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Everything posted by uberle

  1. For me Amaria's decent into madness is heat breaking I like her, and she helps you a lot early on, but due to events you see her repeatedly fall apart and try to put herself back together, and you can't do anything about it. You can't help her even if you wanted to. I would love to somehow resolve this issue, in both the Zekrom and Reshiram paths and free both Titania and Amaria from their relationship, but apparently several people just want Amaria dead, and I'm just like "Why!?" So far the main reason people seem to want her dead is because she tried to kill you, which I find strange as she is nowhere near the first to try and yet her attempt is what bothers people the most. But that's a completely different rant I'm not gonna get into right now.
  2. Well Amaria's time has passed If she was going to die it would've been back at the WTC I understand why some people want her dead (though I think that the level of hate Amaria gets is uncalled for) But I don't think Amaria will die I'm so convinced on Corey's revival because why would Shade go through the trouble of turning him into a Gengar? It makes no sense for that to be there and then end up just being ignored
  3. Ok, so let me go on a little rant about Saphira. I hate her. I'll admit with her more formal introduction at Meteor interrupting the original Noel fight I kind of liked her But then we get into her murders. I can understand death in games, and I usually don't mind. But the problem here is that Saphira shows absolutely no remorse over taking a human life. I don't care if they're trying to blow up the region, show SOME emotion for killing a person. Even Solaris tried to make himself feel better by saying Kiki would've died from the journey up the volcano. The only other character that shows this little empathy for anyone is f*cking LIN the main antagonist of this game! Even Titania starts to feel the toll of her actions. Saphira? She feels nothing. And she doesn't even kill anyone of any importance in Meteor! She kills grunts without so much as a command to Dragonite to disembowel them. But when she's in the same room as Sirius and ZEL, she's suddenly in the mood to talk. If she did anything to show that she regrets her actions even a little I wouldn't hate her as much. But the fact that she shows about as much remorse as someone who might have no soul really makes her unlikable for me.
  4. Ame specifically says in the message at the end of E17 that while we have the badge, we can't actually use Rock Climb until E18
  5. We on about our rivals starters? Cain: Primarina fits him being the fabulous boi that he is. Victoria: I.... I don't know why she got Incineroar. Emboar fit her a lot more given that she's trying to follow in the footsteps of Kiki, the fighting-type gym leader. Fern: Snivy fits him ridiculously well. The Snivy line always looks at you like you're below them If that's not Fern I don't know what is
  6. I've seen the Lin one before, but the Shade/Anna/Noel one is.... Well I don't think it's very likely. Shade's actions are explained by my theory that he knows how everything will go down. He doesn't do anything because number one rule of doom prophecies: If you try to prevent them you'll only end up making them happen. Also that bit of Radomus I don't believe either. It makes no sense.
  7. @Maqqy Never heard of the Luna thin, but sounds interesting that she has a connection with Taka. E18 sneak peek That That is such a debatable topic it literally created this club I wrote a couple things on it, and to save you time I'm just gonna paste then here Shade: I did a theory on him You can read it and give your input (which I'd love if you did) But the idea he's Anna and Noel's father.... That's an interesting idea and explains why he suggested them to their positions But.... I think Anna would've recognized him if he was her father, but given the things he's done I'll allow it
  8. I actually like Victoria even though she does relatively little. But I feel that's kind of on purpose. She doesn't really have much reason to fight Meteor. But she has good reasoning to stay at Apophyll while we go out and fight Meteor Compared to Cain and Fern, Victoria doesn't have as much a reason to fight Meteor. The only thing would be that Solaris killed Kiki, but with Kiki gone Victoria decides to stay behind and trusts that the player will fight Meteor for her, which they do. Cain gets involved through Heather, who he wants to protect, and then he continues to assist the player against Meteor as things go on. And Fern.... Fern, being the self absorbed a-hole he is, believes that the PC will amount to nothing and Meteor will win, and so decides to join them. Instead of charging ahead with everyone else Victoria wishes to stay behind and try to fix the damage wrought by Meteor. She's not really a fighter, and ends up replacing Ame after the Hydreigon incident as the one who helps the player at the gyms. But if she were to get a bigger role for E18, I wouldn't mind.
  9. Is.... Is that Markiplier's face on Farquad's head? *googles* .... It is indeed 9/10
  10. I went in Doubles with Grass Knot Greninja Since most of her team in doubles is Water/Ground it was significantly easier than I thought it would be.
  11. Ame sounding like Heather, but still appreciate the update Gonna be fun ramming a train into a barrier
  12. uberle


    Playing through Reborn again I realize I don't really have a 'voice' for several characters. There are those where I can think of a voice for them based on a voice I can do. Ex. Cain And then there are those where I read them in a voice I've heard from other games. Example: Terra in Tiny Tina's voice But there are several where I don't actually have a voice I read their dialogue in. Ex. Oh so many I just read them like non-dialogue text. So I'm just wondering if there's a certain 'voice' the people read character's dialogue in. I'm curious to see what people decided on.
  13. @ChloeRose84 Nah Keep it. There's a thing I have called Save File Manager, which lets me boot up any save file I want. So I just grabbed that Beacon from an earlier save, and gave it to you. It's still there in my main game, so I have no problem letting you keep it.
  14. @ChloeRose84 Aaaaaaand sent
  15. @ChloeRose84 Cool. Grab some fodder, tell me your username, log into the online play, and I'll send you a request In the meantime go to Wait for Request in the trade menu
  16. @ChloeRose84 Ok here's what you do Go to your Pokegear there's a thing called Online Play Connect and register (just making a username and a password) One you do that let me know
  17. @ChloeRose84 Hm... Ok I have an idea I've got a level 35 shiny Ampharos with Power Gem I can give you. Do you know how to trade?
  18. And I'm back Time to finally save Orphan Squad + Shelly. Alola Reborn part 17: JAILBREAK 2: The Sequel http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/single/?p=11141690&t=11051985
  19. Mareep can be found in Jasper Ward in one of the houses. Not sure which one exactly, but you'll find it. For training in the Great Hall in Opal Ward (where you got your starter) there are rematchable trainers you can fight over and over again. Not sure if they're the right level for grinding, but hey, infinite money.
  20. Should I or shouldn't I? ......... I think I shall So almost half a year, but I'm just going to do a quick update on how my shiny hatching has been going. Though I haven't actually done any hatching in a while... Eh, I'll get to it later. Anyway last count I have 107 unique shinies A few are on a different save, so they're not shown here Currently on Grimer. I think I'll post every 10 shinies or something like that
  21. Throw rocks Seriously find a mon with a decent Rock type move, and it'll help a lot. Try to get Mareep through it's event, then get it to 35 and then you have an Ampharos with Power Gem, which basically oneshots most of her team.
  22. In Rejuv I found a Chingling, which I figured I'd keep since I would need it for Venam I still have it as a Chimecho Even with only Confusion this thing wrecked lives seriously why doesn't it learn Psychic by level up? Along with Charge Beam and Yawn it's surprising useful Almost makes me feel bad I just called it Dingdong Can't think of anything in Reborn beyond Kriketune
  23. I've lost 6 mons in my Insurgence so far (Haven't actually bothered to finish it yet) All to crits Only one I can actually remember was my Agieslash getting critted by a Machamp with Knock Off
  24. ... Does he? ........ It's been too long since I've played this game.
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