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Status Updates posted by The5ilverback

  1. Well all I'm going to say is that I'm glad pokemon is going in a new direction

    1. Hect


      Too much waving and dancing for me already. I'm somewhat glad I sold my 3DS, seeing in which directions some game franchises are going.

      Then again, that's just my opinion. And I won't refrain from saying that it doesn't matter much.

  2. This whole PS4.5 stuff just angers me thank the stars I have a gaming PC as I will stick to that is console gaming is going to turn into incremental BS.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      The PS4 has been out for what, three years? It boggles the mind...

    3. Nhadala


      Glorious PC Master Race. xD

    4. Felicity


      It's an attempt to compete with the nintendo NX. That's all.

  3. That's strange why is there no hidden power fairy ? did GF get lazy

    1. pyrromanis


      It's not that tey are lazy, it's that they would have then messed up a lot with tranfered pokemon that had different type hp in previous games

  4. This tune is beyond dope
  5. I'm very happy at the fact I got my Shiny Mew EX card from Pokemon TCG online today

  6. Just got the event celebi which I almost forgot about.

  7. tfw your tired yet can't be bothered to sleep

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      story of my life


    2. Blanchette


      let me help :)

      *brings a hammer to your head*

  8. one of my favourite attacks in Disgaea 5 just looks so cool
  9. Well just got declined from another Job application :( will I ever get a job it sucks man I want money.

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Just keep looking. Be filled with determination.

  10. Am I the only one that likes all the main series pokemon games and had no issues with any of them aside from difficulty but lets face it AI will never come close to human opponents so people like me who play competitive alot would find pokemon easy no matter how difficult the AI becomes.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Ai becomes difficult in the battle towers, subways, chateaus, etc.

    3. The5ilverback


      That may be true but I don't see casual gamers even bothering with those.

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      Black2 and white2 were frustrating for me because of stupid design and story

  11. I was just looking through the music folder in Pokemon Se7en and found the most badass sounding kanto gym remix I have ever heard it's so sick!

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Which one? Asking out of curiosity more than anything really, because those track aren't there to stay... We are currently in the middle of making our own OST, with tracks by Juu!

    2. The5ilverback


      Pokemon GSC Kanto Gym Leader Remix that's the name of it.

    3. Juniper
  12. Well I feel like shit atm sucks to be me :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Thanks dood! I'll find a way to bounce back I'm sure of it.

    3. Marcello


      Don't bounce too hard! Prinnies explode from that shit :o

    4. The5ilverback


      Nah I have the defused evility so I won't explode no matter how much I bounce dood!

  13. All I will say is that the next Pokemon games better have some difficulty to them otherwise I won't be buying it as I'm sick and tired of piss easy pokemon games.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Difficulty is the one thing Pokemon games (canon ones, at least) are guaranteed to never have...

    2. The5ilverback


      which is precisely why those games will never be good enough at least anymore I use to accept this but can't no more.

  14. I have a feeling NX may be involved with next Pokemon game especially if it turns out to be a handheld/console hybrid or just have the games exclusive to the new 3DS though the latter isn't something I would want to happen.

    1. Combat


      I have to agree. I really hope Nintendo wouldn't force either upon us, as we don't even know what the NX is... With any luck, it will be for the 3DS, and maybe even have cross platform capabilities.

    2. The5ilverback


      I'm sure it will still be on 3DS I'm actually thinking it might just also end up on NX and as you say possibly have cross platform capabilities.

  15. I still don't get why people hate grinding so much as life is literally a grind so everyone does it all the time it's natural to be honest.

    1. Personthing


      Because we play games to have fun.

    2. The5ilverback


      Well I disagree with that as people don't just play games to have fun and grinding can be fun.

  16. Well my prinny now has 20 Million in almost every stat that's what I call god tier prinny sadly I need it to have even higher stats as 20 million isn't enough in this game

    1. Marcello


      Pssh, 20 million is EZ. Gotta farm dem extracts now.

  17. I've had quite the fun Birthday so far which makes me happy.

  18. Is it just me or does it look like 2016 may be the year of JRPG's?

    1. Commander


      SMT x FE, Persona 5, Fire Emblem Fates, LoH Trails of Cold Steel II, FFVII remake, KH III, and FF XV. My wallet is not ready.

  19. God the level Cap in Disgaea HOD is 9999 I'm going to be hooked on this game for like ever it's grinding heaven.

    1. Felicity


      Well, with how short and varied the levels are, it really isn't if you want a zen session of grinding. If you don't care though then yeah it really is.

  20. Regardless or what I've read and seen about Disgaea 1 I'm still keeping my Prinnie squad till the end of the game as I adore them and find them really fun to use.

    1. The5ilverback
    2. Cepheus


      Dood, playing Disgaea with a Prinny squad will be pretty hard, dood!

      Prinnies are like, the worst units, dood! :D

  21. 1 pokemon I feel that deserves more recognition is Porygon-Z as it's a great pokemon and looks cool.

  22. I know it was a long time ago but I'm still shocked when I watched a video showing the teams in the 2015 Pokemon World championship and seeing basically the same pokemon over and over again I was disgusted at least I think it was that year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Personthing


      That's gamefreak's terribad balancing for you...

    3. The5ilverback


      Though I will admit that I hate using Legendaries and honestly I don't care how good or shit a legendary is if I see someone using alot of them they're nothing more then a scrub to me and that Pachirishu winning was awesome that time.

    4. Personthing


      I dunno, legendaries like Regirock and Articuno are low tier. I'd respect anyone for being able to do well with those Pokemon.

  23. Was just playing Disgaea 2 cursed memories and it was hillarious as the first enemy I encounter happens to be penguin demons that dance, throw bombs, attack with swords and to top it all off constantly say dood in a funny voice lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Nope I haven't played the original Disgaea and yeah I read about people saying the original's gameplay is a real turn-off after having played 2 but I may try it and if it's unbearable I may watch a play-through instead provided I can find one.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Seriously, play it. I know the gameplay is a real turn off at time, but the plot is just that good. If you can will yourself through the forced grinding, you will be rewarded with some of the most genuinely funny scenes in the history of videogames. Worth the effort IMO.

    4. The5ilverback


      Well if grinding is the main problem people have with it then it won't be a problem with me as I actually like grinding besides I can speed the game up if need be.

  24. Well I'm pleased got very far for my second attempt at a heartgold nuzlocke today!

  25. I want revenge and won't be satisfied until I win!

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