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Everything posted by Waynolt

  1. Alright, then the bug must be due to a difference betwen your installation and mine... Which other mods are you using? Which OS are you on? Do you have the most recent version of the mod?
  2. You get this error with the savegame you sent me? Could you please write the exact steps you have to do to get the error?
  3. Mmm, it works fine on my end... are you using any other mod? Can you please screenshot the error message?
  4. Waynolt


    This game is aimed at people who want more from Pokemon: a better plot, an higher challenge. If you don't care about either, then sorry but this game is simply not meant for you; you'd probably be better off playing something else. If instead you would like to experience the plot but simply find the game too difficult, then there are ways around that: you could - persevere/ask for advice, and thus become a stronger trainer through experience; there are plenty of people here willing to help, assuming you ask nicely or - cheat; imo there's nothing inherently wrong about cheating, as long as you keep that to your own singleplayer experience of course
  5. On my PC the error happens even with no mods loaded; can you please check if it happens without mods on your end too? If the error pops up with no mods loaded then it's likely that the savefile itself is corrupted or damaged. If so, you can either go back to the latest backup save: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18748-a-guide-to-using-your-backup-saves/ or try to ask for help in the troubleshooting section: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/46-troubleshooting/
  6. Mmm, the error points to a line in SharedPC that was not actually changed in the mod... could you please send me that savefile? Also, I need to know which mods are you trying to use.
  7. Waynolt

    IV mod?

    Alright then, I've added it as "SWM - EvOverflow". (Definitely didn't steal the name from here ) With this mod if a mon's EV goes over 252 (without breaking the 510 limit), then you are offered the choice of getting +1 in that stat's IV while losing all of its EV. (Wanted to use 256 instead, but realized that that could have messed with savefile compatibility, because in the unmodded game mons are supposed to never have more than 252 in any EV... ) If instead you are using a friendship berry at 0 EV, then you are offered the choice of getting -1 in that stat's IV (while at the same time setting its EV to 20). In both cases the "default" choice is set to "no", so that click-spamming when skipping messages doesn't automatically accept the offer. (Also, about spamming: since ExpShareFullTeam needed an edit to make EvOverflow compatible, I've also changed it so that it only shows one message with the total Exp gained by the team, instead of six different messages every time a foe is defeated) Thanks to all who posted!
  8. Waynolt

    IV mod?

    Unless the devs go way out of their way just to delete it, then debug mode will 100% be in E19. And it is even possible that it won't need to be updated. It could be made something to be activated, of course, but imho it wouldn't be necessary: after all, the game does have a limit of 510 total EVs, which should severely limit the ways to accidentally increase the IVs: for example, a fully EV trained mon won't be able to reach 256 in any EV (unless you use friendship berries). Also, about friendship berries: what if they were changed too, so that if they are used at exactly 0 EV then they reduce the IV instead? This shouldn't be the exact opposite of the process (because that would make EV training trivial, at the cost of just 1 IV), but maybe if they did something like 29 IV, 0 EV -> 28 IV, 20 EV then they might become a way to revert accidental IV increases (or another tool to change the hidden type).
  9. Waynolt

    IV mod?

    Is it actually any better if they can't claim that after debugging, though? Imho that wouldn't change much because, as far as I know, one only actually needs 2 or 3 good IVs per mon - the rest is nice to have, but not really useful. For example: a Salazzle *could* make use of a perfect Attack IV, but it doesn't really suffer if it doesn't have that. Indeed: getting every IV from 0 to 31 with the second method would require 23.808 wild battles (3.968 battles per stat, 128 battles per IV point, assuming 2 EV points are gained in each battle). Pokerus+power items would cut that to 2.381 wild battles (397 per stat, 13 per point, 20 EV points gained in each battle).
  10. Waynolt

    IV mod?

