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The Grinch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by The Grinch

  1. I've been doing a neat method obvious af tho but I didn't get myself to practise it to deal with paranoid fear and anxiety. Just list as many positive features about yourself that you can. I've managed to list 10 things now

    1. Wolfox


      that'such a simple solution it's complicated!

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Awesome, keep the flow going!

    3. Anime


      Go Team Isa

  2. I'm one f those people that say they'll only play one level of a game, then 3 hours later go by and I've lost myself in the game

    Someone help me, this is a call for help

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anime


      Alas Isa no one can escape a game, once you start you won't be able to quit, just like me XD

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Drakengard 3: I'm just gonna do this one level in Five's branch


      I'm just gonna level Two up to 10

    4. Anime


      Lol, you need to go to leep girl :P or you'll finish half the game without you knowing it

  3. D00ds and d00dettes

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tartar


      And here I was expecting Disgaea memes.


    3. Hycrox
    4. Anime


      Sup d00dette how ya doin'?

  4. Friendly reminder that I'm 157 cm tall and need a chair to reach the higher shelves in my closet

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Depends how small they are I'd get hit by dollhouse doors

    3. Wolfox


      at least you don't have to duck when you're cooking to not hit the cabinets with your head

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      That is indeed true

  5. Having band-aids make me feel so fragile

    1. Wolfox


      they make me feel strong, another injury that can't get me down!

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Having a band-aid usually makes me feel cool and tough. Don't know why though...

    3. Anime


      Nice one @Wolfox Glace very well said :D same for you @hongaar

  6. I can't remember what I used to watch first before I ended up watching Bigfoot videos...

    1. Hycrox
    2. Anime


      Memes, or cats?

  7. Why does Solgaleo+Necrosma look like a fucking F-Zero car

    mf look like he could be in captain Falcon's final smash

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, it doesn't look settible tho

    3. Cepheus


      maybe because we didn't have a F-Zero title since Gamecube??? ... ... god I want a new F-Zero game - Fast racing neo just isn't the same...

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Cepheus Dude, I used to love that old 64 game. All the love and frustration

  8. I wanna be knees weak without mom's spaghetti

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      We all need some mom's spaghetti at some point

    3. Hycrox


      But do you know what's great with mom's spaghetti?



    4. Anime


      AAAAh i want spaghetti, @Isa.phoriai hope you left some for me^^

  9. I've had an urge to replay Reborn for a while now. I'm gonna get around to doing so

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Hycrox What about unfriendly advice?

    3. Hycrox


      Sure. Just pretend you're a tree and leave.

    4. Anime


      Hycrox pls XD 

  10. I'd nickname my Bewear "Beware"

    1. Hycrox
    2. Anime


      why not BEEware 

  11. Real shit, I'm actually anxious about people and generally showing off who I am, especially of how I look. It's the thought of how people will remember me that scares me. It's like a permanent thing you can never make someone forget, and that's terrifying


    I'm legit scared if someone can recognise me 1 to 5 years later

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Anime


      Thank YOU for being a good friend we'll always try to help you when you face a problem^^

    3. Tartar


      @Another Retired Shipper Mind you, we're not actually helping. Emotional support may be nice, but it can also be stifling to promoting change. Genuine change is hard and uncomfortable to pursue while relying on emotional support is a quick and easy way to get a feeling of satisfaction. So while there's nothing inherently wrong with asking for support, what we're providing isn't actually help.

    4. Anime


      Details details, point is the same xD

  12. Anyone else feel scared of actually posting works they've done?


    I'm a very very shy person who likes to keep things to herself in general

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Do you mean artsy stuff with works you've done? If so, why not post them? The worst thing that can happen is someone criticising you and that will only give you tips for next works and how to improve yourself. Criticism isn't necessarily a bad thing

    3. Wolfox


      well we all know I'm not shy at all (like my sarcasm?) but it's really scary to do so

    4. Hycrox


      If you're happy with your work, there's nothing to fear! Like Hongaar said, the worst you'll get is constructive criticism, especially here in Reborn

  13. I need to be more active with my shitposting here. Sorry guys, some personal memes made me forget Reborn for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      life happens to all of us, do not worry

    3. Wolfox


      pretty well, less pains to my leg due to some meds and my life is actually going forward again

    4. Hycrox


      Life is like a box of memes...


