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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by FernStoleMyBike

  1. Definitely gonna play both paths but I have a small wish for the renegade path... I don't really expect the game to have us mindlessly follow Madame X's orders like all the other bots do, but if it comes to that let us challenge her leadership
  2. You could also replace those sound effect with softer ones. Or use any music production program and edit them
  3. I love the first two, they are both pokemon I like very much and your changes are clean. Unfortunately I can't come up with an idea to make Pidgeot more interesting apart from making it part ghost which sounds fun or part fighting and use Focus Miss. But I can show you what I use and if you like it you just take it.
  4. Hi I haven't played the game to know what kind of files it has, but I will tell you how I enable debug in Reborn and Rejuvenation and it will probably work. Inside the scripts folder I look for PokemonParty and PokemonPauseMenu. Inside those I search for $debug and change it to !$debug. I also use notepad++ to edit whatever but that's just preference. Hopefully the files are the same in that game and it works, gl
  5. I just found a shitty channel in my subscriptions named Ark invest - (Corporation). This is GlitchxCity's channel. Right now her every video is deleted, the name is changed and they are having a "fundraiser" using Elon Musk's face suggesting people to buy bitcoin. The comments are disabled ofcourse. I think we all understand that they most probably scammed her to get access to her account and then scam her audience into giving them moneys. What do we do? Mass report or what, suggest things and we can all act together and organized if she has indeed given them her account by accident.
  6. I'm pretty sure the guys who obsess and harass are a just small minority. So let's not "muh challenge" or disrespect the entirety of the intense players because it's unfair. As unfair as intense mode! top quality entertainment But a lot of legit intense players are losing the mode they like. I feel like being optimistic is the best thing to do because: The team has openly talked about passwords and they are trustworthy you know? The community has created intense modes in the past and can do it again. Best case scenario imo is getting two intense modes. Worst case is one. But getting none just feels such an impossible outcome to me.
  7. I trust you all, the game is amazing, do whatever you want. It will be for the best and I bet my stolen bike on this.
  8. Yk what would be a cool addition? (But I'm making it clear from the beginning that I'm super appreciative to ask for sht.) Because some like me play on shift and not set mode, it would be nice if we could get the message whether the opponent is about to send Gastrodon out or Aevian Gastrodon. A minor qol thing that I think is pretty useful.
  9. I clicked yes for Frostibite, not only to replace Freeze which is bonkers, but because I also like it. I won't say much, I'm not a fan of rng but some rng is acceptable. Comparing Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam, which all have the 10%, all suck but the Freeze sucks like Caprice. The game hasn't Frozen me once, that's super cool, but could Frostbite me in the future and that's ok. If Drowsy was included in the poll I would click no but that's irrelevant now. Also thanks for asking our opinions and making a poll <3
  10. This seems verified too and explains why her name wasn't mentioned ever again. What a plot twist
  11. I love this type of quality comment. It reminded me of Tea from Little Kuriboh's abridged series. My comment is super irrelevant to anything here, but watch it if you like yugioh too, it's episode 25
  12. I used Magic Bounce on the Lovely Kiss and Thunderwaved it and Zoroark disguised as Venusaur to attack freely. Convoluted, I know.
  13. If you are interested in debug mode you can enable it yourself it's super easy:
  14. Xead xhis, xry xo xake xense.
  15. And you are pretty right too, thank you I'll edit that message to not confuse people
  16. I don't know about El and Luna being based on real people, it definitely can be possible imo, I won't bother to find out though. In a new game, I've read every line of conversation, why? Because I didn't like the characters but I also find it stupid to judge anyone when you don't know about him. So I read everything, took notes to not forget and to connect lines and learnt about them, my mind changed on some. But I'm not crazy I swear, I just wanted to be fair when judging them. I really dislike injustice Also play Rejuvenation, the new version comes out soon. I even like the bad guys in that game. edit: Solaris was the one who hired a woman to have Taka, I was wrong about El.
  17. Gardevoir Hypnosis seems logical. But why do that when he's gonna snap out of it and turn against you, we need story on those two. Just check this out, I know that El got his sight back by holding the Emerald key. And I also know that Radomus had later stolen the keys and turned them into jewels. Radomus had given that specific jewel to his friend who turned the keys into jewels. And finally Luna was given the Emerald necklace by her father.
  18. I had made a character tier list for Reborn characters to see how much I like the cast and for my own entertainment. I had put 19 characters in the dislike are, which is exactly half the cast. Even though I don't have a reason to kill Julia, for example, I don't like her. In Rejuvenation I even like the bad guys. There is character development for them. And about Elias and Luna, she is his! He hired a woman to have her!
  19. Hey, about Radomus, are you refering to the fact that El was acting like he was brainwashed inside Radomus' gym? Because I can't recall him doing anything bad, give me some insight. And about Amaria, I just want to say that I like your idea, it sounds very interesting.
  20. Banned for living in a pizza
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