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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Micky つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  2. TFW I'm taking a shower and the shower head comes off and hits me on the head. I got to admit though, the very fact that it happened left me laughing

  3. *puts on a dedenne costume* AHeM, yes it's me, a Mortally Divine Entity. Ehh, who am i kidding, sorry Spineblade, not this time. Next up is micky?
  4. Hey Mde o/ Happy Birthday You're a really sweet guy who's always willing to help others out. Always open to talking and having discussions and very fun to talk to, someone like you deserves to have a great birthday So have a blast! Also, here have a dedenne enjoying a cake, I'm sure this is how most of us are imagining you to be right now xD
  5. I think I managed to worsen an already rocky friendship. How you ask? Monopoly.....

    1. Exalted


      well why not rebuild it with trump the game by only a small loan of a million dollars disregard my joke friendships are always rocky it willll get better you just have to try to make it there

    2. Sutoratosu


      If you were ever true friends with that individual, then trust me, your ship should be more than sturdy enough to weather the current storm. No hurricane can last forever, eventually, you will reach calmer tides. It is just a matter of when, not if.

  6. Of course something happens..... But Viri, do you want to know what happens?
  7. Nah, i came back for more. Come here TRHS, let me teach you what happens to people who try to ninja me....
  8. *A random Dhanush has entered the topic* Shout out to Viri *Dhanush has left the topic*
  9. Eyyy Sparky! Happy Birthday I'll admit i haven't gotten to know you much but you seem like a really chill guy and everyone seems to love your electric personality Hope you have a great day man
  10. Exams are about to start and i haven't studied much.....why is this feeling so familiar to me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TimTim


      good luck with the exams

    3. GotWala


      Remember: Gut instinct is the best bet! Also, answer what you know for sure first and then go back to clean up house, haha.

    4. Caradius
  11. Ok here goes Blaziken : Fire type moves, notably heat wave for mass destruction of zombies. Speedy scout on ground. Great at close range combat if needed. (Blaziken is pretty much obligatory on any team of mine ) Greninja : Water type. Needed for emergency water supply. Speedy and stealthy. Brilliant for scouting ahead. Wide range of moves. Salamence : Can cause a load of havoc from the skies. In case of emergencies, comes handy for a quick aerial getaway. Also useful for scouting from the skies. Alakazam : Psychic powers to keep zombies at bay. Intelligence is off the charts. Brilliant as a strategist. Bisharp : Steel type, i think zombies wouldn't be able to even hurt it much. And have you looked at those blades? It can slice through zombies with ease. Definitely a mon i would keep close to myself at all times. Clefable : Healer for the team. Fairy powers and flamethrower for zombie damage.
  12. Why does Aika get bugged by puns even?
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