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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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So he just found her like that then? well, I guess it's not too crazy... afterall, that's what Nemo did after I helped him out. "I think I'll pass on that offer," Mareek said, glancing at the bird. "She must've taken a liking to you or something if she's willing to follow you without first being caught in a Pokeball or anything; I should know, Nemo here did the exact same thing when I found him in the forest and helped him out of a bind a few days ago."

Nemo would've given a nod or something to confirm his Trainer's claim if he wasn't occupied by the Skarmory staring at him. "Cube?" the orphan asked, returning the Bird's curious gaze. any longer and it seemed as though he might enter a starring contest with the Steel Type...

"Why not just ask her if she wants to come with you?" Mareek continued. He produced an Empty capsule from his Jacket and rolled it over to the other boy idely. "She can't exactly follow you around all the time if she has a capsule to go back to. And she's probably not gonna leave you alone any time soon, so might as well just let her join you. Go on if you want," he nodded to the empty Pokeball ball he had rolled. "I've got plenty of spares on me."

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"Jacob, whoever suggested such a thing?" Claudes face was the picture of innocence, When The others names were called Claude stepped aside o let them pass. "Good luck guys, have fun!" He tried to give an encouraging smile, but he saw Ryan out of the corner of his eye and was concerned for him, debating on walking over to check on him.

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Danielle giggled as Jacob came back to chide Claude, now having realized that she had just missed the joke. "Oops, sorry, mon amie. That was quite rude of me, no?" Just then, Alastair came by to announce the next matches. Danielle sighed, a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to witness Slade's battle. With a shrug, Danielle gave a quick hug to her boyfriend and got up. "Claude, dear, you could always show me when we are in privacy~" she giggled before hopping off to gather her Pokemon. "Oh, and Henry, it's not me. You could probably tell that none of them could know Sing or any sleep inducing move."

Her three Pokemon stare up at her curiously. Zared was content and waiting to be called back into his Great Ball while Avis and Corona were growling at the mention of Kristen's name. Danielle chuckled at their fiery temper and bent down to pet them both. "Deep breaths you two. Just don't pay her any mind, got it?" Avis and Corona nodded firmly; they were ready to teach her a thing or two. The human girl chuckled and put all three back into their respective capsules.

'Looks like I'll be one of the last to battle again.' she thought as she took her place at Alastair's designated battlefield. Once there, Danielle looked around her and gave a wave to her audience. 'Just like a circus~ It's time to have some fun~ And this time, I won't back down. I owe it to those three.' She turned towards Kristen and smirked. 'I don't know her team, but that doesn't matter.' Instinctually, she pulled out a random Pokeball and threw it into the air. It turns out it was Zared. The Mawile gave a determined cry and looked back at his trainer. He knocked on his horn as a reminder before he turned to face his opponent. The sound reverberated around Danielle's field, calming down Danielle's nerves. "Right, trust and focus. Thanks, Zared." With a deep breath, she yelled towards Kristen. "Ready when you are!"

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Waiting to get Sissy's and Shiro's reaction's he heard Henry's suprised, and from what he could tell angered, statement. "Oh, yeah. You were in the same group as Evan, so that info might not have spread yet. Basically, someone tried to get the Donphan herd under control when it reached the camp. They yell out to 'cover your ears if you wanna stay awake' and, as far as I know, I was the one person, and got hit with it. I had Nikki's Pokeball in my hand, so I was just unprepared. As far as I can understand, they had the safety of the students as a concern." Having the simple explanation behind, he tried to grasp for the person Henry was asking about.

"As for who did it... I actually don't know. I mean, I'm sure that I recognized that voice from somewhere, but I haven't been able to place the voice after I went down." He turned his attention to Sissy and Shiro, hoping that they were calm after the story. "By any chance, do you two know who did that?"

Edited by TurboAura
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"Nice story you have there Robert. Kiai sure looks a lot stronger now." Sissy smiled at the Lucario.

"A guy with a Lapras was putting everything into sleep. I was able to cover my ears, but it was too late for Miss." Sissy replied at Robert and Henry. "I had to go and catch her before she hit the ground, after she fell asleep."

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Jacob sighed sheepishly as he overheard Sissy and Robert and Shiro's conversation. Looking to Claude, he decided to remove himself from the situation. "Hey, Ryan looks pretty down over there. You think we should go cheer him up?" he asked his friend, looking toward Danielle and Kristen's battle. I don't know who to cheer for. Danielle is my friend, but things could work out between Kristen and me. I guess I'll just have to hope they tie, otherwise I might find myself torn between the two, he thought to himself. He then returned his attention to Claude, waiting for a response.

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"I guess they should be thankful no one was hit by one of those things. I was lucky and the one that hit me held back when it knocked me into a wall. If it would've went full force, I might actually be dead. Still hurts like hell though. As for the signer, whoever used the move probably knew little about the move. If you use a certain pitch, you can put Pokemon to sleep without affecting humans, but it's not always reliable." Henry only knew so much about the move because of the Skitty he used. The neighbors used to use the move to wake up ironically.

