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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Pocky

  1. Because I'm le generic man huehuehue
  2. It's a generic thread made out of digital pixels, does that answer your question? EDIT: Also, dis ding. @Phoenix 1. I was one the computer. 2. Nein. 3. Nah, but i'm sure it tastes like purple c: 4. Nuthin lol 5. Last time I went was during black friday 6. No 7. ^ 8. No license and car sooo. 9. Repeat 6 10. Repeat 6 11. Water 12. A tee-shirt and sweatpants 13. No car lol 14. Garlic meat, Vegtables, and Rice. Your average Asian meal. 15. Mah house 16. Nein 17. Yesterday c: 18. The Supah Bowl 19. Penguins! And Manatees,,, And seals...an- 20. I would totally love to go to Japan or Korea. Weaboo status kicking in. 21. My friends house! 22. When I scraped my knee on concrete and I couldn't walk for like, 1 week. Yeah, the ground is some scary shit. 23. To be honest, I liked this girl when I was little (Like I was in Preschool), and I kissed her at McDonalds, dis is some joocy stoof right here. 24. My friends :c 25. wut 26. Ummmm, Pimples! 27. To sleep? berst plernz erver 28. idklol 29. Umm, probably back to Sacramento for Lunar New Year and stuff. But I call it Chinese New Year :3 30. Never have and never will. 31. I'm a honor roll student, hell, if I don't get an honor roll, my dad will lecture me. Asian Chinese dads in a nutshell. 32. If I can throw plates at people to kill them? 33. No. 34. Not that I think of. I hope not. (I'm scared of sharp stuff ;~ 35. In Sacramento 36. Not sure if creeper or not =^= Fine, he's alright I guess. 37. Not really. 38. Listening to Chuggaconroy acting like Bill Cosby. 39. Nope. 40. Clarabelle Cow :3 41. When I didn't wear a seat belt, which is like 5 years ago. 42. Yes, at a pizza place. 43. No phone, can't text. 44. It's good on some foods, so yeah. 45. 1 hour 36 Minutes ago. 46. Yuss. 47. Chinese American d00d 48. My friend in Sacramento! berst friend ever. He let me own him in LoL! 49. Nah mon 50. Sleepin.
  3. Yeah, pretty much. Sooo, shoot away I guess?
  4. *Insert Name here* got defeated by the mustard of their doom.
  5. Went on a field trip today. I drew some guy mocking another for not having a hat. I'm one strange son of a bitch

    1. Brave


      Good, you fit in just fine here.

  6. Okay, so do you love me? <3 Jk. What class do you think you do the best on? also, Interior Crocodile Alligator?

  8. Oh I'll play I guess, I was playing like, with you days ago, amirite? Didn't have any lag and I'm not expecting any since my internet is better now. I'll probably play Heavy or Demoman, Maybe Soldier.
  9. (16:50:22) *** Swimming95 pets the headcrap ***
  10. Hairy Christmas you maggots

  11. Can someone get me premium for christmas? :D

  12. I was just kidding, you guys are all gud <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 片思い


      well at least he's not Silver or Kuro

    3. Skeleton



      >Telling people how to spell.

      I'm sorry brb laughing myself to death.

    4. The Fush

      The Fush

      Horizon you're one to talk.

      Oh and what Skele said

  13. You all are a bunch of assholes.

    1. Joker


      Yeah, we stink. :c

    2. Skeleton
    3. Cyrus


      I'm proud of this.

  14. Just pulled a skeleton.

  15. Yeah, what a nice greeting you guys gave me in the afternoon ._.

    1. Cloud



    2. Neo


      Don't you dare pull a skeleton.

  16. jelly is bad at mid stahp stealing mid stahp feeding jelli sathapflsa why do you steal mid and feed
  17. Gift me Ahri pls? :D

    1. 片思い
    2. The Fush
    3. Skeleton


      Don't worry, I won't buy her for you either.

  18. Someone needs to learn annie? Last hit with q Harass when your passive is ready Rinse and repeat Level 6: Tibbahs Use tibbahs on people with your passive ready gg scrubs
  19. Can I marry you Inuki? Also dis
  20. Welcome to reborn. Dodge Ikaru's licks if you can.
  21. TOO FANCY 4 ME But seriously, we need for winter youkai up in here
  22. Kaito for Queen Kuro for King It makes all that much sense Also yay parties.
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