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Status Updates posted by AeroWraith

  1. Just went on a FrumpleQuest....I don't even know what's what anymore

  2. The human resistance will stand and fight D:<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gentleman's Hat

      Gentleman's Hat

      It cannot be done! No one has yet to master it. This planet is doom!

      (Or just this forum, possibly)

    3. Azeria


      We must find the sacred scroll of the Jedi arts and give it to the chosen one!

    4. Sutoratosu


      *Pumps shotgun*

  3. Why does Noel always feel like a stop sign for me. Whenever I get to him, I'm like "ok time to get some new pokes and do a lot of grinding". No other gym leader is like this for me

    1. Hutch333


      Because Noel's REAL father is Satan.

  4. Fern sucks :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AeroWraith


      I got fire types though ^^

    3. zimvader42


      Fire, did this guy just say, FIRE?

      Rain Dance Ludicolo, loser! Seriously Ferns can you even believe this guy, and he attempts to DEFEAT us, he can't even touch this!

      jk XD happy april fools

    4. AeroWraith


      then I get a ninetales with drought and we make rainbows :D

      happy april fools xp

  5. tfw you think your gonna get defeated multiple times by KiKi with a mono dark team but you win on the first try

    1. Shamitako


      *Semi-randomly starts humming "A Girl Worth Fighting For"*

    2. AeroWraith


      ah, Mulan was a good movie <3

  6. Why must spring break come to an end? ;_;

    1. catman9222


      Because the world hates us.

    2. Shing


      Wait for the summer break. Only last three months.

    3. Hellsoul0


      dont worry you still got 102 hours left of pokemon <3

  7. tfw you turn on a game you haven't played for a loooong time < 3

  8. *updates LoL to 5.3* yay time to get into a match *fps keeps dropping every few seconds* fml

    1. Shamitako


      That's been happening for me too

    2. Cyaloom


      Wait I have 5.4 now

    3. AeroWraith


      oh yea, that was a typo. Suppose to say 5.4 instead >>''

  9. Finally back from my grandparent's place. Got three shiny pokemon while I was there. Charmander, scraggy, and golett ^^

  10. hmm, who to buy, veigar or twisted fate? I can't decide >>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AeroWraith


      I already got teemo, and I'm just not interested in LeBlanc

    3. Diana


      TF is a lot more fun than Veigar imo, sinply because Q is a skillshot. Plus TF doesn't have an annoying voice, and your burst is a lot more fun to pull off than just stun and spam your buttons.

  11. *leaves room to get a drink while dancing and listening to E.G.G.M.A.N* #gettingadrinkinstyle

    1. KingRyan


      not terrible. imo I love the intro, but then it kinda gets a bit worse. but anything by crush 40 is still good.

  12. Was really looking forward to my animation class. Then after reading a paper out loud that tells us whats in store for our current chapter, he finishes talking, and the rest of class time is just, dead quiet. Teacher doesn't say anything else. I need a better animation class ;_;

  13. In a world.....where everything is Cage
  14. Got me a shiny Eevee today, in memory of my jolteon from my first tragic nuzlocke. Masamune will never be forgotten ;_;

  15. Finally gonna have me a shiny mega gallade < 3

    1. Maelstrom


      But that cape is a still a fashion faux pa.

  16. Welp, gonna be fun going back to college ._.''

  17. Christmas tiiiime, is the tiiiiime of the year~

  18. Another trip to New York. Sometimes I wish I could just kick back and relax at home for a whole break. But yeah, gonna be gone for two weeks. Merry Christmas and happy new year, later gators

  19. Sweeping Julia's team with Mightyena just brings a bit of joy to me...although, it was just complete overkill

    1. Azeria


      Been there,Done that!

  20. Finally, Omega Ruby is mine. It just made my birthday, and that was just the beginning, since its midnight.

    1. Cepheus


      Happy B-Day and have fun

    2. AeroWraith
  21. Going to attempt a Mono Dark run of Reborn, this is gonna be fun, hopefully >>''

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Etesian


      I'd say a Stunky with Screech followed by a Liepard/+speed-natured-Mightyena could kill it relatively easily.

    3. AeroWraith


      Alright, thanks. ^^

    4. AeroWraith


      Oh, and I can't forget about Victoria. Well, atleast her starter won't be an issue.

  22. Oh god its everywhere O.o

  23. I just love playing as Nocturne. Especially with the new buff he just got :3

    1. Wendel


      I can't play Nocturne at all xD

      Olaf's awesome though :3

    2. AeroWraith


      Olaf is a scary champ. Oh the memories of a couple of matches where an olaf 1v3'd my team ;_;

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