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Everything posted by Anti_Hero

  1. well I derped, I only read the requirement once and tought it would be fine with any mon, sorry but its nice you accepted This time I hope I did it right, I hope you like my paint skills
  2. So I tought that bidoof had to confront religion at some point, why not early on?
  3. trubish is good for the first 2 gyms (at least) Toxic spikes is a good move. About ground types, only if you choose mudkip or turwig, you have burmy that can be a ground type at level 20... I dont remember more right now. Anyway the gym is possible to take on without ground types, grass types get resistance, you only have to beat emolga and the rest would be easyer
  4. I already have them with good IV and egg moves, so if they had egg moves then they would be part of my team. I have Feebas but with bad IV, so nothing worth the shinies... And I am not really interested in the others... Thank you for your time
  5. What would you like for the shiny skrelp and vulpix? and do they have any egg moves?
  6. My username is Arguzil Well something I derped that still hounts me down to this day is when I saw my first shiny on my silver, I tought it was an error, a glitch. I killed it... After some years I realised what I did. Why did that rattata had to die? he was special
  7. I would love starly, drudigon and joltik
  8. I have a charmander with dragon dance, belly drum, outrage and focua punch Interested? I can easily breed the trapinsh foi I am not home so if you whant them then only later
  9. I am interested um the male clauncher I could governo you a shiny charmander. Or 6iv female swinub (some eggs moves)
  10. I have Bulbasaur with lots of egg moves I want shiny mienfoo
  11. I am not sure if that is what you had in mind, this looks a bit like a mask, I tryed to put red in the mask too, but it wont look good. I really think you should do these (to make them look fabulous) Next gen I will do simplier things
  12. @ycoder321 your green one looks like Hulk I like it
  13. So here are my lastest creations I just saw you will be doing the rest of the line, well ignore these then. Cant wait to see your work
  14. What would you want for a Dragon Dance Rock Camel and a Blind Biting Camel? I would be happy do give you a 6IV Foxy camel (vulpix) or a 5IV Horse of the sea camel (skrelp)
  15. @Jan You are right, your pineco looks better (sorry for being a noob at this) I will do the backs tomorrow (I hope)
  16. Since the originals are so different in evolution I tought I could play a bit more with this one, I think diamond look is a little bit overused maybe an Emerald one?
  17. Hmm. I would like one too Whoever would like a 5iv skrelp ir vulpix for it (both with egg moves )
  18. A pineco that looks more like a pine. (those 6 pixels on its forehead were in the original like that, Is that alright so?)
  19. I tryed to complement your sprite, Is this going right?
  20. I am not sure if I fully understood what you wanted, so I changed the colour of the shading a bit, If I am going to the oposite direction please tell me
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