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Everything posted by SnowGlaceon

  1. Coke or Pepsi?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jacobliterator
    3. dead account

      dead account

      Pepsi is a bit sweeter. But aside from that they are pretty much the same thing. Personally, I prefer Pepsi.

    4. Hexagoen
  2. Paralysis is this things worst enemy, and so is poison. Although toxic poison is best, regular poison will do. Then all you have to do is stall it out. Dry skin would be helpful... Also keep in mind that special attacks won't do crap against it. Leavany would be amazing if it could land a leaf blade, but sheer cold is a thing and I can't remember uf it has ice beam or not. Fake out can buy you more stalling time, and Hitmonlee and Swampert can deal some good physical damage. Provided they can survive a tidal wave.
  3. Beldum is going to be the MVP for this gym. Metagross is bulky and hits like a truck. Too bad Megagross will probably never be a thing.
  4. I can taste the salt. Shing, why don't you come out now?
  5. I am now a cryokinetic, because being a juggler was boring

  6. Granted!!!! Hallelujah praise the holy lord baby Jesus almighty amen. Shoot now it has to be corrupted. But due to their OPness, all ice types are banned to the AG tier. I wish I could be famous
  7. Shoot. I don't have only one... To be honest I consider pretty much everyone here a great friend. But from my friends list It's either Sini, Shing, Azeria, or Aquawaffle. With plenty of room for more. Most embarrassing thing you've ever said?
  8. 13 more posts. 13 more posts. I need my 1000rupees!

  9. Welcome to the forums! We hope you enjoy your stay in our nuthouse!
  10. make an introduction thread You need to scale Valor mountain, remember?
  11. Sigh. No icy rock though. Idk about Mossy rock. I guess with an adamant nature your best bet is Flareon? Or maybe Umbreon.
  12. Pray. jk, so what's your team? and what difficulty are you playing?
  13. oh please, we ain't even half way done yet. Welcome to the Reborn Forums! The place where anyone is welcome! Well, almost. You see we have this "no sanity" rule in place. We'll have to dispose of it now~. So with that, go nuts, and enjoy your time on the Forums!
  14. Banned for having lava in your avatar when your name has Aqua in it.
  15. Granted. Now you have absolutely nothing at all. Go join star on the streets. I wish I could never gain weight.
  16. Yes. Woke up at 2pm. But anyway, who's been MIA for a while? DarkSpite?
  17. Woke up at 2pm! At least I finished Danganronpa

    1. Sparky


      Needs more Junko

  18. Post game inverse field Noel tho.... I don't think many fairies are physically bulky, so maybe physical arcanine can be a thing. Magnezone is screwed on every level...
  19. I'm pretty sure Mega Mawile is guaranteed... There aren't many mega fairies out there. MegaTaria has already been used, Gardevoir is Radomus' ace, and Diancie seems unlikely since it's a mythical Pokemon. As for spamming sludge wave... The entire point of reborn leaders is to counter their type's weaknesses. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. I feel like we're feeding Ame ideas on how to ruin us >_<.
  20. Stayed up. All night. Watching Anime. Sleeping now. R.I.P. Snow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing


      You need too chill bruh.

    3. FlameI7


      Yeah, I'll be cool.

    4. Omega_Ra1der


      Holy, I spent a week watching it and endured it.

  21. Also because of that one kid that crashed the game. He was an issue.
  22. I lurked for a while too, it's okay. That being said, welcome to our nuthouse! We're all crazy so there's no judging here. I think you'll find the people here are really nice, if not insane. It's best to dispose of your sanity now. Just a heads up. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Enjoy your time here on the forums!
  23. There will be other Pokemon. I for one want a Togekiss (because Crobat is in like every team in all of my fanmade game playthroughs.) So don't stress. I can't use it yet because dawn stones aren't a thing...
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