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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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Ok, so seeing as the pause that ~was~ from Jorys absence has evolved into a stagnation risen from Jorys leaving announcement, I'm going to declare here that this particular chapter is defunct. Calling the date and time of death as it were.

I would ask that the thread stay unlocked though in case a revive is a possibility pending our other Co-hosts.

I'm sorry to everyone who stuck along so far with their characters and being patient. I'm hoping this post gives you all a small bit of closure and clears up any sadly hopeful confusion.

Closure? I'm honestly just sad more than anything else... this was definitely among my favorites, if not the favorite out of all of them...

Oh well though... Like dobby said, perhaps someday, someone will revive it... I'm usually not the naive type, but I'll hold out hope that it happens eventually. Participating in this thing with all of you guys, from start to premature end, was without a doubt one of the funnest experiences I have ever had, either on the internet or off of it.

Well folks... it was indeed an honor roleplaying with all of you in this.

Nevermind, Ninja'd by the messiah Chim.

Yeah, he made some strange profile update a few days ago...ever since, I haven't seen or heard anything of him.

Well... I can't believe I'm saying this, but... if it's needed, I could make an exception to my retirement and try to help out with keeping this going long enough for you to return, chim... I have no idea what jory was ultimately planning, but...

if it's needed, I'd be more than willing to. Like I said, this was one of my favorites.

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I know I haven't been active, but if Chim wants to revive this, I'd be in no matter where this train goes. Like Stratos, it is my favorite RP (also my first oddly enough). Seriously, if you need anything from me to get this back, I'd gladly do it. Don't care how much work is involved.

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There are various matters that complicate the revival of this RP. Some of it was a few baseline errors chim noticed halfway through with the plot, world and characters, some of it is simply down to how sticky the current situation is IC and how jarring it would be to return to it after so long, even with a reboot. After all, we can't restart the year without a serious skip or making a new set of characters. Lastly is simply the fact that, well, hosting this show is a bitch and a half. The players are fine, even if we've had the occasional hiccup, but managing so many characters is so, so hard. Making sure everyone is not ignored or felt left out, trying to give reasons for actual interactions. Tall tasks cast appropriately intimidating shadows.

If anyone wants to try and pump an ink transfusion into this stories veins though, by all means.

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I know I am too little too late on this RP. I followed along for a little while as I played Battlegrounds, but I actually was dreaming up an RP similar to this one a while back. Except the biggest difference was the school was populated by Pokemon "half-breeds" which was essentially a Poke furry's concoction of r34.

That pointless stuff aside, seems like y'all had fun here. And still, I'd be willing to make something, whatnot with certain people passing on the torch as well as departing. Opinions?

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That pointless stuff aside, seems like y'all had fun here. And still, I'd be willing to make something, whatnot with certain people passing on the torch as well as departing. Opinions?

Considering how much work went into each individual character, what each PC is like, what each NPC is like, relationships and general ruling on pokemon battling I'd have to say anyone else would be better suited for the role of hosting. To be blunt, speaking from personal experience, it is incredibly difficult for a stranger to the inner workings of an RP to step in and fill the shoes of the original host(s). Literally any of the other RPers, who are far more familiar with the RP on the whole, would be a better fit. And seeing as this RP also holds a place in my heart alongside one of, if not my favourite OCs Claude the Extraordinaire and his companion Doux, I refuse to take any chances on passing the torch so frivolously.

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Considering how much work went into each individual character, what each PC is like, what each NPC is like, relationships and general ruling on pokemon battling I'd have to say anyone else would be better suited for the role of hosting. To be blunt, speaking from personal experience, it is incredibly difficult for a stranger to the inner workings of an RP to step in and fill the shoes of the original host(s). Literally any of the other RPers, who are far more familiar with the RP on the whole, would be a better fit. And seeing as this RP also holds a place in my heart alongside one of, if not my favourite OCs Claude the Extraordinaire and his companion Doux, I refuse to take any chances on passing the torch so frivolously.

This was one of those really rare RPs that reflects how close we really got to each other. I'm pretty sure everyone else in the group pretty much agrees that we simply wouldn't put it in the hands of someone random. Though I do feel like it should ultimately be up to Chim to decide the course of action of whether to revive, reboot/reimage, or let the project finally rest.

And Darvan, I mean no disrespect, but this is something far bigger than you can chew. It pretty much has been one hell of a ride for all of us. Still, I think it's how much each of us dedicated to it was what made it so fun. This is not a torch any of us will so easily pass. Or as the infamous character I played would say:

"A rookie like you wouldn't even last a day around these ding-dongs. Though I suppose it's a day they won't bother me." (Man, I miss doing that now).

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Woah, to think I missed ALL of This chatting. But yeah, Ymora has/was amazing, and I'm happy to see how things are apparently going to go on, as I'm sure my characters are looking on to see as well, whether this really is the sad end, or if some miracle will bring us back. Either way, I'll await the future like I have been.

