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Everything posted by krim

  1. Raziel and Lucille Looking up from his book, Raziel winced a little as a sharp whistle pierced his eardrums. Taking a quick look around, and then down, he dropped from the ledge when he saw Lucille. On his way down he set the book back in his inner robe pocket opposite of the one with the ashes. "Huh. Didn't even have to use the Night Wisps. Nice job." he muttered as he looked at the eyes burning into him from the shadows. "I'm guessing our little friend is with him...?" he asked quietly. The beast slightly unnerved him, now that he was so close to it, to tell the truth. "If he's awake, we can start questioning him at the meeting point. I've got my entry secured into the alliance compound with minimal...recognition." he said, wishing it had been a little more minimal.
  2. Sweet potato fries for dinner. Ngl I'm hyped. (Its been a few months and I love those things.)

    1. Bluewolf


      Potatos are always amazing

    2. Garnet.


      krim ur not allowed to like those

    3. Alchemia Chan

      Alchemia Chan

      Sweet potatoes are hella lit. I wish I could have some.

  3. I remember not liking you much the first time I was in an rp with you. I can't remember whether it was Aftermath or something else, but even though we don't talk really, I can definitely tell that you've changed since then. Glad I got to see you stick around and grow up. (Now that I think about it, we actually joined around the same time, so I've been around for most of it.) Congrats on 2 and a half, in any case!
  4. Hassar Following the instructions of the humans that seemed to be in charge, Hassar was surprised to see they were leading them to the forest. Even moreso when they announced a mock battle. "Here?" he thought to himself. The forest was his element. It was his world, where he and his Pack ruled. He wondered if they knew just what sort of advantage they were giving him by choosing this of all places as the arena. With a small smile he trickled tiny threads of Lumen into his bells to stop them from ringing. Bells won in combat. Then they asked for volunteers. "They'll get one...but not quite how they think" he thought before dropping his smile. After quickly exchanging the knives strapped to his wrists for the ones coated in contact paralysis poison from his satchel, he moved a hand to his back to throw up his hood when the word was given. "Won't kill them...but it will certainly be a surprise." he thought happily, angling himself in such a way that he could get to the inner depths of the forests brush easily when he was ready.
  5. Hassar Hassar smiled for the first time since he joined their little group. He was happy to finally be rid of this confining metal deathtrap. How humans found it comfortable was beyond him. Sighing in relief that it didn´t crash and condemn them to a fiery death, he quickly checked the daggers held in leather straps beneath his cloak. Luckily for him, airport security didn´t check for glass. Or poisons, oddly enough. ¨Great security they´ve got. Although I guess they weren´t expecting someone with my...talents.¨ he thought to himself before turning his attention to his dark green apothecaries pack above his seat. Noting that all of his items were there and in their proper places, he threw it over his back and descended to the field beneath the hatch. Ignoring the incessant chattering of the kid with unkempt pink hair, his bright green eyes scanned the surroundings and took note of the woods to the east. ¨Likely where Volug will be waiting. Best place to escape if it comes to that....lots of plant life around. Perfect.¨ he thought, moving closer to the girl that appeared to be their leader, with a hand on one dagger and his silver bells jingling in the wind.
  6. Poor Haitaka. If only he was a Corrin. He could have rallied defense when nobody else would.
  7. Uh, Swamp don't you think our characters Lumen abilities are a little bit too similar? I'm not against having it that way but I'm not sure if Anny wants something more varied or not.
  8. Character Name: Hassar, Ghost of the Steppes Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: A young man with wide, green eyes and long black hair with soft silver bells tied into it. His skin is a dark tan from so long spent outdoors, and he is wiry but well musceled. He dresses in light leather and fur armor, with tribalist robes over it when not in combat. He also wears a gray-green mottled cloak and a pack in the same colors when riding or when stealth is necessary. All of his clothing appears to be natural and handmade. His horse is chestnut brown, named Swift. Personality: Backstory: Lumen: Hassar can grow and revert plantlife at will, which allows for a variety of effects, from healing to fighting to protection, and so on, at the price of some of his lumen. Growing life that takes longer amounts of time to reach where he wants them to be expends more lumen, and as such, growing something such as mahogany tree to it’s full height will exhaust him. Most plants tend to connect to his subconscious directly for their first few minutes of existence, and will afflict him with phantom pains when they are harmed, especially through the use of something such as fire. Weapon of Choice: Obsidian Daggers and Knives used both for close and long range fighting. He can coat them in a variety of natural based poisons, from paralyzing, to killing or just to instill fear in whoever is struck, etc. that he obtains through secretions from various plantlife and animal parts.
  9. I'm interested. The questions I can think of to ask have been already asked above.
  10. Power just went out for like 20 minutes. It's not storming and there are no powerline issues nearby. Spooky.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's the pair of normal