      Life is more important that not-so-shitposting, so don't worry. Your memes are still good

  14. My cat doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror. I think she's denying the fact that she's a cat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hycrox


      At least she looks like a cat, unlike Mick, who looks like a mink

    3. Wolfox


      we're still not sure she truly is a cat, so...

    4. Anime


      Are you sure its a cat? like seki said, i tihnk she forgot how to cat...

  15. Help me, I ate too much food

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sardines


      "ate too much food"? I don't see a problem :^)

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Same. I had 9 pieces of pizza and 3 pieces of garlic bread for lunch. 

    4. Anime


      Ooh, now you made me hungry @Isa.phoria

  16. I fucking love asian food

    I love it so fucking much


    I fucking want some NOW

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hycrox


      Saem tbh

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I'm so stuffed with Thit khó.

      I shouldn't eat more

      But.... how can I not

    4. Anime


      if you eat too much you might get a sore tummy

  17. I got the munchies for clams, ese

  18. I stress and worry way too much for my own good. Anybody else who's got these problems?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Anime


      can worrying lead to worrying that can cause worrying? 

    3. seki108


      @Another Retired Shipper  Being around my mom when she's worried, yes.  Yes it can.

    4. Anime


      oh, that doesnt seem good for health rip

  19. My legs are now sore af because too much exercising, I took a vaccine shot yesterday and the area is now sore as well. And I'm sleepy

    I feel like a patient

    1. Wolfox


      never push yourself too hard

    2. Hycrox


      Even vikings rest sometimes

    3. Anime


      you need to rest, take it easy :D

  20. I have an addiction to fitness

    Specifically weight loss


    Help me, my life is getting healthier and happier

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      The motivation I have is my bad self esteem

    3. HongaarseBeer


      This sounds very good, well done Isa, keep it going!


      You know, another trick that works is changing your pattern of eating, as in, the portions. Breakfast should be your biggest meal, followed by a smaller lunch and dinner should be the smallest.

    4. Wolfox


      I'm not so keen on fitness myself, but good for you

  21. There's nothing like a shower after a good workout


    I smell like I'm fresh out of the beehive, dude

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Anime


      Awh, pls no, i'd rather smell like roses

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Men can smell like roses or honey too


    4. Anime
  22. There's nothing like one of those cleaning rushes you suddenly get when you're stressing

    I'm the cleaning type of procrastination

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Wolfox Glace That sounds painful


      @HongaarseBeer Much cleaner, indeed!

    3. Wolfox


      yeah, stress aint healthy on my body.

    4. Anime


      Isa for Best cleaning lady

  23. I love shiny hunting so much

    1. Hycrox


      I'm too lazy and busy with memes to do that

    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I just kinda do it by default. I think it's in my blood

    3. Wolfox


      I tried it a few times, but I never really got anything out of it cuz I wasn't patient enough

  24. I haven't memed for a day here

    You guys must have been worried

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anime


      LOL , you are Memelady 9000

    3. seki108


      How did you survive that long with meme exposure??!!


      Quick, apply cats directly to the source of your meme-deficiency:









    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @seki108 I needed that fix, dude, thank you

  25. My mom used to say she wished I was a little kid again, to go back in time

    Little does she know I'm a huge child already with cats and a hoarding problem

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wolfox


      maybe you should let your mom read some of the things you say here. she will likely be shocked or happy

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Wolfox Glace  ''But, Isa, you only have one cat....'' ''Mick is real mom, you don't get it!''

    4. Anime


      Show here Mick

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