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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. Can i be a raptor too? Or should the real Spine show up?
  2. Happy birthday to the ice cream that everyone eats to make their pokemon happy Hope you have a lot of stuff to make you happy today and for the rest of the year Also, happy adulthood
  3. Nope I'm just free enough to come online so have some me. Zephy come back
  4. Not today!! OK maybe Micky will come up now though
  5. Idk about Juu but I'm doing good. What about you Viri?
  6. Hi new I'm Dhanush sorry, not sorry Ok fine, no bad jokes. Anyways, welcome to the forums Arekah Hope you enjoy your stay. Do check out the Reborn PS server to talk with each other, Have fun!
  7. *Does his best instead* HOW DID I DO??? TEACH ME SPINE!!
  8. *Finally makes his fabulous entry* BMIC, now it's your turn
  9. Nah, I think TRHS is busy writing his paper. Viri might find some time to pop on the thread though
  10. I am no Son of Red......I think? Anyways, it is too late for BMIC to show up?
  11. Yes, it is me, Dhanush. And next up on stage we haaaaaave Viri!!
  12. Ha-ha no one would have guessed that I'd show up at this time! I think it's time the electric rodent makes his appearance once more.
  13. Let the critics say what they want, personally I feel Dawn of Justice was a beautiful movie. The cast and their acting was superb and the way the plot progresses was amazing.

    1. Maelstrom


      Eisenberg did a good job. But the overall portrayal of Luthor was really bad. Not his fault but that was a bad decision.

  14. I'm just the little vendor who happened to have enough free time to come and watch a duel. Sir Spine, I believe it is your move
  15. Well it was fun but I do have to go back to college. Bye o/

  16. Well it was fun but I do have to go back to college. Bye o/

  17. Why the hate on those ignorant of deer species? I cri Micky is up next
  18. Forgive me wielder of the caribou avatar, I have sinned. Also, welcome back KH! Spine is up next.
  19. Lemme just step right in. You know who else is in? Spineblade
  20. I call forth the green moose so he may actually predict who might be next.
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