought one, just in case something happened. She had things to do and jobs to finish. She hoped this would be quick.

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Grip. Release. Grip. Release. Grip... Grip, damn you! Richard stared intently at his right hand, focusing all of his energy into closing the fingers into a fist and releasing them. I am not focused enough. I cannot falter now, not now! His arm strained as his veins bulged, catching the attention of a child nearby who's confusion only increased as they caught a glimpse of Richard's intense expression. Slowly but surely, the fingers clenched into a grip and slowly released as Richard let out a sigh of relief. Good, good. I can still do this much. Richard starts to relax until he immediately corrects his posture and focuses on the building before him. Such carelessness regarding his posture was unbecoming of someone like Richard. I am a servant of the people. I am their monster to command. The only abomination they can count on. I must persevere in all aspects if I am to be worthy of my duty.

His right arm, guided by is left, came to a proud parade rest as he surveyed the surrounding crowd. He had to remain vigilant while their were freaks about. The born sinners, the arrogant savants, the cursed Gifted; their inherited taint is what will drive Trevalus to ruin if left unchecked. I cannot falter. My curse is all that stands between the innocent and the bastards. Eventually, his piercing, lime-green gaze rested on the steps of that building: the false cage that only pretended to hold back the wicked. This meeting is their doing after all, so the distinct possibility of an announcement related to the Gifted was a given. The only question was what exactly their game was this time. Admittedly, Richard felt somewhat in The Headmaster's debt. After all, The Scales repealing of the law banning Gifted from serving in the police force must have been thanks to that man. However, that doesn't change the fact that it was The Scales who gave him his opportunity at the end of the day, not The Headmaster or those fool Shields. He may not have been a politician, but as a civil servant, Richard knew that their games would only make his duty more difficult.

Grip. Release. Grip. Release. I cannot falter. I live to serve. I cannot falter.

Edited by GotWala
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Reyn didn't really want to be there, but his parents insisted that he went. He really didn't care much and was in the outer edge of the crowd leaning on a wall.

"So many people around and they're all either excited or angry at whats about to be said," Reyn said to him self after letting out a sigh of disappointment, "maybe if they spent more time actually listening to each side instead of being so judgmental we'd have a better place to live in." He sat down against the wall still having a good view of the stage. "Hopefully there's no riot or anything bad for that matter after this speech." Reyn then put his arms to the bacck of his head and waited for the announcement to start.

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Seth stood towards the back of the crowd thinking how easily he could pick pocket all these people so much noise and commotion. These people are most likely all gifted I shouldn't be thinking like this! Some habits from the streets are tough to break Seth thought to himself as he scanned the crowed. For the third time Seth looked towards the south and the place he secured in case the situation got out of hand. Most of the group seemed just as on edge as him but nothing seemed to be spiraling to violence quite yet.

Seth began moving through the crowed to find a better spot within the crowd. Why do gifted always seem to be so damn tall. After a few mumbled complaints Seth found a suitable spot to watch the excitement unfold. I'm not sure how this is going to effect me but I am sure this will be interesting at least, not like I have anything better to do.

Edited by Sir_Bagel
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Kyrie had found herself a spot up front and somewhat to one side of the large crowd of people. She stood there waiting for things to start, most of the other people around her seemed engaged in conversation so, not wanting to intrude she remained quiet. So what exactly is the point of bringing us all here? What could be so important....

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Eventually, one of the School staff came to the Headmaster and confirmed that everything was ready and set. The Headmaster nodded and stepped onto the balcony overlooking the crowd. He cleared his throat and raiesd his hands as he began to speak, his old and steady voice echoed over the crowd, silencing them as he spoke.."Welcome, my dear friends and students. You have all been invited here by me so I can share with you what has come of my endeavours with the Parties that govern our Trevalus. Today I can tell you my friends, that We Gifted will go unrepresented no longer! The Gifted people may now apply to join a Party as an employee, and eventually become a representative" He paused, allowing them to register what had been said. There were murmurs amongst the crowd, but he couldn't see any thinking of violence. That may change... "However, whilst this is grand tidings, you must know, In order for this motion to be passed, another had to be passed as compromise." He grimaced, not looking forward to this reveal. "Employers across the country can now discriminate freely against the Gifted, should they find an adequate reason.


