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Everything posted by uberle

  1. IIRC they have the Amethyst Pendent that Sirius got from Anna, back from when they were kidnapped after you beat Shade Also El has the Emerald Brooch We have the Sapphire Bracelets and someone else on our side has the Ruby Ring... Did it get back to Heather, or does Charlotte still have it?
  2. ....... Actually That made me think of something If Anna can only see souls.... Then maybe we've yet to actually see Lin Personally that is Maybe all we've been seeing is a robot, or something like that If we know anything about Meteor it's that they are very skilled with technology. We might just be seeing an illusion from a PULSE Zoroark half the time, when she's not battleing. Heck, this could be a Ditto. If El could make his Arceus I think Lin could make a dupe of herself It would also explain how she got up from Titania's attack.
  3. Hmmmm I don't remember the whole prophecy. If you could find the whole thing I might be able to come up with something. Still a good thing to theorize about
  4. Ok I actually have a theory on this. We've seen Lin likes sneak attacks and doesn't tend to become directly involved herself And the PC is already getting the artifacts. They and their allies have the Sapphire bracelets, Ruby Ring, and Amethyst pendent. I can see El forfeiting the brooch after you beat him in the E4 Lin's letting that happen. Why get the 4 artifacts herself when someone else is already doing it? The door will open, and Lin will step through as well.
  5. I have no theory myself, but I thought this would be a useful topic. E18 is supposed to be more story oriented We're also supposed to face Hardy and Saphira for our final two badges. At least I'm assuming as E19 will be the league. But everything else? Who knows? What do you think will happen? How will the two paths differ? GO FORTH AND THEORIZE!
  6. Ok, I know this is Incorrect Pokemon Reborn Quotes, but I thought of this one for Rejuv and I like it too much to not post. (btw the names of the Rejuv protags are Aevis / Aevia / Axel / Ariana / Alain / Aero if you didn't know and also want to do a Rejuv quote)
  7. Anna: "My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice"
  8. Well this was fun Someone should make a list of the final placements
  9. Shelly: 10 Anna: 8 Laura: 0 And then there were 2
  10. In this order Saphira Sigmund Fern Titania Everyone else is kind of on the same level, or don't really stick out to me
  11. ........ We're heading to the top of the volcano again.... We all know what's about to happen. One heck of a feels bad train Alola Reborn part 16: The Cal-shank Redemption http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/topic/11051985/3/#new
  12. Shelly: 10 Anna: 16 Laura: 6 ZEL: 7
  13. Shelly: 20 Anna: 14 Laura: 16 ZEL: 13
  14. Oh wait this got replies?! Hmmm.... It's ok, I still get your point. Yes, technically only Corey had his soul taken by Shade, but I don't think that Shade is the deciding factor here. I believe that "souls being taken" simply means death. But your point makes sense as well. But I'd rather not think of Shade going around collection souls from the dead. I think the Corey bit was there to make things seems legit. And it can qualify as 'foreseen' since Shade probably predicted it before hand. A problem with your idea of Corey not being one of the four is that well.... There are 4. Something so important Shade says it 9 times through out his little prophecy. And is Corey wasn't one of the four.... Where's the 4th screen and who's on it? But your point with Shade's message being taken multiple ways is a good one. He probably showed up because the player would be wondering how Amaria was still alive as Shade's gym has been 2 for 2 so far. It could also be a warning to the player 'you have no chance' Who knows?
  15. Florinia: 4 Shelly: 21 Anna: 15 Laura: 17 ZEL: 15
  16. Hello So you have now heard of my character Ennd, the leader of Contrapasso. You probably want to know more about him. But today is not the day. Instead let's look at his 2nd in command The Riza Hawkeye to his Roy Mustang Zirze
  17. Hello. So now the club is up, and it time to theorize! As you can tell from the title this theory will involve Shade, but it involves a bit more than just him. This also explains a big question from E17. At least in one path. So let's start with what we know about Shade. Shade is an enigmatic ghost/demon with abilities such as instant transmission, seeing the future, being able to whisk away corpses without leaving so much as a drop of blood, and just overall being really creepy. He can also see the same things Anna can, since he unlocked his gym after Anna claimed to have sent Nostra to him. But the future sight part is the one I want to focus on here. In the new E17 intro on the train he pops up right before it crashes, hinting he knew its fate. And in his gym we see the deaths of 4 people. Corey throwing himself off the bridge Kiki getting cut in half by the Garchomp Amaria throwing herself off the cliff with Titania running in at the end And finally Lin getting decapitated Now we've already seen one of these happen, Corey and Kiki isn't too long after. Then we have a loooooooooong gap until Amaria, which turns out she survives, and we find out why. After either refusing or agreeing to battle Taka and you leave Shade, once again, appears. This time with a message "Forget not: Four screens foretold four souls' fortune forsaken, For, forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken." Nice alliteration there. This confirms that of the 4 deaths only 2 will happen, which is why Amaria is alive. But this leave one small problem. This means Lin is immune as well. Which explains why she's still alive after Titania runs her through in the Zekrom path. She can only die as we've seen on the screen, and since two of the predictions have already come to pass taking a life with them, it seems Lin will still be alive no matter what. Right? Well maybe. Technically the Amaria part did come true, it didn't show her dying, but everyone just took it as a sign of her death. Lin clearly get decapitated, so either she is immortal Or, what I believe will happen, she will truly die. Because Shade said that only 2 souls will be taken. As two have already died this seems a bit pointless. But what if one person somehow came back to life? What if Shade knows exactly how everything will play out and is waiting for the right moment to play his trump card. And what would this card be? Corey. Seeing all the supernatural stuff Shade has done I don't think bringing back the dead is beyond him. And if Corey is revived Lin's back on the chopping block as the final soul to be taken. Amaria's moment to die has already passed and she's still living. Lin getting decapitated? It hasn't. Yet. But it will. Three screens have shown events that have happened. I don't think they'll be wrong for number 4. And when it comes to pass So will Lin. But that's just a theory! A Reborn theory! Thanks for reading!
  18. Florinia: 11 Shelly: 23 Anna: 17 Laura: 18 ZEL: 20
  19. Time to save one fabulous boi AND GUESS WHO'S BEHIND HIS DISAPPEARANCE! Alola Reborn part 15: The Best Disney Princess http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/topic/11051985/2/#new
  20. Cain: 7 Florinia: 17 Shelly: 21 Anna: 21 Laura: 23 ZEL: 21
  21. Beat Cal now time to face Kiki. Who's dying..... Guilt train here I come Alola Reborn part 14: Wish and Will http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/topic/11051985/2/#new
  22. Ok, my actual Game rx thing isn't saved with all my V10 progress for some reason So instead I uploaded a back up, I hope you can still fix it My problem is whenever I try to face the V10 gym leader I get an error and the game crashes right before the battle begins when the VS thing would appear
  23. So that's how Ennd is being put into this? I like it. Seems like something he would do.
  24. Cain: 11 Florinia: 19 Shade: 5 Shelly: 26 Anna: 24 Laura: 19 ZEL: 23
  25. Cain: 16 Florinia: 21 Shade: 10 Shelly: 26 Anna: 27 Laura: 22 ZEL: 20 ............. We're almost at the point where I can't hurt anyone without feeling bad.
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