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Burning Bright

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Status Updates posted by Burning Bright

  1. wtf shelly names a Pokemon after you thats super cool

  2. Is there any fix for broken textures? Stuff like battle moves looking like missing no, and the candy shop puzzle tiles being invisible

  3. Nice, an Attack on Titan reference in my favorite game


  4. If you play the game without saving a single time, will any dialogue change?

  5. Route 4, "maybe a spark will draw it out" campfire, what do I do with this?

    1. CURIE


      Pretty sure you gotta set the forest field on fire in a wild battle nearby.  The reward you get is the Fire Memory, or at least that's what it was in episode 18.

  6. what what? you can get the Earthquake TM from some "starter egg quest" now??

    1. Dark Legend
    2. Dreamy


      Yeah, it's been moved slightly earlier. still generally requires 17 gym badges I believe

  7. Is having textures bugs in backgrounds, and moves during battle documented? sometimes moves look like missing no.

    1. Dreamy


      there was a bug with bonemerang specifically but that was patched - are you on the latest version?

    2. Burning Bright
    3. Dreamy


      If it's on the latest patch, would be good to document with screenshots / which moves this seems to be the case for over in bug reporting then

  8. I think I preferred it when Fern was more of a blatant asshole, lmfao

  9. What is the key item "gift box" ?


    never mind, I found the npc it's associated with

  10. Guess it's time for my annual return to this game. Looking forward to forgetting where tf I am and trying to figure out what to do next. 

    1. Siewek


      Welcome back!

  11. Doing an Ice monotype, what ice starter should I give myself

  12. Can someone tell me where the Agate CITY soundtrack is from? I know it's from the gen 4 games but I can't place my finger on it 

    1. Aphelli


      I'm not really sure, but I find that Sinnoh's Route 209 sounds at least somewhat similar... 

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      that's the one that I think it's based on as well ?haha, nostalgic

    3. andracass


      you're looking for this one here

  13. Is glutttony bugged?

  14. Adrienn is one of the best characters 

    1. Gastronely


      Xe's good, but not one of the best. That title either goes to Titania, Amaria, Shelly or Solaris

  15. Is going back to older versions to breed down TMs still a thing?

  16. how is a sleeping pokemon going to "avoid my attack" 10 times in a row

  17. POG they added protect TM into the game!

  18. Why does the game force you to read Titania's diary? Can't you just wait there like she tells you?

    1. Dreamy


      You don't have to read it, but she'll think you did anyway because she's that sort of accusatory person.

  19. the fact that Machamp doesn't learn close combat is infuriating

    1. Logan_the_balalaika


      It learns close combat through breeding tho 🤔

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      not good enough, it's a failure of a pokemon

  20. lmfaooo sometimes you just need good Moody rng instead of strategy

    1. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright


  21. I think my trainer card is bugged. It only shows the first gym badge, even though I just beat Shade?


  22. holy shit just found a shiny spiritomb https://imgur.com/dtfmfj0

  23. I have not played for a year, and I'm in the forest with the Heracross puzzle. What comes after that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Hmm, I'll check the number of badges ASAP, and see where to go from there. Thanks for the help

    3. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      I have 13 badges, where to go next

    4. Dreamy


      13 badges means that you can fly back to reborn city now. it sounds like E15 was the last version you played, so you probably need to go back to agate circus and into the back room with the computer to trigger the transition, then fly anywhere within the city itself and start looking around, going to the grand hall when ready

  24. Game freezes everytime I step into Opal ward. But why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. laggless01


      Angie was on a holiday.

    3. Personthing


      Wait a little bit. It might be the game just updating the weather pattern for the week.

    4. Monochrome_Complex


      Yeah that's usually where it happens.

  25. I forgot how to get to ametrine city, can anyone help?

    1. ShadowStar


      Go to North Route 2. enter the Cave, head left to where PULSE is located, head upward and to the right.

    2. Burning Bright
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