Like the others in the crowd, Darren and Sabrina were shocked. what the fuck?! If all people needed was an Adequate reason, Gifted couldn't find bloody work anywhere without having to work an extraordinary amount of time for a paltry living. This was insane, what the fuck was the Head thinking?!


"Now, for those who wish to become a part of a party of your choice, please come calmly into the School so that we may determine if you would be accepted" The Head announced as the School gates opened for those who wished to enter. There were guards lining the path inside, and a few people were walking ni alreeady

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"Well, fuck a duck..." Elemus muttered upon hearing the Headmaster's proclamation. Quite honestly, he'd just lost a great deal of certainty in the man's intelligence... What the hell had the old fool been thinking!? The parties didn't even fucking matter at the end of the day! the city was still going to ultimately stand more or less the same regardless of who leads, and yet here he goes, giving them some imaginary import, making things even harder for Gifted, including himself, for whenever he might see fit to enter into a contractual occupation like he had with Leon, he was just lucky the Swords fanatic had no idea of his Gifted status... but fuck it all, would this complicate things in the future...but not the present, not if he made sure of it...

"Remember our deal, girl..." he snarled, looking Lucille right in the eye. "One word to your brother, and I'll be just as fast to reveal yours to him as thanks."

"I'll only break our pact if you do so first," Lucille replied, snatching her arm away without much success. "And why are you so upset anyway? as things currently stand, Leon has no reason to fire you, and you've obviously proven that you know how to hide your ability better than I do. If anything, you should be angry for all those who don't have the luxury of criminal enterprises to fall back on for income, and who find hiding their status...distasteful."

Leon's eyes widened in surprised, his grip tightening. He wanted nothing more than to strangle this little bitch right here and now... but no, the repercussions were far too great a risk. She's less of a danger to his interests alive than she is dead for the time being...

"How did you find this out?" He demanded.

"I have my own way of finding out things, just like you claim to." was all the girl answered with, followed by. "I suggest you release my arm now. Any harder and you'll leave a bruise that will have to be explained somehow."

"You little..." Elemus snarled like a rabid dog as he reluctantly released his grip, allowing Lucille to break away. This was just great... simply fantastic! today he had not only heard this announcment from the Headmaster, culminating proof of the man's stupidity, that would surely cause issues in the future for him, but he'd also found out that the Blood girl had somehow learned of one or perhaps even several of his side jobs. Marvelous, fucking marvelous indeed! Now the little bitch had far more leverage over him in their deal than he could ever hope to gain. And damned if Elemus knew what he wanted to do now... one part of him screamed in favor of moving his hand to his back and drawing the knife he hid in his belt to give her a jab to the heart... but another part screamed in reprimand of the first, saying that killing her would only dig a hole he wouldn't be able to escape from without starting a snowball effect of killings. The amount of people he'd have to eliminate to cover his tracks would be absolutely ridiculous... and he'd doubtlessly STILL get caught eventually. Despite his arm already slowly moving towards his weapon on it's own accord though, he knew the second part of him was right... he'd just have to be prudent about the girl in the future...make sure she feels that she has more to gain from maintaining the pact than she does by spilling the beans. "Alright, girl... you win for now..."

"You had that damn hawk follow me one day, didn't you?" he finally said, voice far calmer than it was moments ago. He forced his hand to move away from his knife hilt, bring it back to his side.

"The very day you made your contract with Leon," she confirmed. "So I've known literally from day one... but why would you care if I did? Afterall, who would take a blind woman's testimony as proof for a crime?" there was hint of smugness in the last part, a smirk on Lucille's face.

"People who don't know the woman to be blind..." Elem was beginning to grind his teeth again. The bitch just had to stand here and rub it in, didn't she?

"Ah, that's right," She continued. "But of course, if they don't know she's blind, her words hold the same weight as anyone elses. Very good, Elemus, you finally realize how far I've got you set up."