Henry's mind then focused on the battle between Danielle and Kristen. "Danielle, you better kick her butt for me."

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"So I wasn't the only one to see him looking down huh?" Claude responded with a frown. "C'mon, let's go see what's up" Claude walked over to Ryan. "Hiya, how you doing? That was a great win you had against Henry" Claude said to try and start a conversation at least.

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“I actually thought this battle would be challenging,” Kristen remarked. “I see you have a new Pokémon and it looks lame as always. Go, Lady, show them how it’s done!”

A red flash revealed Kristen’s first partner to be a Marill. The little water mouse seemed to have a happy personality as she waved her little arms to the public. Without waiting, or giving a warning, Kristen started the battle. “Use Bubble Beam!” Lady listened and a series of bubbles quickly made their way to Zared.


Evan stared at the Pokéball. “Thanks,” he said reluctantly. He wasn’t really sure if he even wanted to catch the steel bird. He postponed the actual capture and used his lack of battle points as an excuse. It was no secret he had trouble earning points with his grades and had to earn them with battles instead. The downside was that he didn’t earn much and almost all his points went to food and medicine for his team. He could barely afford the amount to join the Winter Cup but he was determined to enter and win. That way he could get a large amount at the same time and finally could stop wondering about being able to eat next week.

Skarmory also noticed the Pokéball and heard what Mareek said. She walked over and rubbed against the trainer, much like a Persian would do, to thank him and get some affection at the same time.

Lana decided not to interrupt the conversation as her two friends were starting to get to know each other. Instead she focused on Danielle's upcoming battle.

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Jacob nodded and followed Claude over to Ryan, sitting next to his friend and putting his arm around his shoulders. "Yeah, man, you really stuck it to him! That attitude of his must've made winning even more satisfying, huh?" He frowned as he saw that Ryan didn't seem to be in a bragging mood. "What's eating at you, buddy? You know Claude and I are here to talk if you need us."

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"S- so it was that student, what was his name... who did that?"

"I have no idea what's his name." Sissy paused for a second. "I don't know many people around here." And that's because I was too shy to introduce myself to anyone until now.

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Danielle shrugged, oblivious to her tormenting. "Zared, show her a windstorm."

Zared snapped his fingers. A bright pink wind swirled around him before he pointed at the Bubblebeam. Almost instantly, the Fairy Wind jetted towards the Bubblebeam, effectively blowing them to the side, and is now headed straight for the Marill. The bubbles popped harmlessly in the air, showering the entire field with sparkles.

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Does she want to turn this into a contest or something with those sparkles? Or does she just want some attention? It doesn’t matter. I’m going to finish this as soon as possible.

“Dodge it and get close to use Aqua Tail!” The blue watermouse was slow and barely dodged the incoming fairy wind, before her tail became surrounded with water. She made her way towards Zared and was ready to hit him in the face.
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Really? just... Really? why is this thing rubbing up against me? I'd honestly like to keep my face intact... The boy thought to himself as he noticeably tensed his whole body and shrugged back a little from the Bird's affections. He made sure to be weary as he held his hands up haltingly to the skarmory, not wanting to accidently touch her wings.

"Alright, alright..." he said scooting away a smidge, but trying to smile as to not offend the razor sharp creature. "I guess that's my thank you from you. You're welcome, it's no biggie. But yeah..." he returned his attention to Evan. "I'm telling you, if they like you then there's no getting away... They'll still find a way to follow if you don't just get them into a capsule let them onto the team. Just be happy it's not something like an overly huggy Goodra..." He stopped for a moment, actually weighing the pros and cons of the bird being that slimy dragon type instead. The fact that one wouldn't end up carving up the trainers face from a hug was the most appealing of the argument by far. "Um... nevermind about that...but seriously, she won't go away, you can try all you want... Nemo here probably would've kept tagging along behind me all the way back to camp if I hadn't just taken him with me."

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Ryan looked up at Jacob and Claude as they approached. "Hardly a victory. He might have been able to beat me. Didn't even take the chance though." Ryan sighed. "That's not even what I'm upset about. He said something that reminded me of an incident that occurred when we were looking for group 2. What Henry said at the end of the battle reminded me of it. Whether he meant it to get under my skin or whether it was unintended is beyond me." Ryan paused and looked up at them. "Guess it sounds like I'm just over exaggerating if I don't tell you what happened. Basically, Kage ran into a Celebi while he was in the woods and it showed him a vision of presumably the future. In it, there were a bunch of burning buildings and everything was a mess. Glacien and Feroces were there too and apparently they were sad. And he said that they were upset because I was dead, right there in front..." Ryan's lip began to quiver as the year that had been welling up in his eye released itself and dribbled down his cheek." And Kage told me about it yesterday, and Henry must have heard it."

