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Everything posted by Dred

  1. Send your save file. Additionally, are you on the latest patch? And are you using any modified files, or debug?
  2. Yes. A lot changed. QoL, and story changes.
  3. All available encounters, including Gen 8 mons can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ERjTR_1Q1w0BUIpfrz6jGdX9QAE0EqKAw5GAbBPlknU/edit#gid=1099750979
  4. It sounds like your game is from an older version where the Quest Log did not exist. Try starting a Side quest, or story quest, and see if that prompts it there. If not, I'll leave it to the devs to answer.
  5. Yes! Nothing is shiny locked in this game.
  6. In the rock puzzle, there is a cave entrance to the left, and right. Where you battled Lucas, there will be 1 pillar to rock smash. There should be 3 or 4 in the main room, and 3 in the left room. Once you rock smashed all pillars, go to the center cave in the main room.
  7. Explore the depths isn't a door, it's a cave, located on the top left side of the Depths. The Key is for a tombstone in that cave, which will open a passage
  8. Before Gym 5, you can buy them for 5 Credits each in Undercity.
  9. Left of the market. You need to complete the blackview tournament first.
  10. It was moved as of E6. Connor will hint at it's location when you reach Blackview City.
  11. Same method as SW/SH, but in Weeping Hill.
  12. No support is being provided for Debug. The game release yesterday, so please refrain from using it.
  13. Passwords are listed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ERjTR_1Q1w0BUIpfrz6jGdX9QAE0EqKAw5GAbBPlknU/edit#gid=0
  14. ... No one is going to provide support for Cheat Engine, don't use that bloatware junk. Sorry.
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