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13 Fledgling

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  1. Wow, I am impressed. The grinding (and especially the exp share unavailability in early game) and soft level cap are about the only things I did not like about this game. Thank you, this is a great improvement. I think the move relearner should be available sooner in the game but other than that, it seems everything is perfect.
  2. Yes, sadly, there is always one Fern.
  3. The most anticipated game of 2021 is Pokemon Reborn Jarred Dating Sim.
  4. Inkay is special. In official games, it evolves by turning your console upside down. Instead of this, in Reborn and Rejuvenation, it evolves by pressing B as during evolution as if you wanted to prevent it from evolving.
  5. Reispher

    Run Ideas

    I remember another idea I had a while back: a run where you have to fight every gym leader with Pokemon that were not available before the previous gym leader (e. g. you cannot use Mightyena for Florinia because it was available for Julia). I wanted to try it but then I realized that Noel and Amaria would likely be impossible.
  6. Reispher

    Run Ideas

    Yes, and you also cannot heal in battle or use X-items.
  7. Reispher

    Run Ideas

    What about run where you cannot use any items in battle, including Pokeballs. I did not try it but you could only use some of the event Pokemon (those you do not have to catch with pokeball).
  8. Select any of your pokemon from the menu and then you will see options like summary, move, item etc. One of these options is 'use tmx'. Select it and choose fly.
  9. There are many good old anime recommendations so I am gonna recommend something new: Talentless Nana. It is best if you do not read anything about it and just watch first episode from start to finish. Also, there are some more hidden gems I recommend: Kaiji, Chrno Crusade and Mawaru Penguindrum.
  10. You can soft-reset and mine the same rock again and again. Items in rocks change when reseting.
  11. It was so nice to read what made everyone happy. I did not go hiking for quite some time now. Well, I will have to chnage that when possible. Especially when I consider how much I love hiking. You are welcome. Similarly I enjoyed spending time with my dogs recently. Sadly, it is not so easy to get home nowadays. Wow, I admire you. Cannot imagine working in a hospital these days. I wish you more slow days like that. And so, here I go again: Today, what made me happy was that I passed a school exam. What made especially happy was how lucky I was with the questions I picked. Actually, it was the first time in my life when I got really lucky during exam.
  12. I agree, this is just awesome. I used similar strategy for intense Narcissa: first I set up stealth rock (because Mismagius has focus sash), then I set up sticky web (maybe not even needed) and field (Dazzling Gleam) by Ribombee and then swept her whole team with Pyroar (Echo voice). Was very satisfying victory.
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