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Status Updates posted by IntSys

  1. https://gyazo.com/fa15dd94260ffe520686bd8f61f470be Aster & Eclipse #2 - DEFEATED! Tag Battles are the ultimate cheese in Insanity Mode Hardcore~
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alchemia Chan

      Alchemia Chan

      Now, get ready for more shit up your way.~

    3. IntSys


      I didn't even blow up the field. I pumped bunch of X Items to Swalot and it swept Corey with Acid Spray!

    4. Commander


      If you can light the field on fire, you probably can get by Shelly then it should start getting easier.

  2. https://gyazo.com/915887b1496534a045112a389d31b578 Insanity Mode Florinia - Defeated! With some X-Items, you too can have a devastating sweeper!
    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      why is that cradily level 33

    2. IntSys


      Insanity Mode, that's why. 20% more levels for every single opponent's Pokemon.

  3. https://gyazo.com/576187d7d627e94138f05e08fb367d47 Insanity Mode Tangrowth - Omae wa mou shindeiru.
    1. drevance


      Yikes. I wonder how high Cradily will be

  4. What's with the locking? What did I miss?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mde2001


      Pointless drama that doesn't need to be rehashed.

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    4. IntSys


      Oh, drama. Oh.

      Glad I missed it.

  5. This is grand.
    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hmmm, it's you posting it so it probably 100% a SIlva vid and therefore literally the opposite of grand. a.k.a mega trash.

    2. IntSys


      I'm serious, tho. This is unironically good.

  6. Consciousness consists of atomic ionization of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a condensing of the primordial.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IntSys


      Reality has always been radiating warriors whose hopes are nurtured by joy. Who are we? Where on the great path will we be recreated? We are in the midst of an authentic maturing of transformation that will clear a path toward the quantum cycle itself.

    3. IntSys


      Kabala may be the solution to what’s holding you back from an untold evolution of divinity.

    4. Pocky


      is lion actually pink diamond? we all know that lion is obviously pink, yet lion has no actual gem, or we haven't seen it yet. however, consider this. a gem's existance can be morphed with a living being, or a non living being in a way by consumption. so what if lion did swallow pink diamond's shards? does this mean that lion is pink diamond?

  7. I feel worried whenever there's a locked post in the Status Updates.

    1. Shamitako



      Hate locked posts

    2. Shamitako


      Generally they come alongside vagueposts or stuff that mostly exists because you know it will infuriate people

  8. It's official. I live in Mt. Moon. I found like 15 Zubats by going outside, and I even evolved one of them into a Golbat.

    1. DemICE


      i have met some golbats..if you are in a bat nest you could hold up on that evolution to catch a golbat sometime later ;p

  9. Unironically good, WHYYY
  10. Going to China tomorrow, luckily the site and the chat are both accessible through the Great Firewall.

  11. Jan is mean, pass it on

  12. Jan is peace pass it on.

  13. Jan is peace pass it on.

  14. https://www.twitch.tv/sonicofficial For those interested, here's the Sonic 25th Anniversary Party stream.
  15. https://gyazo.com/b408a1f3a5fe388e32b2cb3f832a47c5 https://gyazo.com/f786987643730fca920d69a8344915fd Take that, Madame X! THE POWER OF STALL! NOT EVEN YOUR FULL RESTORE CAN SAVE YOU!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      but how are you doing, do you have hyper potions on that gravler?

    3. IntSys


      It's a Golem, and yes I used one Hyper Potion and one Revive. My strategy involves hoping for Heat Wave miss so I can use my Tangrowth to poison the Yveltal. Then I'll use Golem to stall for a bit, racking the damage up. When Yveltal's about to get Full-Restored, I'll use Tangrowth to poison it again. I also used a Snover to summon Hail, racking up the damage against Yveltal.

  16. So Zumi gave me this and told me to not share it with anyone. But screw that, friends SHARE stuffs, right? http://imgur.com/Z7PAoP9

    1. DW~


      Sharing is caring, after all

  17. I'm scared. My local news media is airing news about a new meme.

  18. Site's back up, cheers!

  19. I think I know why I'm not getting any encounters in GO. They probably shut-down distribution on places that haven't received an official release yet, to minimize server load.

    1. Samalet


      No they haven't. Source: Me and my unofficial copy of GO.

    2. IntSys


      Hm. Perhaps I'm just unlucky then~

    3. Cobalt996


      > Unlucky

      Yeeeeeeah no. Can confirm, you are not unlucky.

  20. So I put a Pumpkaboo I drew awhile ago into this "Porn-Checking" algorithm, and well: http://isitporn.com/show/51ebf37d9bc44034bc380ae1cf7c3d3a

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alextron


      I don't really know why I clicked it but whatever,*deletes memory*

    3. Red_Chaos


      lol so smexy XD

    4. KingRyan
  21. May I take your time to focus on the fact that Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is in fact a Feminist? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGny2k6XEAA9eoZ.png

    1. IntSys


      DISCLAIMER: I'm not actually insulting feminism, but just pointing out this character trivia.

    2. Shamitako


      Wao, Sonic is a misogynistic bastard >:c

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