"What do you want...?" Damnit all, and now he was being blackmailed...by a blind girl. what a lucky bastard he was, eh? "Go on, it has to be something..."

"Nothing," Lucille admitted. "I don't want anything from you, hunter. I'm just bringing this out now as insurance. to make you think twice before turning on me and my brother, if you intend to do that in the future. honestly, from what I saw through Theo that first day, I pegged that as probably being inevitable. It's simple; I don't think you can be trusted, I never have, you're just one of those few people who I can never think of as actually being good. You lie and you manipulate and you kill as you need. I know you're using us, Elemus, I know you're scum, beyond redemption or a second chance."

"Get to the damn point..."

"Fuck us over in anyway, And I'll bring down everything on your head. And even if you kill me or Leon, or both of us, I've taken measures to make sure what I know will still get out, so you'd just be wasting your time."

"How much have you seen?" Elemus was beginning to see that the Blood girl was far more of a danger to him than probably anyone else. But at least her danger would only ever lie dormant, if he handled things well, that is. And it could be far worse... she could've demanded a cut of his outside profits. Instead all she wanted was assurance he wouldn't try anything against them. As a large source of his reliable income, he didn't even have any such thing planned anyway, so honestly... this whole little crisis was completely nullified. maybe today would prove to be a good day afterall. But he'd have to be weary of Lucille from this day forward; She'd just proven to be a very competent and very deadly opponent to his enterprises...

"Fine then, if those are your terms," he said, relieved that this whole thing pretty much left things unchanged for the most part. "Then you'll find no issue from me. I had no intention of crossing you two to begin with. You honor your end of the contract, I'll honor mine. It's as simple as that."

"Good to know we have an understanding on the matter then." Lucille said, turning away from him and back towards the murmuring of the crowd, as if the conversation had never even taken place.

Soon the headmaster spoke up again, announcing that those wishing to join a party could enter the school to be evaluated. The only thing Elemus wanted to do at this point was get the hell out of here and get paid... unfortunately, Lucille had other plans. She honestly wasn't all that intrigued by politics... but with Leon's changes not long ago, she had garnered a bit more interest in the parties, out of sheer necessity rather than actually wanting to. And this was a chance to see what about the Swords could have possibly enthralled her brother so. She wasn't about to pass up such an opportunity.

"Take me inside, will you?" she said to Elemus, in a tone suggesting her blackmail of him had never occured, as if they were two old friends out on a stroll.

"No, we're heading back, now, and you're going to pa-"

"I'm terribly sorry, Elemus, but what makes you think you have the leverage to make any demands right now?"

The man got her point at that, though he still didn't move as the crowd began to thin out around them as more people entered the school. Finally Lucille pushed a little harder. "You don't do it, and you can kiss your payment good bye, understand?"

That was enough to get him to comply. without another word he took hold of Lucilles arm (In a different spot this time) and headed off through the now opened gates of the school along with the others in the crowd.

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"Join a party, teh, Reyn's got no time for that." To think that's all they were announcing, though it didn't really concern him much seeing as he helps with the family business. "Man what a bunch of jokers, oh well to each his own I guess." He started to get up, seeing as how the speech was either close or is done he was ready to leave. "Welp, time to report back to ma." Then he went off to go tell his mother what went down.


"What, they allowed you to join a political group, why didn't you join one?" His mother asked angrily

"Same reason I always tell you, I don't like politics." Reyn responded not really caring, he's been through this conversation before. His mother let out a sigh, before responding

"You know one of these days you'll have to chose so why not chose now?" She said disappointingly

"Because, I feel it's not worth my time to be fighting with everyone because of one silly thing one guy did." Reyn said angry, "I'm going out, need anything?"

"No, just be careful." And with that Reyn went to go walk around town with no real destination in mind.