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"Zared...?" Danielle asked. Her Mawile stood his ground; his eyes began to glimmer with determination. Sensing his strength, Danielle nodded firmly. 'I'll believe in you then.' "Come at me then." She replied.

Zared smirked, knowing exactly what she wanted him to do. This was what he had done with Corona, after all. Once Lady's tail was about to smack his face, he quick turned around and clamped onto the watery tail with his jaw. "Knock her down to the ground!" He then heard his master say. With a growl, Zared began to, repeatedly, wave his steel horn up and down, smacking her into the hard rocks below every time she hit the ground.

'Now, will she try to go offensive or defensive...?' Danielle pondered. A small grin appeared on her face.

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The bite attack wasn’t very effective, but Marill still took damage from being smacked into the ground. “Quick, Rollout!” The water type formed a ball while her tail was still in between Zared jaws. Lady started to roll at a rapid pace and tried to lift Jared over her to slam him into the ground. Even if it didn’t work she would free herself.


“Come over here, Skarmory!” Evan said quickly before things got out of hand. The bird immediately stopped and rushed over way too fast and collided with her trainer, knocking him over. Evan mumbled something and pushed the ball against the steel bird. The capture was successful and the student felt relieved. Maybe this was the best way after all to get away from the stalking. Unfortunately Skarmory had other plans. She popped out of the Pokéball and started rubbing against Evan this time.

“What did I do to deserve this?” he complained. “And watch out where you put those razor sharp wings of yours!”

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Jacob sat in shock, unable to fully process Ryan's story. "Kage met... a... Celebi?" he asked in wonder, the events hitting him one at a time. Then, once he realized what the rest of what Ryan had said actually meant, he looked horrified. "Ryan, that's..." he said, unable to think of anything helpful. "That's heavy, man. I don't even know what to say to you. All I know is that I'm here for you, bud." He then looked up at Claude, his eyes screaming "help me."

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Claude himself was taken aback by Ryans story, but he did see the main issues bothering his friend. "So, naturally the idea of possible death is a bad thing, and on top of that, you think Henry, being the jackass that he is, took a shot at you with that as the ammo? Well, let me tell you something" Claude poked Ryan on the forehead as he leant down to look Ryan in the eye. "The future is not set in stone. There was a time in my life I thought I was destined to a life of confinement and utter monotony. Naturally, that isn't the case now. If that can change, so can this future as well. As for Henry, you beat his ass, no matter what could have happened. It doesn't matter" Claude smiled at Ryan, hoping to cheer him up. Colere, who had been resting in his arms, let out a light snort of affirmation, agreeing with her trainer.

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Slade got up from his seat and headed towards the battle field where Alastair was. He was sad he couldn't watch Danielle's match or battle with her. As he made his way he saw Kage and his Tyrunt ready for battle. Flare followed by Slade's side and stood by him as he arrived. "Well, I hope we can have a good battle and may the best team win." Slade said towards Kage with a smirk on his face. He reached for a pokeball a threw into the field, "Sasuke come on and show them what you're made of!" The frog appeared with the white sparkling around him. He stood there with his arms crossed and let out a little "Dier." as the light dissipates. "So Kage, I'll let you have the first move unless you want me to go first." Slade said towards his opponents

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'Crap!' "Let her go now!" Danielle commanded. Unfortunately, Zared was taken off guard by this ball and got a dose of his own medicine as he landed face first into the ground. She could hear a grumble from Zared as he got up and glared at the opposing Fairy. Despite the dire circumstances, Danielle giggled at the sight. "Ready for Round 2?" Zared gave a thumbs up before he shook his head to clear out his thoughts. "Well, then. Zared," Danielle commanded as she kept her eye on the rolling ball of blubber. She also took note of the field and where Zared is currently standing... "Use Hidden Power. We have to stop her now!"

Zared raised an eyebrow (if he ever had one) at that strange request. This was something new to him; Zared would never blindly attack head on, especially if he couldn't hit his target most of the time. 'Does she have a plan?' Without another thought, Zared channelled a ring of white orbs around his body and began to fire them towards the Marill, hoping that at least one of them would hit Lady. And if not, he hoped his master's brain is as quick as her smart mouth.

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"I think she's just looking for some affection..." Mareek said, casting a glare at Nemo as the Cubone struggled to suppress a laugh. The Orphan turned it's eyes away from the scene, forcing himself to calm down due to the unspoken reprimand. "Try giving her a little then. Pet her or something; you just have to figure out how exactly to balance being her friend and being her trainer. if you can do that, you'll be able to stay in the lead of things for your team while also having her trust you enough to calm down a bit." as if on cue for some perfect example for his trainer's words, Nemo failed to stop giggling and Mareek gave him another look, shutting the orphan up once more, and this time he didn't start again either.

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"Alright then. Reina, you're slower, so let's make it tough for that frog to get around you. Stealth Rock!" The Tyrunt kicked at the ground and knocked a few sharpened stones loose, which scattered about the battlefield and began floating at various heights.

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