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Status Updates posted by Zarc

  1. I would like to thanks you for the advices i received about the question i asked yersterday concerning the runs. I will try to put them in practice on a new run based on Pokemon Insurgence. I will continue my current run with Lance , but i will also probably slow down the Full Moon one. 

    1. LykosHand


      You're welcome Zarc ;). Mhhh really interesting to see a run on Insurgence done by you :D. No problem, i will see all of your run even the full moon run will slow down; because you're very good at entertaining :) 

    2. Zarc


      Lol , thanks !

    3. LykosHand


      You're welcome ;) 

  2. Yeah , speaking about my current runs , have you somes tips about " illustrate " them more ? Cause i really feel like i entertain no ones , and they bore the entire forum more than they should entertain it. 

    Cause yeah , i'm really bad on this.

    1. LykosHand


      I don't agree, in my opinion you are good at entertaining with your screenshots and your words :D, but if you want a tip, try to illustrate them with videos :)

    2. BillyBob


      I've been occasionally peeking at your current run because mine is kind of dying lol and it actually is pretty entertaining. Although for what you are asking, maybe try putting in more descriptive language? In your most current one specifically, the Lance one (I am very new to the forums, so I have not seen your earlier runs) it seems to not have much in a description. The screenshots alone tell the stories of the battles, which is cool, but for what you are asking I think just adding in more detail with text will accomplish that. (Also don't worry about it being boring, yours is way better than mine <3.)

  3. Here is my feelings about GoT S7 episode 5 :



    ( care to spoilers ! )




    The episode is called " Eastwatch " , so many events will took place there. 


    On the trailer , Bran has a vision of the army of the Night King approaching the fortress. We should see Tormund and his mens alongside the night's watch. 


    On his side , Jon will receive the information from Winterfell and will surely decide to go to Eastwatch. By the way , we see on the trailer that drogon look pretty fine ( i'm pretty sure that when we see Daenerys approaching Jon with drogon , something will happen... due to Jon's true origins. 


    Another information : it's possible that we finally see Gendry again ( Robert Baratheon's bastard ).

    If we remember the main trailer of the season 7 , we saw a small group surrounded by the Night King army. We don't know exactly who , but pretty sure it will be Jon with Tormund , Sandor Clegane , Beric Dondarrion ( fire sword ) , Thoros of Myr , and probably Gendry too. 



    It will be very georgous if we end this season by : they are surrounded and have no chances to survive ( i think Thoros or/and Beric will die )  , and at the last moment Daenerys come with her dragons to save them , and we should arrive at this epic conclusion :


    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "night king dragon"



    What we should expect ? One of Daenerys dragon will obviously die and be turned into an ice dragon , or.... a 4th dragon already exist ? hummm.


  4. Oh yeah , today is feminine rugby world championship. Good luck to our ladies !! 

  5. Imagine : if episode 17 of reborn end like GoT episode 4 


    You charge Lin's hydreigon with , i don't know , an arcanine ! OOOooooooo


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FairFamily


      Shoot, their went my strategy.


      Now for the fun ruining answer.


      you know Arcanine learns close combat right? So arcanine can 1~2HKO hydreigon with it (given life orb). Hydreigon in return can 1HKO arcanine with draco meteor (given life orb). In fact their so evely matched it basically boils down to IV's and luck to decide the winner. 


    3. Alistair


      Well... that wasn't fun, but that was instructive. Fly away, captain.

    4. Zarc


      No winner ! That's the idea nope ? 

  6. Annnnnddd comeback to the clinical again for 3 weeks

  7. One of my family member has just been ejected of his kart in front of my eyes .. i hope he will be better soon...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zarc


      He was about to go on the track again when someone else just arrived with so much speed and collide him , result him to just getting ejected of his kart 

    3. Maelstrom


      Uh... that telling of the incident still goes against what I know have have seen of the way karting places operate....

    4. Zarc


      Too many people on the track , you just can't have fun... 

  8. It's karting time !!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zarc


      Yeah , Mr Heartland

    3. HongaarseBeer


      Are you going karting, as in, properly racing? Or am I missing something?


