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Jar-Kai Marek

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Status Updates posted by Jar-Kai Marek

  1. Three monthes since I last visited this place? Man college has really kept me distracted from here.


    P.S - What in earth have I missed?

    1. Dypatome


      Welcome back! A lot's changed.

      For starters, the site went a transition and the whole thing was remodeled. Everything that was here is still here, besides reputation and the Rupee shop.

      Episode 16 was released (which is fantastic; be sure to check it out)

      And lastly from what I can think of, the second Redemption League tourney is running soon; do give it a shot! All the information is available under the "Redemption League" tag visible from the forums homepage.

      Anyone else can fill in what I missed?

  2. If a Pokemon eats a Grass type Pokemon, does that make it a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CCYami


      Although on closer inspection, the fact that we have plant type EGGS would say its more likely to be an Omnivore. Must.... RESEARCH!

    3. Sutoratosu


      Mother of god... I think this is the first time anyone's bothered to ask such a question.

    4. AeroWraith


      How did I not run into a question like that.

  3. Man. Fuck my professors for giving me bullshit project on top of another. Good to finally have motre freetime..

  4. Universes with a stupidly large amount of lore?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Legend of Heroes Trails series

    3. AuthorReborn


      Pillars of Eternity has a pretty substantial amount of lore for being a standalone game. If you're looking for something you can jump into, there's that.

    4. Shamitako



      Warhammer 40k. Tsukihime/Fate

      Also just about any long-running sci-fi/fantasy franchise or MMO will have a fuckton of lore

  5. Hey who'd be the best writer/roleplayer to talk to about critiquing some ideas I had?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pocky


      yeah i'd have to say the same thing, lol

    3. Shamitako


      Huk's a solid choice. Stratos and Murdoc (Adamance Ascendant) are also P good

      And if you're really desperate you can talk to that one scrub called Alexus. She runs some okayish RPs, like The Tenth God

    4. Chevaleresse


      yes i exist and am willing to help

  6. Story idea: A man in the Pokemon universe creates a more successful machine akin to Bill's transformation machine in RBY, is caught by a trainer, and faces an existential crisis because he is unable to communicate in English.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jar-Kai Marek

      Jar-Kai Marek

      Is that a character from one of the fan games or something?

    3. Combat


      If you took the What Type Are You Quiz, you get put into a similar situation and get caught by a kid named Elliot.

    4. FairFamily


      it is a character in the what type are you quiz. He also can be found in reborn.

  7. *looks for new Sun and Moon news*

  8. Which I could find an artist to gimme a sprite for a YT channel since I'm a talentless hack at spriting.

  9. Any roleplaying or creative writing guys, would you read and/or give feedback on a thread of tropes of combat if I made one?

    1. Jar-Kai Marek

      Jar-Kai Marek

      Also which of those 2 places would be better to stick it?

    2. Combat


      If those are tropes, would it go in Gaming General? It wouldn't go in RP for sure, and it depends on how you write it.

  10. I feel kinda lazy if frequent use of dank memes and bad jokes are two of the easiest ways to be "accepted" around here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arkhi


      Go with sincerity, it's easy to pull off.

    3. Alchemia Chan

      Alchemia Chan

      Do people even use the Discord Server?

    4. Chevaleresse


      yes, at least now that people know it exists

  11. Term paper. Term paper. Need to do you right now, but you can screw off till tomorrow.

  12. So when I look at this community search bar and this status bar, have people gotten them things confused before?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jar-Kai Marek

      Jar-Kai Marek

      Well their location did throw me off for a second.

    3. doombotmecha
    4. Tacos


      Like at least 5 times a day

  13. Sorry if I'm annoying people. Kinda mew around here and fiddling with some shit I can do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IntSys


      Starting off with a Mew pun, nice!

      Welcome to Reborn~

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      We know that pun was intentional.

    4. Ironbound


      If you make puns, then you are welcome all the more.

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