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Everything posted by Maltor

  1. OH it's there on the right side, my bad... I was looking for a post like in the old forums =P tyvm!
  2. @Ice Cream Sand Witch Hey, is there by any chance a post with the E17 progress, similar to the E16 one? I even used the search tab and couldn't find anything remotely close =\
  3. IMO your best bet would be adding slugma from Onix Arcade (talk to everyone; after you get all those coins, you'll need to buy just 150-ish) and an onix (peridot event; talk to the homeless guy east of the trainstation). Slugma may have to be replaced later on (magcargo is just TOO slow). And i'd go for onix instead of geodude in this instance just because of the exp boost due to not being the OT (faster training, and lack of exp share/lucky egg).
  4. Maltor

    Some trade

    im confused... u asking for an azurill, AND offering an azurill in return?
  5. Yes, electvire is avaliable; you can get the electrizer in Calcenon, if memory serves right.
  6. @Anomen Hey, do you still have a male 5IV axew? Wanna trade it for a male/female 5IV murkrow with egg move Brave Bird?
  7. wow what??? that is insane lmao i mean, i like figuring out by myself how to do stuff, puzzles and hidden things, but this... not in 1000 years i would've thought of that.
  8. Maltor

    Egg moves

    Oh, i didn't know that, good to know. Still, neither of the original parents knew brave bird in the first place (when i started with crobat and the crappy female murkrow), and i bred the crobat myself from wild zubats (so no brave bird whatsoever)... can egg moves appear on their own by chance?
  9. Maltor

    Egg moves

    Yup, just took out both of them... neither knows brave bird, and i'm still getting offspring with brave bird =\
  10. Maltor

    Egg moves

    @Lightseeker i started with a male crobat (for IV's) and a female murkrow (neither knew brave bird), then switched the crobat for a male murkrow. Even after both murkrows lvled up in day-care high enough to forget brave bird (lvl 25-ish), babies were still being born knowing brave bird.
  11. Maltor

    Egg moves

    So, i have a question about egg moves: i thought that in order for a child to learn a given egg move, one of his parents has to know that move. Thing is, i'm breeding murkrows right now, neither parent knows Brave Bird, and yet their offspring knows it. Am i missing something?
  12. @Lightseeker Yup, southeast corner of police station in bleak city... copperfield in reborn city
  13. Neh, it's ok, i got most of the possible pokemon you can get there through wondertrade... i was just curious about it, coz if it was a corrupted save file, i might as well start a new one right now, instead of waiting for something worse to happen =P Thx for the feedback!
  14. Hey everyone, Maybe this happened to someone else, or maybe it's a weird bug (pretty sure it's the former): so, for some reason i delayed giving the policeman in Jasper the growlithe egg, and now after the city rebirth, when i tried to complete it, that policeman vanished. Is this intended? Has anyone else derped as i did?
  15. you can get a raichu in glitch world, if i'm not mistaken, in mewtwo's cave; then breed him and evolve pichu
  16. Hey Nico Robin! I'd like a good IV torchic (female if possible, but not a dealbreaker) Since you asked for females with good IV's, i can offer you a female ralts 31/x/31/31/31/30 Is that ok?
  17. oh, i already got one, ty anyway!
  18. I was wondering if anyone could trade me any pokemon infected, capable of spreading pokerus. I can give in return a shiny (zubat, piloswine, litwick, pidgeotto, or onix); i can also breed either zubat, elekid, croagunk or litwick with good IV's (not perfect, but 30-31's). Thanks!
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