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Daniel Blackworth

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Status Replies posted by Daniel Blackworth

  1. Since it is @Godot's birthday, I decided to make today's Quote of the Day a tribute to Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, my favorite game in the franchise, and I'll be sharing quotes relating to Prosecutor Godot, the most memorable person in the game.

    Top conversation EVER:

    Godot: I'm Godot. Legendary prosecutor. I've never lost a case.
    Judge: Yes, your reputation precedes you. What kind of cases have you dealt with so far?
    Godot: Ha...! None.
    Judge: What did you say...?
    Godot: I've never prosecuted a case before
    Judge: N-Never? But you said you've never lost before.
    Godot: ...Exactly. I've never lost. I've never won before either.

    Inspirational Quotes:
    "The true measure of a man is in the amount of work he does. That's what I always say." - Godot

    "We can't see the demons that lurk in the night... That's why humans are weak." - Godot

    "...To err is human, to forgive, divine. Humans aren't machines... they have souls, feelings. They live, they die, they love, they hate... And yes, they even make mistakes..." - Godot

    Coffee Quotes:
    "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... That is coffee." - Godot

    "A single drop of milk is all it takes to destroy the pure black magic in the cup!" - Godot

    Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations was a really good game for me due to its great story which was well connected and the dynamic characters that were in it. Its story was centered on Phoenix Wright, Mia Fey, and Godot/Diego Armando which explored both their pasts and their present. In the main story/present timeline, Godot comes off as a prosecutor who has a form of hatred towards Phoenix Wright. Phoenix Wright feels that Godot is someone familiar to him, but he can't exactly place where he saw/met him. As the story goes further, we get to see more sides of Godot aside from being simply someone who liked coffee overly much; we get to see that he is actually Diego Armando, the former partner of Mia Fey and Phoenix's mentor, and because of a certain case in the past involving Phoenix, he fell into a deep coma and only awoke after years and after Mia died because of being murdered. We learn that he takes out his anger on Phoenix for not being able to protect Mia, but he later on reveals that he thinks that Phoenix has done well to keep her legacy. We also see how he cares for Mia's family, that he even went and murdered someone who threatened Mia's sister Maya's life (although he claims that he did it simply for his own, he still did save Maya's life). We see how he grows from someone who had a biased form of hatred to someone who realizes that revenge is not really the way to cherish a loved one's death. There are a lot of other things involved in the plot such as Phoenix's past, but you should play the game to appreciate it very much. Overall, this game was my favorite in the series, for its deep and complex story, and how it connected each character's past to the present.

    Happy Birthday!

  2. "My princess, you have me
    As your faithful servant alone
    We are twins that destiny has played a cruel jest on
    Even if the whole world tries to make you die
    I'll be protecting you, even if it costs my life"

    - Kagamine Len from Servant of Evil



    This is my favorite song from the Seven Deadly Sins series of Evillious Chronicles, and this song specifically focuses on the capital sin of 'Pride'. This song tells us about Len, who is a servant to the queen, Rin, and he is actually her twin, but she doesn't know this. Rin was given the task of queen at such an early age and she wasn't able to fulfill her role well due to her immaturity, thus the people have the idea of rebelling against her. Len takes on the whims of his sister, even if it meant doing the wrong things, such as killing the lover of the prince she liked and getting whatever she wanted for her. When the people rebel against her, he decides to pretend to be her and sacrifices his life for her sake. Rin realizes that what she had been doing was wrong, but still, it was too late since Len was dead. She instead wished that if they were to be born again, she hoped that they would be twins. I think this was all about pride since Rin had a high value of herself and she turned blind against the needs of her people while Len followed blindly because of his misguided love for his sister, even if he knew that her actions were wrong. I like the message of this song, its sad yet smooth melody, and the overall mood it gave me.


  3. I don't even know what my friends means when she keeps saying that, "Life is a beautiful massacre."

  4. "My princess, you have me
    As your faithful servant alone
    We are twins that destiny has played a cruel jest on
    Even if the whole world tries to make you die
    I'll be protecting you, even if it costs my life"

    - Kagamine Len from Servant of Evil



    This is my favorite song from the Seven Deadly Sins series of Evillious Chronicles, and this song specifically focuses on the capital sin of 'Pride'. This song tells us about Len, who is a servant to the queen, Rin, and he is actually her twin, but she doesn't know this. Rin was given the task of queen at such an early age and she wasn't able to fulfill her role well due to her immaturity, thus the people have the idea of rebelling against her. Len takes on the whims of his sister, even if it meant doing the wrong things, such as killing the lover of the prince she liked and getting whatever she wanted for her. When the people rebel against her, he decides to pretend to be her and sacrifices his life for her sake. Rin realizes that what she had been doing was wrong, but still, it was too late since Len was dead. She instead wished that if they were to be born again, she hoped that they would be twins. I think this was all about pride since Rin had a high value of herself and she turned blind against the needs of her people while Len followed blindly because of his misguided love for his sister, even if he knew that her actions were wrong. I like the message of this song, its sad yet smooth melody, and the overall mood it gave me.