      If the former, have fun mate. That shit's amazing. If the latter, still have fun I guess :D  

    4. Zarc
  9. My new favorite musical group ( GoT humor ) :



    L’image contient peut-être : 5 personnes, texte

  10. So , this episode 4 ? Impressive right ? Here is my impressions :



    ( care to spoilers ! )




    I skip the first part of the episode and will just talk about the epic battle.



    Epic ? hummm , well , pretty one sided.



    But before the battle begin , Randyll Tarly said that the gold of Highgarden is in safety at King's Landing. Important information because Cersei can now paid the Iron Bank , and most of all , she mention the Golden Company , a mercenaries compagny of 10 000 mens. Cersei will surely take ownership of this special force , which will cause some problems to her ennemis.



    But concerning the battle : wow.


    It's hard to take a stand for one side. I felt kinda sorry for the lannisters soldiers who couldn't defend theirself on this battle , especially when this dothrak said " your people can't fight " to Tyrion. Well , what can you do against this ?


    I enjoyed the feelings Tyrion had seeing his own people burn. 


    I personally think that Tyrion character is dropped since the beginning of this season ( we have to admit that he is taken by an idiot this season Oo ) and it's Jaime who's taken by the hero .


    Bronn was georgous as always , i just love this character, same as Jaime. Of course they are not dead. Seeing them confront Dany and Drogon with so much bravery was....wow.




    On the trailer of the next episode , we will have White Walkers scenes : FINALLLY ! Cannot wait to see the Night King in action again. 





    Conclusion : COME ON YOU F****ER !! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarc



      Yeah , i was rooting for Jaime and Bronn honestly ! 


    3. Zarc


      also : 






      I enjoy watching reactions of peoples :D 


    4. Alistair


      Weren't we all =p


  11. Ah finally , link summon is working , now i can use my varret deck 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, how can I not? I AM the Dutch Jack Atlas after all

    3. Zarc


      Now that the game isn't bugged anymore , i can do the tournament again ( still i don't know about the AI yet ) 

    4. Wolfox


      I'd say do a trial duel and see if the AI is better

  12. oh ok , i didn't see that Reborn had a fb page , hop , one more like.

  13. New update looks very nice 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zarc


      I think it's just a nickname , and the fact that i changed this nickname won't change my personality.

      For many , i'm still Zarc , and i will always be Zarc ( the fact is many people still call me Zarc and not Purple ) . I understand your point of view of course , but honestly , who care that i changed it ? 80 % of the forum don't know me. 



      I have to admit : i don't understand you :) I'm not sure if you really appreciate me ( as i am concerned , i appreciate everyones here , including you ) so much so that you write an entire paragraph on something like a nickname change.



      And finally , apologies in advance for my english , it's not my main language

    3. Maelstrom


      Well, that's the thing, I remember the name Zarc, but not much about it. But that at least gives me some small recollection of you. For you, you might choose to represent yourself differently. Different name, different avatar. But for me, who also changed names/nicknames and avatars... well, a name that I've heard of can help a person like me recognize the change you've gone through over time. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, but for us old folk, who have been through much and seen a bit, it really does help to have one thing consistent to track a person by. To make it easier see where they came from and where they are at the moment. There's a reason why it's more difficult to legally change your name, so I ask you to consider why that might be.

    4. Zarc


      From what i understood , somes peoples prefer Zarc to Purple. Well , i probably did a mistake by changing it yeah. 



      I take good note.

  14. It's couscous time !!

    1. Alistair


      I hope it was good xD

    2. Zarc


      Chicken couscous !!

  15. Happy birthday :) 

    1. NatJones
    2. Zarc


      You're welcome :) hope you had a great day !

  16. " grow old is mandatory , grow up is a choice. " 

  17. I wish my cat check me like this :




    1. Wolfox


      @Nameless Isa, is that you?

  18. Dimension War ( Arc V ) day 2 ! 



    The 4th duel will begin soon , and he should be more fair : 



    Sora vs Yuto.

