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About uberle

  • Birthday July 30

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  1. So finished Reshiram path E18

    I enjoyed seeing the story difference between the two paths

    Also it made me sympathy for Solaris.

    Didn't think I would ever feel bad for him.

    And I now really really really hate Sirius

    Before I just didn't like him now I actually hate him with a passion 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. uberle


      I didn't actually hate either at first

      Then Lin just got cliche "Friends are useless" villain and I didn't care much for her and still really don't

      Sirius same thing, he was just a dick.

      Until Agate

      One thing to just be an a-hole

      Another to tell a guy that his son is dead and that no one cares about his purpose anymore

      Actually it wasn't just that he told Solaris Taka was dead, it was the way he did it.

      "You might have done well to mind your son. Bit late for that now, isn't it?"

      And then he points out how everyone that had ever actually believed in Solaris has either died, abandoned Meteor, or shifted over to Lin's side.

      This is what actually made me hate Sirius

      Wonder how things will go from there.


    3. Q-Jei


      Lin is more a big threat with unsuspected power filled with arrogance whereas Sirius is the rogue character of the game by excellence. He's the one who commanded the accident in the railway station, he tricked Corey, used him, ruined a family, kidnapped children, burned one of his subordinates alive (Eclipse), threatened to set fire to the Fiore Mansion, and has the nasty habit of using his Seviper to directly poison his enemies. Even Solaris has his reasons to behave like he did, Sirius is more a scoundrel than anything else. I can't wait to face him in a second round during the final episode. Fighting Sirius and Dr. Connal in a double battle would be a good idea as well as a thrilling experience, in my opinion.

    4. Azeria


      Solaris has been played to be the more sympathetic/least extreme of the antagonists for some time(Started back in E13 when Eclipse mentioned that before Lin took over, Meteor didn't come close to the drastic measures they've been taking.) Then Taka's dialogue and El's diary doubled up on that, eventually culminating in this.

      Incidentally those were all added in episodes that further cemented Sirius as a complete monster and Lin as the one really pulling the strings.

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