  11. Raziel nodded to the guard in thanks, and looked towards the sky. "Not long now." he thought. He wondered if his captive had woken up as he took wing, and soon found himself at the bell tower where he perched himself in waiting. He thought it strange that there weren't many lights on in the city, but chalked it up to wariness about the killings. Then, he took out a book from the pocket in his robes and began to wait.
  12. Fair enough. I like getting into unit debates, so my apologies if it was distracting.
  13. My mistake. I had somehow forgotten that growths were posted. Still 10% speed and having low move from being an armor aren't helping him any, especially in a desert.
  14. Keagan already has shaky hit rates, and without skill now it's going to be hard for him to kill things. Whichever route chosen will have difficult terrain. Mages and fliers are immune to it, and Dash can pick up treasure easily and see in fog of war (if Pyon wants to be evil and combine it with difficult terrain. I still have nightmares of that FE6 map.) Keagan is the worst choice, at least for now imo. Also: Consistent bad level ups usually mean low growths. As he hasn't had many yet, I'm not going to say this is the case, but if he does have low growths his stats are going to fall behind and need replacing anyways.
  15. If it's anything like the *other* Shaq game out there, I'd pay money to play this. http://prntscr.com/ci2uiz

  16. Hey, you take what you can get in monotypes. And I actually like Purrloin a lot so using it outside of fodder was kind of nice. Even if they did faint right after their intended purpose was finished.
  17. Pretty sure I used focus sash destiny bond the first time, although that was quite some time ago. The way I remember best was when I did it in mono-dark. 5 Prankster Purrloins with Sand Attack, 1 Crawdaunt with swords dance. GG Garchomp.
  18. Raziel almost facepalmed. He had made this into a big situation when it didn't have to be, and probably ended up more memorable because of it. Sighing, he realized it probably would be easier to identify him this way, but it wasn't exactly done with the stealth he'd have preferred. "Yep, looks like you´re in the list sir. But someone mispelled your name, it´s written Raziel in here. Go on please, and sorry for the trouble." "It's alright. You were just doing your job. And quite well, might I add. Usually the threat of demotion gets people out of my way." he smiled, but then it wavered as he noticed the sky starting to darken. "Darkening skies. Fantastic. I have to meet up with the group. Maybe I can make it back later tonight? Hmm. At least I have this guy available..." he thought before the smile returned. "How long are you on duty here, sir? I didn't realize how late it had gotten and I need to get home to check on the kids." He wondered how truly accurate that term was. Some of them were experienced but.... "If you're still here in an hour or two I can put in a good word with the higher ups. I'd rather not have to deal with a different guy asking me for identification seeing how long it took this time."
  19. Healers being able to counter by bashing people in the face with their staves is one of my favorite parts of Radiant Dawn. It's just so funny an unnecessary but I want them to bring it back.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      wait, did this actually do damage?

    2. krim


      Yes. It was based off of the strength stat though, so it wasn't much most of the time. For some reason, staves also had massive crit rate. (One even had 100%) There was a character with a killer strength growth that could wreck other squishies with just that though. It was fun.

  20. Taking a quick glance around to make sure nobody was close enough to hear, Raziel continued in his low voice. "You and I both know this is an alliance research facility. I'm here on his orders to research the effects of light spells within the mind." only half true, but reconstruction would be more suspicious. "If you must know, my name is Reithal...." he chose a name from a legend that would be unrecognizable to most people. The guard didn't look like much of an intellectual. "And I can have you demoted if you continue to refuse me entry."
  21. On one hand, I want to go to the flea market with my dad. On the other, that's outside and my allergies are going to destroy me.

  22. I'm in the same position as Kain. I've only actually finished VI and VII, and some better worldbuilding would be nice before deciding.
  23. After I played the first few chapters of RD today, I realized something. They really need to bring back ledge combat.

    1. Sheep


      They sure do. One of my favourite things about that game.

  24. "Sorry sir, but only autorized personel can enter here. Please state your business and identify yourself." "Great. Should've known it wouldn't be so easy." Raziel thought to himself. He stared into the guards eyes as he appraised him "Doesn't look like he's from any great rank. Authority should do it." he cleared his throat before answering, still boring into the man with his naturally icy gaze. With a low voice he answered "Does the name Vermillio mean anything to you? I'm here on his business and would prefer to get to researching immediately." He ignored the question of his name. The less people that knew of him being here, the better.
  25. Raziel took to flight immediately after landing on the rooftop, and he soon found himself in the center of the city. Hastily dropping down, careful not to trample the numerous people going about their business, he made his way through the crowd to the building Vermillio told him of. It was a fairly ordinary, but tall building, although he couldn't quite tell what it was made of. "Not quite what I expected for this secure library, but I suppose it's inconspiciousness hides it well. Nobody would question so many comings and goings in an area this popular." he thought to himself. Making sure one of his daggers was easily within reach, he took a quick rap on the door. He wondered just what Vermillio had told them, since he wasn't supposed to exist and all.
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