Edited by TurboAura
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Looking back at the beginning of this RP, I can see how much I've grown and how much I can still grow. As a first RP I think I couldn't have had a better group of people to have done this with and I thank all of you. And if this gets revived again, you better know I'll be with it all the way! :D

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I see Commander. I've got the spirit to do it, and I have yet to show real strokes of brilliance around here, but I read back on y'all on bored days, and saw how everyone grew. I'm never ever gonna rebuild Ymora at all. Ymora was Chim's deal. The fraternity. The feeling of brotherhood and comradery. THAT is what I am shooting for. Instead of putting me down, if you really wanna see this revived in one way or another, I'd seriously like help. I am already consulting a few of the more experienced members I am comfortable talking to, because I have a killer idea that was oh so similar to this.

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To be honest I've been thinking for a while now about getting this RP back up. It's the first one I tried as a host and I still believe we can create a great story.

The only thing I need is a reboot. When I started about a year ago (wtf time flies) I thought I had everything I needed, but as the story progressed I found some holes in the plot, especially second year. Now I'm pretty sure I can find solutions (I have a big one in mind) around certain holes, but I need to restart and implement some things from the very beginning. I also underestimated how long some battles would take so I need to come up with a way to keep the Winter Cup interesting or replace it as a whole.

I already told Dobby this but the earliest I can get something up would be the weekend after I moved. (I move the first weekend of October). That's only because I can keep the main plot and I don't need to change much about the first chapter. (Older players will have to bear with me with this one as every schoolyear starts with an intro.) From the second chapter things will change.

The second change would be NPCs. No more Lana, Phoebe, probably Alvin, ... It's impossible for me to keep using them all. So I will reduce the amount and / or screentime they get and make sure they actually bring some value to the story.

The only reason that keeps me from doing this; PCs. Some of you (especially Stratos) have put some serious effort into their characters. I would allow you to start over with them (or create something new), but I don't know if that's fair to ask. (Even though we're down a few like Jacob, Danielle etc.)

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The second change would be NPCs. No more Lana, Phoebe, probably Alvin, ... It's impossible for me to keep using them all. So I will reduce the amount and / or screentime they get and make sure they actually bring some value to the story.

The only reason that keeps me from doing this; PCs. Some of you (especially Stratos) have put some serious effort into their characters. I would allow you to start over with them (or create something new), but I don't know if that's fair to ask. (Even though we're down a few like Jacob, Danielle etc.)

I could see why that's the issue. I'm kind of on mixed ground for Henry. On one hand, it feels like I'm obligated to feel the role of character "nobody" likes or gets on their nerves. On the other hand, part of me wants to start fresh (or maybe play Luna).

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If this RP has been declared finished... I'm sorry but I kinda need to lock this thread, it was from August until a day ago that such was declared ((which honestly... is too long a time it was quiet for me to really leave this open despite the fact.)) and I can;t be leaving open a OOC for an RP that is closed and isn't going to be played anymore. It's not really all that fair to other newer RPs that this is sitting in the top page taking up space they could be occupying and getting people to see them and hopefully come to them.

At this point, it's probably better that a New thread be created if this is too get a revamp anyway. You can;t really expect people to read not only all the Chapters for the RP, but you can;t expect them to really go through 300 pages of OOC to get caught up either. I'm sorry but I really got to put this to bed guys, if it's been declared dead ((which it has by Dobby who was currently upkeeping it.)) I have to lock. A host or one standing in for the host I can't really can;t do for necro'ing their thread due to the nature of it and how RP works. They might be able to announce something etc... or shut it down for good or try to revitalize it.

That's not what I see happening here unfortunately. Any attempt to really revive this should be taken on as a new project, not within this thread. I'll probably be closing this within due time because there is just too much here and it's not fair to other newer RPs. I will ask any discussions be moved to PM instead of here in this thread. Overall, It's my decision, and while it's not something I want to do it's something I have to do. Any attempt to revive this is going to have to be a new project something starting anew. I'm all for that, however, I'm not all for this Thread being dragged out of the grave and brought back to the forefront.

I'll be locking this thread by the end of the day, I suggest getting Something together for a reboot in either PMs or by creating a new thread for this purpose a new OOC. Because I can't really leave this unlocked anymore and say I'm doing my job. I know it's probably not what you guys want to hear etc... but I've gotta do it. Hopefully yo don't get to made at me.

I'm not going to be warning anyone for Necro'ing in case anyone is worried, mostly since It would be a lot of those and I wasn't really around when it started and I'd rather not retroactively do it. Hopefully you understand my decision here and you don't get too miffed at me but it's the conclusion I came to and the one I'm going to have to enforce. Have a nice day guys, and I hope the reboot works out if you guys choose to do it. I'd be happy to see it pop up in the future.

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So like, this was one of my first RP's and I can't help but look back on it nostalgically with both fondness and slight disdain for my incompetence at the time but seeing a Reboot would be interesting....

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I'd be alright with a reboot, though I agree that it should probably go into it's own thread. (Though closing an OOC with three hundred and eighty-seven pages seems like a damn shame.) I liked Kage but at the same time he didn't quite work out the way I wanted him to. He was too nice and not musical enough, and I made far too few dirty jokes with him.

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