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The Fush

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Status Updates posted by The Fush

  1. send help

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm not sure if puppies are enough

  2. demolition d is a blessing to this planet

  3. is there any way to remove the trainer card from my signature or is it imprisoned there forever

    1. Vinny


      Nope. It's there to remind you to never make a card again.

      Mine disappeared after trying to delete it for two weeks ;_;

    2. Ikaru
  4. bears confirmed for disgaea 5

  5. ame pls the menus are just gettin more confusing now :U


  7. Replaying this VN over and over because why the fuck not

  8. fuck ad malware

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity



    3. AuthorReborn


      You should turn adblock off on websites you actually enjoy though, because then the people running the site still get a bit of $ from the ads which will help it stay running.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      of course, otherwise turn it on, it makes it easier to keep malware off your computer. Also whitelisting is very easy so it doesn't take long.

  9. Holy shit, Unlimited Blade Works.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VSharma


      This is only the beginning

    3. Sheep


      Nah mate, he's talking about the VN.

    4. rustytengo


      I still need to get a hold of the VN so i can actually get more information on the whole thing.

  10. And on this episode of Ufotable's adaptation; Backflipping Berserkers and Masters actually fighting again!

    1. Sheep


      When that backflip happened I was like :o

  11. i haven't lost all faith in my smash skills

    1. rustytengo


      that's all well and good, but the only thing i can concentrate on is that you have a Rin picture.

    2. Nico Nico Nii~
    3. Maelstrom


      Let's fight again then. It's been a few days.

  12. i have lost all faith in my smash skills

  13. Ah yes, the beautiful chaos and anomalies that literally start within 3 seconds, die down again, and rinse and repeat

  14. it was me all along

    1. Arkhi


      Dammit, Jim.

    2. Ikaru


      it was singed the whole time

  15. As a general guideline, guys, please don't spoil any leaks or hidden information on the status updates here; I'd advise posting about it in Godot's smash bros thread instead. Stating this because I know there are people beside me who wish to remain unspoiled.

  16. Am I the only one who thinks Lil' Mac won't be in completely lower tiers? Sure, he has an exaggerated "good ground/bad air" game, but I don't think the limited amount of testing at events is enough to experiment with how much he's gonna be able to stick to his ground game. If anything, I think he's going to be mostly matchup-based due to his properties; fighters better at launching and sustaining air game will be good against him, while he has, at the least, a damn...

    1. The Fush

      The Fush

      good shot at the rest of the cast.

    2. Maelstrom


      Nope. I'll give him a shot first too.

    3. Dar


      I don't pay attention to tiers, I just pick a melee character and go with it (Robin looks great btw)

  17. I'm legitimately starting to worry that this community is too corrupt and untrusting for it's own good.

  18. Refraining from looking at or discussing in the official smash bros thread right now, due to the leak discussion and showing; sorry, Godot, I'm just trying to keep myself potentially unspoiled and follow the reveals as they go.

  19. I want to help but that's impossible

  20. god bless internet hotspots

  21. My skill in fighting games usually boils down to how awake I happen to be at the time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I'm so bad at fighting games, I lose to button mashers.

    3. Jelly


      i always get beat by button mashers because they're so hard to predict :[[[

    4. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Button-Mashing... My smash-bros experience ^^

      *picks Ike* "B-Up" "B-Up" "B-Up" "A" *move stick left* "B-Up" "B-Up" "B-Up" "B-Up" "B-Up" "B" "B" "Charge A" *wins*

  22. Pullin' an all-nighter now since I'm gonna be on an internetless holiday for a week after

  23. All of these characters are fucking jokers and I love them

  24. Now that I'm less angry about no Shulk in the newcomer announcement Robin actually looks really good to me and he'll prolly end up being one of my mains

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