  5. I was thinking of changing my name in LykosHand, what do you think? 

  6. Do you spell the color "Gray" or "Grey?"" I'm American and I still think Grey looks right.

  7. It's been 18 years, and we still ask this question.



  8. Today I got the keys to my student room. I'll be living on my own, starting next week. Still got some furnishing to do this weekend. Excited excited excited

  9. Why the actual fuck is it snowing in May?

  10. Why the actual fuck is it snowing in May?

  11. "I'm planning to start everything over from scratch, Matt. What happened back then with Kyogre… And what happened this time… Look, you can't do anything if you're all wrapped up in what you believe. Team Aqua or Team Magma… Pokémon or people… There's no reason why we've gotta pick just one of 'em. It might be a pain, it might even be a bit scary, but we've gotta take that step into the unknown. Mix with people who aren't like us… That's the kind of Team Aqua that I want us to be from now on. … You think you can be a part of that kind of Team Aqua? Matt…" - Archie from Pokemon Alpha Sapphire


    Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, along with Omega Ruby, was a really good remake of the original Hoenn games. I liked the way it modernized the Hoenn Region, and improved the game balance overall (although it was still not too challenging). The story was better executed, while the dialogue was smooth and natural. Although it still featured only one of the Weather Trio in the main story, it's perfectly acceptable since this is Pokemon after all. I liked the additional feature of Mega Evolution in this game, as it further improved the experience. Soaring with Latias in the sky is quite an enjoyable feature as well, along with roaming the sky to search for some legendary pokemon. The additional Delta Episode was a neat way to give the postgame a fun experience, which wasn't quite present in other games. The only problem I had with this game is that the Battle Frontier was not provided, and in replacement, the Battle Maison from X and Y was just given.


  12. "On that day, mankind received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the titans, and were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls." - Eren Jaeger from Shingeki no Kyojin


    "We’re going to explore the outside world someday, right? Far beyond these walls, there’s flaming water, land made of ice, and fields of sand spread wide. It’s the world my parents wanted to go to." - Armin Arelet from same media


    "There is no such thing as truth in this world. That is our reality. Anyone can become a God or a Devil. All it takes is for someone to claim that to be the truth." - Eren Jaeger from same media


    Shingeki no Kyojin is another one of those dystopian manga. In this manga, humans live in fear of titans, giant creatures who roam the land they live in. The remaining humans keep themselves within walls to protect themselves, but threats like the Colossal Titan make them lie in fear that the walls would break down. The main characters join the Survey Corps, the military group invested in finding out about the land outside the walls and to try to solve the mystery behind the titans. Apparently, this branch of the military is the one with the highest casualties and the lowest progress, but still, the main three (Eren, Mikasa, and Armin) join perhaps to explore the outside world. The continuing plot is interesting as Eren becomes able to turn into a titan, some of their friends can transform to titans and are very dangerous enemies, titans were used to make up the walls, there's actually a bigger world outside, the royal family is the reason for the existence of titans, and the presence of an invading country. This manga/anime is still ongoing and I really enjoy its seemingly dark and mature plot, its graphics that match the theme, and the characters who are quite realistic yet have big dreams and goals for themselves.


  13. WHy not changes your name to what ever Lightnings's full name is?

  14. Did you know this?

    People run max speed Jolly Azumarill in OU...

    And to those who use that set please explain why. It's not liek Azu outspeeds anything to begin with.

  15. I'm proud of my great-great-great-great-great-great grandchild with my dear ditto


  16. Did you know this?

    People run max speed Jolly Azumarill in OU...

    And to those who use that set please explain why. It's not liek Azu outspeeds anything to begin with.

  17. WHy not changes your name to what ever Lightnings's full name is?

  18. I'm proud of my great-great-great-great-great-great grandchild with my dear ditto


  19. That feeling when four (four!!) of your favourite bands will release new albums this year


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor heavy breathing

  20. That feeling when four (four!!) of your favourite bands will release new albums this year


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor heavy breathing

  21. I AM SUPER PUMPED FOR TOMORROW!! I GET TO GO TO MY FIRST EVER COMICON!!!!  (it is called causeacon because all proceeds go to the woman's resource center, also it is the first on in Beckley, WV) 

  22. "People will do things they never thought they were capable of when push comes to shove. This could be acts of bravery or great acts of cowardice." - A life lesson from Train to Busan


    Train to Busan is a great apocalyptic Korean movie. This movie is not a simple we're gonna survive in a city of zombies since its main setting was on a train (although there were stop overs all the way). The main character here, Seok-woo, was just gonna bring his daughter, Soo-an, to visit the mother of the child, but a zombie outbreak occurs in their travel. I like how they try their best to survive despite the many zombies in the movie. The cast was also fascinating because it showed realistic ways on how people would react to zombie outbreaks. Some were disbelieving and died for it; there were a few who were selfish and sacrificed others for their own sake, and suffered for it; two teenagers/lovers try to look out for each other; some were inherently good and were courageous; while others just ran without looking back. I really liked the movie despite the seemingly flawed characterization of zombies (it had room for improvement in that regard) and I liked how the father and daughter's relationship improved over the plot. By the way, the ending is kind of bitter sweet (spoiled you a bit now didn't I? :D )

  23. "People will do things they never thought they were capable of when push comes to shove. This could be acts of bravery or great acts of cowardice." - A life lesson from Train to Busan


    Train to Busan is a great apocalyptic Korean movie. This movie is not a simple we're gonna survive in a city of zombies since its main setting was on a train (although there were stop overs all the way). The main character here, Seok-woo, was just gonna bring his daughter, Soo-an, to visit the mother of the child, but a zombie outbreak occurs in their travel. I like how they try their best to survive despite the many zombies in the movie. The cast was also fascinating because it showed realistic ways on how people would react to zombie outbreaks. Some were disbelieving and died for it; there were a few who were selfish and sacrificed others for their own sake, and suffered for it; two teenagers/lovers try to look out for each other; some were inherently good and were courageous; while others just ran without looking back. I really liked the movie despite the seemingly flawed characterization of zombies (it had room for improvement in that regard) and I liked how the father and daughter's relationship improved over the plot. By the way, the ending is kind of bitter sweet (spoiled you a bit now didn't I? :D )

  24. oh sarcasm how boring life would be without thee

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  25. I'm disappointed that they never made a Sandstorm form for Castform.

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