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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Magus543

  1. Which mons did you use though? I am long overdue to diversify my team, LMAO.
  2. So for the Paragon route, I defeated Palkia through luck and trial and error. Question, how did the rest of you beat Palkia? I feel like that one idiot who just lucks their way past the game, and I wanna hear 4-D chess big brained strategies against her.
  3. Hey friend, where do I find Wailord or it's pre evos?
  4. So I'm just about to start Imprisoned and I'd like to raise a team to defeat that Yveltal. What Pokemon should I bring?
  5. Also the end of days spell in Paragon after you clear the gauntlet is given to the Renegade player.
  6. Does it have to be both files or can it just be the Renegade route only?
  7. So the twist that there's an A.I. writing the plot and characters of everyone in Rejuvenation except the Interceptors and actually demoralizes the heroes into thinking the upcoming Xen raid is doomed. And I'm here thinking that a revelation like this should be more of an existential crisis, since there's no free will by the cast, that puts into question just how real their actions are then. Is Aelita pals with us because Jan I mean Karma made her friends with us? What about Ren's dream to change Goldenleaf? Venam's and Melia's relationship? I get that the Karma twist is referencing the fact that these are all fictional characters without actually breaking the 4th wall, but I feel like this is a revelation that should have lasting effects on the sanity of the cast. We've already seen stuff like Amber and Venam discuss how they as teens are now involved in an operation to save the world and there's a shit ton of pressure on them. I dunno, maybe Version 14 will dive more into this.
  8. Four darknesses born of men? Well Ren is one of betrayal supposedly. Though I suspect Reina might be it. I always thought the whole Robot Ren thing was such a bizarre thing to add but it does kind of discount Ren from being of the dark by technicality. There's darkness of pure evil, greed, and obsession. I'm curious if this is even going to get paid off or just retconned away as not really important since the game is going with the direction that the Interceptors are the ones to decide the fate of worlds. And also Karma.
  9. Yeah I think the devs can certainly deliver and despite my misgivings, I really did enjoy this update. I remember Jan in the Q&A session mentioned that he already has everything planned out in a document but judging how he was upfront that Paragon and Renegade is a relatively new addition in that blog post, I think some new plot points were added since then.
  10. @Cyphre Yeah that's the other problem I've had with the reveal of Karma and the World Shatterer. The story has built up Vitus, Madame X, Clear and Kieran as threats with personal connections to the protagonists and while it IS to early to say, it feels like they are all falling off the importance bandwagon in favor of these bigger threats that are too grandiose. I dunno, maybe V14 can pull something off. I still want to pay Clear back for everything she's done. @SoulN7 Boy there are so many mysteries in this game. I am truly looking forward to seeing how the game wraps up all of it. I'm expecting a big hot mess that's at least entertaining. Kind of like Rise of Skywalker.
  11. I hear she's more prominent in 13.5. Good for her.
  12. Renegade seems to be going the path of the expendable alternate universe that's doomed to die anyway so the best ending can be achieved, and that concerns me. The major points in the Renegade MC's speech that he knows that everything is doomed, that the spell is just a mercy kill, that "they" will get everything, while he and the others will be deleted. This def paints the Paragon MC and Melia in a darker light if they are willing to support this kind of mass death, and the Renegade MC goes from villain protagonist to a very dark anti-hero if this is truly the case. I feel that these kinds of meta multiverse stakes are just too much for Rejuvenation. I'm not sure how to phrase this properly, but I'll try. Sure Rejuvenation has had some high concepts, there's already apocalypses, LOTS OF TIME TRAVEL, everything to do with the Interceptor, Gods, recycled worlds, but now there's evil A.I.s controlling everything the characters do and multiverses doomed to die. Making this worse IMO is that Rejuvenation's initial end goal "Defeat Team Xen and Vitus" hasn't even been accomplished yet, so throwing all this crazy shit feels like bloating the game to a whole new level.
  13. That's the thing, I'm curious as to why Paragon MC and Melia are willing to give this kind of spell to the Renegade MC. Melia even says the spell is going to kill a lot of people, but it's all for some bigger goal. And we don't know what exactly Paragon MC and Melia are planning or how much they know about the Renegade timeline.
  14. So can we discuss how the erasure spell came from the protagonist and Melia in the Paragon route?
  15. It's been years, I cleared the latest ones, and I legit forgot what happened. So where do I start the latest ones?
  16. Yeah that's a big shock, Nymiera might be just as bad as Spacea and Tiempa when it comes to the greater good. Certainly puts on a different spin to all her scenes now.
  17. Did you see the pink boxes in the Interceptor's nightmare realm?
  18. There's still the question of where M2 is in the Paragon route. I interpreted the flash forwards after making contact with Melia as in the same timeline, because in the Paragon route, Melia wakes up after M2 tried to kill the host body of the interceptor, which is what happens in the Renegade route, and in the Paragon route, she's still herself and relays that she remembers being in the bad future. So that leaves the question of where M2 is in Paragon. Unless our Melia managed to overlap with M2 because of the paradox gate and regain control of her body.
  19. Ah, so I'll get to that after I'm done with other stuff then.
  20. Going over it, perhaps the eye in Paragon is more hopeful because our world is on track to getting a happy ending?
  21. Yeah, I'm not really fond of the seemingly meta direction this story is taking, it's too much escalation and we haven't even beaten Madame X and Team Xen OR Vitus at this point, so introducing MORE villain and threats feels like bloating an already stuffed storyline. And you hit the nail on the head about Spacea and Tiempa feeling like an afterthought with how they are dealt with, at least on the Paragon route. Renegade feels more fitting for them IMO at least. I think part of the problem is that as the story is reaching it's end, there's a rush to wrap up plot points and this game has a LOT. I have faith in the dev team in where they are going with this sort of thing, but this mystery box writing is just becoming a bit too much. At least the character work is still consistently good.
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