    1. Zarc



      Wow , should be hard for Yuto.
      Nice , Dark Rebellion ! 
      Dark Requiem !
      Duel more intense than the previous one , i played on the ancient version of the game where the AI looks better , but still Dark Requiem won this game.
      Fusion : 0                                   XYZ : 4 
      If XYZ win 2 more matchs it's over. 


    2. Zarc


      Julia vs III :



      Despite all the fusion summons from Julia , total no match for Atlantal.
      Fusion : 0                                    XYZ : 5 


    3. Zarc


      I did 5 duels with XYZ , now i will control Fusion.

  19. So , just watched episode 4 ( S7 ) of GoT . I honestly didn't plan to watch it until his official release , but with all the leaks ( facebook , youtube etc... ) i almost getting spoiled the most importants parts of the episode , so i prefered to watch it entirely myself before it is too late...




    So : 



    ( care to spoilers , if you didn't see season 7 episode 4 of games of thrones , pass your way ! ) 




    In fact , the biggest asswhole of this season is not Euron or Cersei , but Bran :D 



    I'm the only one who find Missandei very shiffty ? What if she's actually a spy ?



    Nice battle , quit logic , i was expecting the entire army of Jaime and not a small group , but it's fine. And Bronn was georgous as always , truly one of my favorite character of the show. 


  20. Paf , 5 min later.... ragequit number 1.



    turn 2 :



    ( yeah i'm a noob at this game , 2 years i play and i'm still unable to pass rang 15 :D ) 
  21. Hah , time to play Hearthstone again ! 

    1. Zarc


      I guarantee you that my avianal special troll deck is a monster , i accept interviews.



      We will make them ragequit !




  22. Dimension War ( Arc V ) has come. Little rule i fixe for myself : if the opponent do a non-interesting turn ( do nothing , just put a monster etc ) i cannot attack him , i have to let him summon his mains monsters before finish him , it will make the duel more intense.




    First duel : Edo Phoenix vs Astral 




    Edo : " Why getting involved ? This isn't your business , you should have stayed in your world , stranger. " 




    Astral : " You made a sudden attack on the XYZ dimension one year ago , while she couldn't defend herself , and turn into cards innocent people , so yeah time to getting involved this time ! "



    Edo : " As you wish , if you want to stay on my way , you will regret it ! "





    DUEL !!








    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Wolfox


      cuz no offense but I don't think gimmick puppets should be able to win so easily VS  glad beasts

    3. Zarc


      yeah i think so , honestly the AI need a big up 

    4. Zarc


      And there is somes bugs too , i hope they will be fixed soon ( it's a new game ) , cause it's an awesome game 

  23. Zarc

    Happy birthday :) 

    1. Alphagar


      Happy Birthday!!

    2. Revan
    3. Alphagar


      Any time! I hope you had a great one!

  24. Dimension War ( Arc V )  ! Involved forces :                     




    Fusion dimension : 



    - Yuri


    - Sora


    - Serena


    - Edo Phoenix


    - Dennis 


    - Gloria/Grace Tyler


    - Obelisk Force


    - Asuka


    - Battle beast


    - FairFamily LOL





    XYZ dimension :



    - Yuto


    - Shay


    - Kaito


    - Ruri


    And Zexal reinforcements ( cause they are only 4 ) 


    - IV 


    - III


    - V


    - Vector


    Kururugi Suzaku  Astral 


    - Nash






    Have to finish all decks , and drawing lots will begin soon.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Zarc


      I will control the XYZ dimension , except FairFamily deck i will play it.

    3. Wolfox


      oki, good luck

    4. Zarc


      Well , it's for fun ! 



      I will begin the duels tomorrow , cause i haven't finished all the decks yet , and then i will do the same with synchro vs pendulum 

  25. Behold : the chaos over-hundred numbers deck " revenge of the barians " 



    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Zarc


      And don't worry Wolfox , synchro vs pendulum is coming after ! 

    3. Wolfox


      just show me the Yugo and Jack Replays

    4. Zarc


      I will show you somes screens of theirs duels ( hope they will be good ) 

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