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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Hect

  1. "Your body submits, your heart succumbs- so why does your mind resist?" How I feel about myself right now.

  2. You thought the fact that no more of the characters died IRL means no more would die ingame. You underestimated Ame...

  3. Would the Porygon line be a fairly solid addition to a Reborn Team? I'd love to work it in somehow if it's viable at all.

  4. I didnt even realise I bought skyrim dlc so now I cannae buy xcom 2. Am sad.

  5. That feel when you're about to get up and your car decides to use you as a bed.. annoying, but adorkable little critters. :/

  6. Just finished STALKER: Call of Pripyat and I now have an urge to learn Russian.

  7. I want Fern to get "Punished" by Cain. I think it's fair considering how much of a douche lord troll he;s been.

  8. Anybody wanting to play Starbound together?

  9. I'm so sick of everything.


  11. Gotta go grab a haircut, and make myself look spiffy so I can do this week's worth of recordings over the next two days with confidence !

  12. Wow. Solaris is like a 110 MPH Curveball.

  13. Should I stream my first playthrough of Rejuv?

  14. My bed is so comfortable today. I dont want to get up

  15. I'm so sick of everything.

  16. Breeding Protean Froakies in ORAS. Hatched a shiny froakie and it has torrent X.X

  17. Breeding Protean Froakies in ORAS. Hatched a shiny froakie and it has torrent X.X

  18. Woo, Lithuania's Olympic basketball team is 3-0! I know it happened a few hours ago, but I only just saw the news.

  19. So IGN made a video about Pokémon Uranium, huh? Not sure if that's a curse or a blessing, considering their reputation.

  20. So IGN made a video about Pokémon Uranium, huh? Not sure if that's a curse or a blessing, considering their reputation.

  21. Electric/Psychic, huh? Is that a blessing or a curse?

  22. Electric/Psychic, huh? Is that a blessing or a curse?

  23. rejuvenation shards

  24. You know, I like Blizzard and their games. I really do. But I sometimes really, REALLY don't understand what they were thinking when they release certain pieces of content. Exhibit A: http://prnt.sc/c4ifny

  25. wow... Alolan-Meowth is already becoming a meme... not as fast as Execcutor though...

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