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Everything posted by GenEric

  1. why do i see this now those are some fine ass drawings reminds me of ck from mondo mango
  2. i suggest u drop krick and get ralts or aron beldum if u dont mind pseudos at aya oh and i suggest u feed ur budew snax so she can have enough happiness to evolve
  3. probably some other character that wont appear for another 3 episodes
  4. yeah the e17 cries work so imma lock this thread
  5. petition to make two versions of e19 one with old cries and one with updated ones
  6. wow really? then i guess its settled
  7. Now that im a veteran, I was wondering if we gain any benefits for it Im sure ive seen it somewhere here but I cant find it
  8. Didnt e17 have mp3 files?
  9. does anyone have a complete set of the mon cries before the overhaul? i dont like the new ones btw it has to be in wav format or else it doesnt work, tried mp3 before
  10. its already 27 of oct here but its still 26 to u

    happy birthday sayuri ❤️ 

    hope u have a wonderful birthday

    wish u always be happy and smart :pepe:

    do come back to the server so we can celebrate

    1. Candy


      Haha still on time fren 🙂

      I meant to get on the server today but work prevented it rip- hopefully one-day delay won't be bad :3

  11. wow vanilla gt her sass back good chapter as always candy u always manage to bring out steamy hot chapters even tho ur busy
  12. yes me i know its late but better than never amirite haha up top im in uwu
  13. i dont want to be frank but this is a really toxic way of thinking if you really think that all women are superficial then youre just being a walking hypocrite what i suggest is dumping this way of thinking and maybe start paying attention to more people there are tons of people who have similar interests with you and if they dont, you can always introduce them to gaming good luck with your love life and i hope you can find the happiness you want
  14. GenEric


    wtf?? no activities on mobile btw
  15. omg ahhh thank you its so good and you’re welcome too ;))
  16. Stealth rock them It causes more damage on the field Dusclops should try will everything to whisk off their hp One good mon is klang, which can be found in shades gym Otherwise it comes down to timing and rng
  17. this is the most frequently answered question and yet you can evolve it in the power plant after rosetta
  18. Spoiler

    twist: pulse arc is actually arclights eyeball playing careless whisper


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