    Hi! I've read somewhere in the forum (don't remember exactly where, sorry) that there are no plans to include ways to increase a mon's IVs in Reborn. Can see why - if one was added, it would make it pointless to breed mons. (*Innocently pushes "SWM - LearnEggMoves" under the bed*) Yet, I was thinking: what if the way to increase the IVs were to be worse in some way than breeding? It would keep breeding as the best way to get perfect IVs, while giving an alternative for roleplay's sake. For example: - A surgeon NPC could be added, who can increase your mons' IVs with a long and risky medical procedure that could maim or outright kill your mon. This would give an alternative with a drawback that would keep breeding as the best option, but would also kind of defeat the roleplay goal: risking the life of your mon is not much better than chain-breeding it, because in both cases you're using it more as a commodity than a friend. - IVs could increase by 1 when the corresponding EV goes over 255 (29 IV, 256 EV -> 30 IV, 0 EV). Imho this could be good enough: it would be more time consuming than breeding, while still being a viable "ethical" alternative when roleplaying. - Other options?
  11. My opinion is: in singleplayer, do whatever floats your boat. I see nothing wrong with making the game harder for yourself if you're in for the challenge, or easier if you're only interested in the plot, or simply different for the sake of variety. As for using them, I personally use QoL mods plus a few "cheat" ones; for example I'll cheat to up my mons' IVs into the 20s if they're lower (since my favourite mons are not exactly considered the strongest - looked them up - I'm not too willing to further handicap myself by letting them have bad IVs), or I'll cheat to get around a time-consuming quest that I had already solved the legit way in another playthrough.
  12. Yes, but they... overlap. Slightly. (You can use SetWeather's Pokegear app to change UnrealTime's hour and weekday)
  13. Yes, it can use any time scale (the default is 1:30, real time is 1:1): i can add it as a possible setting with the Additional Options mod from @Aironfaar... who hasn't logged in in the last 2 months. Mmm... as a temporary solution I'm adding the required code to the UnrealTime mod itself; you still need the Additional Options mod's main file in order to change it.
  14. No, because the debug menu is not part of this modpack and, most importantly, because a "walk through walls" mod already exists as part of the same modpack that containst the debug menu.
  15. Please make sure they are extracted and copied in the Mods subfolder inside of Data (this is very important, because the game only looks for .rb files there). Which mods are you trying to install? Are you using any other mod? Which operating system are you using?
  16. Again, I need more details to be able to help you. I need to know what you did try, in order to guess what might have gone wrong; else, the only thing I can do is repeat the install instructions.
  17. In the E18 version of the mod there are no .ini files to edit, there are no "true" and "false" to set. You just need to copy the mod file(s) that you want into Reborn/Data/Mods and play.
  18. Then you might be using a *slightly* outdated version. Episode 16, iirc. XD Please download the E18 version of Pokemon Reborn, the E18 version of the SWM modpack, and follow the install instructions in the first post.
  19. Sorry, but you're being too generic to really be helped... please try posting some additional details, like what have you tried to do and what has happened. Yes: sometimes the weather believes he's a single number instead of a series (an "array") of numbers. Letting enough time pass or using the mod's "Reroll weather week" option usually fixes this.
  20. Mmm... then it seems that the modified script isn't running at all. Does any other mod in the SWM modpack work? That's kind of what @DreamblitzX had asked me to make at first. Tbh, I don't really like this idea... but you can make it yourself, of course. As @Commander mentioned, you could simply copy/adapt the code from Insurgence. Another option (if you don't mind the current position) would be to make the "neutral" tab in the .png file transparent in my mod. This would hide the tab when there's no stat bonus/malus, but still show the appropriate cell if needed. For example, the "simple style" from @Player_Null_Name does exactly that:
  21. Please try, in this order: 1. Open the PC 2. Hold CTRL while choosing Move (one time only) on any slot occupied by a mon 3. Move the cursor over an empty slot in the PC 4. Activate it (default is the ENTER key) 5. Did anything happen after step 4?
  22. I doubt that it matters, since afaik you can't remap CTRL through the "Controls" menu. It might be that you simply can't see the graphics: did you copy the .png file too? Another possibility is an error while doing it: CTRL has to be pressed while you activate the "Move" option. Another possible explanation is that CTRL isn't being recognized, maybe due to some strange keyboard setting. Or there could be a mod incompatibility: which other mods are you using?
  23. Oh don't be silly, there's plenty of youtubers complaining that this game actually has a plot!
  24. Errata corrige: they don't stack. From the code, in case you're curious:
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