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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. Secretly, every one wants to see Bibs in a maid outfit
  2. Eyyyy Wendel! Happy Birthday Hope you have a great day!
  3. Eyyyy DJ! Happy Birthday A great guy like you deserves a great day! Enjoy
  4. Current Mood : I want to do stuff but i really don't want to

  5. Heyy Vinny! Happy Birthday to our resident Weavile You're a really fun guy who is always ready to help around the forums. You deserve one hell of a day. Wololo \o/
  6. TFW college started

    1. Sutoratosu


      RIP your free time.

  7. Got to love it when you have a rock show in the night for your college fest :D

    1. Wendel



  8. EDM night at college fest. Definitely one of the best nights of my life

  9. Saw a shooting star for the first time, it was so amazing :o

  10. TIL that you cannot climb a banyan tree by its hanging roots without getting cuts all over your hand
  11. The same thing applies, yes. But what if there are more colours than students? *MASSIVE HINT* Can you think of a reason why there has to be a duplicate of each colour? Nah i'm just obsessed with coloured hats riddles
  12. Hey Lord Garchomp! Welcome to Reborn Make sure you read the community rules which can be found to the left and do visit the Reborn Showdown server where we can chat and battle. Hope you enjoy you stay in Reborn
  13. So you know the answer? If you do you can put it in a spoiler so that only those who want to see it will.
  14. It is in a way very similar, if you make one deduction regarding the number of coloured hats. Umm no the professor is completely fair and isn't a douche. The bell rings are very important like the previous riddle. You don't need to know the number of colours or the number of hats of a specific colour like the previous one as well since the solution is a general one. If you want though you can try out a case of say 10 students and how many ever colours and coloured hats. But the solution works for any number of students, any number of colours.
  15. Your answer is correct for a two person scenario, try a similar extension for a scenario with several people. Yes that is the correct solution. If there are two people with blue hats, they would leave at the second bell ring and so on. On to the second riddle then /o/ A Logician wants to test his students to see how smart they are. He tells them all to sit around in a circle such that each one can see all the others. He puts a coloured hat on all of them. None of them know what colour hat they wear, nor are they allowed to look at their hat in any way. He sets down the following conditions : 1) The number of colours of hats is indefinite, there could be red, blue,black,white , purple or any other colour. 2) A bell will be rung at regular intervals, if you know what colour your hat is, you can get up and tell me what colour your hat is. If you are correct, you pass. Else you fail. 3) You are not allowed to communicate with each other in any way. 4) If i feel like you should have guessed your hat colour already but haven't, you fail. 5) It is impossible to not guess your hat colour throughout the test. How do the students correctly guess their hat colours?
  16. Do you love solving mind-boggling riddles? Do you love sitting for hours on end with a problem in your mind? Well boy do I have a riddle for you! Try and solve this riddle right here http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12348&page=4

  17. Hi Zen! Welcome to the forums Don't worry about raging at Reborn, all of us have done it at some point or the other some more than others Anyways, make sure you check out the community rules to the left and do check out the Reborn Showdown sever, it's a fun place to talk and battle. Have fun and enjoy your neverending stay at Reborn
  18. Sigh, ok Wendel you're right. Now let's change the riddle a bit, THEY CAN'T TAKE OFF THEIR HATS.
  19. Happy New Year Reborn :D

  20. For God's sake Wendel, no they can't take off their hats. They aren't allowed to look at their hats in any way.
  21. Bumping this thread cause : 1) I got 2 reallly good ones i want to share they may or may not be related to people wearing coloured hats 2) We need moar riddles to solve y/y? Are you ready for the first riddle? Here goes : There is a room of people, each with a hat. Inside the room, there is no means of seeing your own reflection so no one can find out their own hat colour but they can all see the hats of the other people. The following rules are set down 1) There can be no communication between each other 2) The hats are either Blue or Red in colour. The number of Blue or Red hats is unknown and arbitrary. 3) There is at least one Blue hat. 4) A bell will be rung at regular intervals. The bell will be rung the same number of times as the number of people in the room 5) Any one wearing a Blue hat is requested to leave the room at the ring of the bell as soon as possible. How would the people wearing the Blue hats know they are wearing a blue hat and leave the room? Assume everyone is logical. If you're going to ask why such a random situation, i'll just stop you and say it's a social experiment or something Post your answers below and i'll tell you whether they are right or wrong. If you have more riddles, do post them here. Good luck with this one, you'll really have to think about it
  22. Happy Birthday Chubb! You and your 100 alts keep us all entertained at the server and you're pretty much all over the forum too! And who could forget all the juicy scoops from our very own Gossip Grumpig? Anyways, have a great day and a wonderful new year! I'm sure you'll have an amazing year to come
  23. I guess i'm still not mde. Oh well. Mickey will surely come by right about now
  24. Ayyyyy fellow Indian on Reborn Welcome to the hell hole that is Reborn. Make sure you leave your sanity behind too. Come on the Reborn Showdown server some time. It's great for talking and polishing up those battle skills. See you around and have a great time in Reborn cause there is no escape from this madness
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