Edited by EXLink32
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No... Richard's eyes went wide with shock and horror at the statement of The Headmaster. The Gifted were already something to be feared and hated with power that tempted them to destroy and defile. How could The Parties be fool enough to allow this!? It is already within our grasp to conquer with our horrid abilities, but now they invite us wolves to stalk their homes undeterred? His hands balled into fists as his knuckles turned white; his eyes darting throughout the crowd to see if his fears were already reaching fruition. It was then that The Headmaster continued his statement regarding "free discrimination" of The Gifted by employers. Richard had a pause in thought, the gears turning in his mind as he attempted to play Devil's Advocate to this supposed compromise. You have already given the dogs an inch, they will not damn well be content unless they have a mile!

Richard once again relaxed his grip and allowed his eyes to return to a visage less filled with wild instinct. To him, The Gifted were discriminated against already, but this showed that the people of Trevalus didn't fear them nearly enough. He could already see it now: The Swords would most likely turn away most, if not all Gifted while The Scales would employ Gifted in a similar fashion to how he was given a role. The Shields... Amongst all of the political parties, they would no doubt accept the majority of The Gifted. Upon doing so, The Gifted would finally have solidarity; they would be able to work with one another to change Trevalus in their favor. They would be unstoppable.

A cold sweat broke out over Richard's body as the light left his eyes. Momentarily, The Headmaster concluded his speech, mentioning that those who wished to join a party may do so within the School, and retired. It was then that the world slowed down for Richard, as the crowds that either left or entered the School drifted around him. Richard then set his gaze straight and his jaw firm, regaining his composure and steeling his resolve. I will confirm my suspicions within. I cannot falter. With that, Richard began his march toward the School with grim determination.

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Cara snorted at the idea of joining a party. Allegiances were nothing more than a target. Just let them freely know where she operates, sounds like a great idea! She sighed, adjusting her scarf as she walked away. She looked around the area, finding a small marble wall nearby to sit on. She hoisted herself up, looking around at the area. She enjoyed the soft breeze of the wind on her cheeks. It helped relax her. She played with her hair, twirling it around her finger as she watched where people went. She heard them muttering to themselves, some positive, some negative.

"Why? Why are they doing this? This is just inviting a rebellion." She heard people say over the low murmur. Cara merely continued to toy with her violet hair, a small smirk forming on her dry lips as the sun bore down on her pale cheeks.

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"Like things weren't hard enough here" mumbled Seth as he walked towards the back of the crowd. "Its not like we could get good work in the first place and now they are justified for the discrimination, and all this for what? Seth never really felt the need to stay informed with the political groups, they hated him and he hated in return. A fairly large portion of the crowd were making way to the school now much to the confusion of Seth. Why even bother with politics, am I missing something here? Seth found himself moving towards the school. "I guess It couldn't hurt to see why everyone seems so interested in this maybe if I eavesdrop enough I can find out if this could actually effect me" With one finall look back to the general safety of his streets Seth began the walk towards the school. Who knows something new can't hurt with the zero work I have now.

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Desmond squirm his way out through frenzied people as soon as he heard the headmaster announce his political propaganda. Surely he don't want to get caught in the wave of the people entering and leaving the school, as he decide to separate himself through the crowd. Desmond finally makes his way and finds a less crowded spot to clear his thoughts, surely this type of decision is not to be rush..

change is good? yes?.. but not all changes are for the better, what are planning you old coot. Desmond thought to himself as he plucks a petal on the flower that he is holding. Dividing people by groups like picking a flower in the garden..choosing whats best and whats not in your patch? i'm not really into politics but you have my curiosity old man, I'll decide when the last petal on this flower is pluck. The bright floral man stands at the end of the crowd and watch as the people enters and leaves the place.

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Near the edge of the crowd stood a "man" watching people discuss this news. The figure kept a hand on one sword ready for any violence to break out. So this is the headmaster I've heard stories about. I don't usually associate myself as one of the gifted. The crowd nearby seemed to be having mixed opinions about the news that spread across the crowd. This new change might not be a bad thing. I might find some work around here along with some strong foes. His train of thought was quickly broken by the growls of his stomach. I smell bloodshed soon. I'm sure someone will pay good money. No more digging in the trash for dinner finally.

