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Status Replies posted by Anstane

  1. That game where you start by rooting for the princess whose kingdom was conquered only to end it by rooting for the emperor who did the conquering and now is being conquered.

  2. My uncle asked me to be my little cousins godfather..... does this mean I have to be a responsible adult? 0-0"

  3. Sooo, you are still forced to read titania's diary?

  4. Woo finally got an Umbreon in PMD. I tell ya, farming gummis is excruciating.

  5. how do you deal with an enemy that outspeeds you and destroys you on a double?

  6. Mh, I really want to play "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky". First of all, it's one hell of a underrated game, and I had loads of fun when playing it as a little kid.. :l Glad I wasted my money on it.

  7. Mh, I really want to play "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky". First of all, it's one hell of a underrated game, and I had loads of fun when playing it as a little kid.. :l Glad I wasted my money on it.

  8. I got a spare cenarius last night! so i made malygos and finished my miracle rogue deck. It features: Edwin Vancleef, Xaril, thalnos, Barnes, Emperor Thaurrisan, and Malygos. It uses malygos as a combo finisher. Thoughts?

  9. Great, if i don't pass tomorrow's exam my life will be over. Have i studied? Yes. Am i anxious? YES. Will it be a tough exam? HELL YES.

  10. Mh, I really want to play "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky". First of all, it's one hell of a underrated game, and I had loads of fun when playing it as a little kid.. :l Glad I wasted my money on it.

  11. Why does Team Meteor need PULSEs when Taka's Chatot is perfectly capable of destroying everything with Boomburst?

  12. Also downloaded FFIX off Steam yesterday. One of the few FF's I've never played. Excited to give it a try!

  13. Why do i hate priests? (hearthstone) they fuckin twist your own dagger-in-arm and stab you in the back with your own tactic

  14. Sun used Heat Wave. It's super effective. Lugruf melted

  15. Would you rather: Be able to clone yourself, or control time?

  16. "Tonight, a tale of wonder and magic. And now, on with the show!"

  17. Tfw your local game store releases FE Awakening now. In 2016. 3 years after the release. GG.

  18. Tfw your local game store releases FE Awakening now. In 2016. 3 years after the release. GG.

  19. Scolipede uses Minimize: Smolipede. Scolipede stole a centipede: Stolipede. Scolipede is Bug/Fighting: Swolipede. Instructions for how to become a Scolipede: Scrollipede.

  20. If you were a Pokemon, how would you evolve?

  21. "I AM POWER INCARNATE!!" - 1/1 Deathwing summoned by Barnes :P


  23. Okay, I made a Hardcore CoM 1.51 to fix some of those gamebreaking issues.

  24. I only need 3 more legendaries to finish my 1 of each class deck collection. I need velen for my priest deck featuring voljin and sylvanas, i need malygos for my rogue deck featuring xaril, thaurissan, and barnes, and i need onyxia for my brand new token druid deck featuring fandral and cenarius. maybe i'll be able to make a cool demon deck featuring mal'ganis, illidan, jaraxxus, and malchezzar.....

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