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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Hect

  1. Minecraft

  2. corrin why are you so goddamn fucking stupid

  3. Sometimes I wish I had someone to play games with. I really do.

  4. Go away Dimensional Gyarados! You are no match to my one and only Kirlia!

  5. Sometimes I wish I had someone to play games with. I really do.

  6. Sometimes I wish I had someone to play games with. I really do.

  7. I just bought "Starbound". Any opinions of people who played the game? Is it worth the 14€?

  8. Tfw you want Arceus for your game but are too antisocial to go to Gamestop and ask for a code..

  9. Finally, after three hours of grinding for Speed EV's in Pokémon Rejuvenation: http://i.imgur.com/IhkgSv1.png. So tired of it. This thing better be good in Version 9. <.<

  10. Finally, after three hours of grinding for Speed EV's in Pokémon Rejuvenation: http://i.imgur.com/IhkgSv1.png. So tired of it. This thing better be good in Version 9. <.<

  11. Getting 24 new mosquito bites was worth raising that gym's prestige level to 9 so I could insert my slowbro.

  12. Whats yrou thoughts on pokemon go?

  13. why i dont get the validation e-mail?

  14. Bors vs Oswin vs Gilliam vs Gatrie: Which is the best FE6-FE10 general?

  15. You know, it's weird that I find Acid Spray so useful even quite into Rejuvenation. Most moves with 40 power tend to be out by then.

  16. So just curious what people think: around what percentage of the game is Shade's gym in the current Ep 15? I'd assume around 1/4 but it could be more. Just curious!

  17. Another day of wishing I'd never been born

  18. A true masterpiece
  19. Another day of wishing I'd never been born

  20. So I'm really wanting to get Cranidos. I know you can mine the shining rocks for a skull fossil, but I was curious if there was anything I could do to help my chances? Thanks as always everyone.

  21. So I'm really wanting to get Cranidos. I know you can mine the shining rocks for a skull fossil, but I was curious if there was anything I could do to help my chances? Thanks as always everyone.

  22. Human Cake is the filthiest video Frank has ever made, and... I think I might be sick after watching it.

  23. Human Cake is the filthiest video Frank has ever made, and... I think I might be sick after watching it.

  24. Watching Human Cake. Don't feel too well now...

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