The figure pushed through the crowd to get a better look at which gifted were planning on joining the political standpoint. The more who joined, the greater the chance this mercenary would be hired for one side or another. He wished he could hear everything better, but the arguments made hearing a sound nigh impossible.

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Kyrie moved out of the way of the crowd that started to dissipate, she wanted to think without getting in the way of everyone else, because she wasn't fully sure if she actually wanted to get involved with all of this. It was.... quite interesting, what had happened, and one of the few things she didn't expect to be the outcome. On one hand, there was a lot of progress being made for the rights of Gifted such as herself, but what exactly did they mean when they say "Employers across the country can now discriminate freely against the Gifted, should they find an adequate reason". What would be an adequate reason, because that could be very subjective and easily abused. But then again.... One thing at a time, if gifted could get a position of power, then that changes things drastically. It would probably be the best way for her to actually do something about this matter of inequality between the two groups of people. She never really was a person who was too interested in politics, but maybe that can be changed, she wanted in on this. Yes. She definitely wanted in on this. It was a great opportunity. Kyrie started making her way into the school with a quick stride- she didn't want to lose her nerve.

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Those who entered the School gates

After the crowd had split between those interested and those not, the size of the crowd was maybe a third of what it was before approximately 40 people or so. All of them were guided to the assembly hall of the School, a room large enough to fit 300 people easily, There were 5 windows on the long sides of the rectangular hall and there were banners of the School emblem, a ribbon wrapped around a shield hanging around the hall, There were various indents and scorch marks scattered around the room, marks of the accidents of the Gifted youth.

There were also 3 spaces outlined with strange sigils outlining them in the middle of the room side by side. In the space to the right, there was a rather attractive woman, Caucasian, with long chestnut hair and leering emerald eyes looking out at the group, particularly some of the men. In the middle space was a stony faced asian man with short cropped black hair and eyes to match. He wore the strange steelwood amour of the armed forces and had a frame that could easily tote the bulk. He gave no reaction on seeing the people. Finally, there was a young caucasian man with white blonde grinning out at the crowd, He was rather scrawny, and he seemed to be waiting for them to perforn for him

The Headmaster once more cleared his throat, standing at the podium at the front of the hall. "As you can see, these are the representatives of the three parties. The enchantng woman many of you have noticed is Elizabeth Kalisto, the representative of the Sword party. The Gentleman in the middle is Lieutenant Timms of the Scales party, and the last of the trio you see is Nigel Gredia. The sigils around them block any sound and make sure only two people may be in the same space, so you may all have a turn speaking to whomever you wish freely. Should anyone be stupid enough to tinker with these wards, they shall be removed from the premises. With that, step forward and speak to whomever you wish." He said, giving the group freedom to do as they wished. A majority of the men tried to make an immediate beeline for Elizabeth, resulting in a long queue, despite the people she was representing.

Darren and Sabrina were amongst these people. "So, think you'l try and talk to the eye candy, or will you actually put some thought into yur decision?" Sabrina teased, knowing full well Darren didn't care much for that particular form of bait. Even so, he still responded. "I honestly don't know. I mean, it makes the most sense to approach the shields, right? They'd logically be the most accepting, but the scales are the ones in power right now, so if I wanted to actually get somewhere, I should talk to the army guy in the middle..." Darren mused, almost to himself. Sabrina, on the other hand, didn't particularly care. She was there for Darren, because she figured leaving him alone would be a bad idea. Not that her presence apparently mattered, especially when the interview were one on one.

Those who did not enter

((I'm taking you back quickly Exlink))

Reyn had wandered throughout the city, and eventually found his way back to the School rather quickly. As he turned to corner to see the small plaza everyone had gathered in, he saw a small ring of bystanders had formed with a few people, Cara included, watching from the outskirts. In the middle of the ring was a man who appeared to be arguing with the majority of people there, spouting a few rather creative curses as he did so.

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The "man" followed the crowd into the room and noticed the three people standing in line. The man standing in the middle kept and intimidating look which drew away quite the number of people. This intrigued the young man and he headed towards the Scales line. I really can't hit any lower than this. I'm a warrior who knows how to fight with a sword. I know I can do better than being a beggar on the streets.

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Seth scanned the room from the corner he has claimed for himself. Never being good with decisions and unsure with the specifics about the three political groups Seth remained still. These groups have made our lives difficult from the day we discovered our gifts, why join them? The large line towards the swords was enough to make Seth sick to his stomach seeing how one woman could convince these people to do something so foolish. Seth turned his head to glance at Nigel Gredia. How could someone who looks like this represent a group who fights for equality? The smug look on his face did nothing but irritate Seth is how Nigel didn't seem to fit his groups ideals whatsoever. It's the Idea not the person Seth thought as he joined the back of the Shield party line.

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"Take me to the Line for the Swords party," Lucille ordered Elemus once the Head master had introduced the representatives.

"You really think they'd be interested in a blind girl's services?" The man scoffed, staying where he was. "Because I can tell you, chances are you'll get turned away the moment their representative figures out you've no sight. Are you truly stupid enough to believe that you can fool her without an animal familiar at your side for you to see through?"

"Hold that thought for a moment, Elemus," Lucille said, not even bothering to face him as she spoke. She focused herself, reaching out with her gift and trying to find any animals that might be lurking around. It only took a few moments before she did, persuading it to come to her...

"The hell is that squeaking sound?" The hunter asked, hearing the mouse before actually feeling it crawl up the outside of his pants leg and onto his shoulder. The thing looked up at him with it's beady eyes, sniffing the air before running down his arm and jumping up onto Lucille's shoulder instead. The moment it did, its black eyes turned to a murky, cold gray, the same color as hers. The thing turned around and looked at Elemus, everything it saw coming through into the eye of Lucille's mind, providing a near sighted view of the world that blurred out after a couple of feet in front of the rodent's face, but a view it was nonetheless.

"And I'd like to correct you," She said, mouse still staring at the hunter though Lucille wasn't even facing him. "The goal is to find something out about what the Swords are really after, not to get chosen by them. I need only a few minutes to ask a question or two... And you can let go of me now." The mouse retreated from her shoulder and hid in the folds of her cloak once she finished speaking, not making any noise at all as it took cover. One wouldn't even know it was there at all. Elemus let go of her, gladly this time. Using the Mouse's shotty but adequate enough vision, she walked over and joined the line for the swords as if she could see perfectly fine, though in truth it was little more than a combination of echolocation coupled with the use of her gift. Elemus was left standing there, outside of any line. not that he much cared to join one though...he had come to realize long ago that this game of politics the rich and powerful liked to play meant absolutely nothing.

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Ryen figured it couldn't hurt to listen to what the group was saying. He didn't have anything better else to do and it couldn't hurt to listen a little bit. so he got a bit closer so he could hear what was going on. what he really wanted to know is why this was even happening in the first place.

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'Should i join a party, or should i not?' Desmond continues to pluck his flower and was surprise as he breaks down the last petal of it, the little rose told him to join the politics, but why the rush? i mean many people here are still undecided and was standing at the outside of the school. Desmond decided to join in these group of bystanders for a while and waited to hear their side of the story.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Shields. Definitely Shields. It was the choice that would lead to the most positive change, right? The Swords might have had some okay visions regarding conquering more land and everything, expanding the city, but they couldn't even properly acknowledge their already at hand resources- the Gifted. Before they should start expanding, they should also at least try to uniform the quality of life, for in some places in the city, it was quite poor compared to other sections. While the Scales were okay, they didn't really try to do much change, after all, in ten years there still wasn't too much progress even though they were currently in power. The Shields, however, if they could win the next election, things would probably get so much better. Especially now that Gifted could become members of the party, this could be the change that so many people were looking for. Kyrie fell into the line leading to Nigel Gredia, giving a brief and anxious flick of her left hand before relaxing and grinning. She was, for a moment, concerned whether they would accept her, but she quickly came to the conclusion that they probably would. She couldn't see why_not.

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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