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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by mwijsman

  1. I couldn't find you a good present so I got you this so happy birthday
  2. Well then sign me up....now I need to find out when spring break is.....
  3. I'm calling it now, we will get about 5 new chapters and suddenly "back problems" will strike again.
  4. "Bread for bread is life!" How would you change about reality if you could change it?
  5. Doesn´t think he´s a smart hotshot pyromancer, and loves my terrible puns
  6. Indeed I am The person aboves me L.O.V.E.S water and hates fire!
  7. I feel like I have the right to question my job when im asked to update the wordpress for porn sites........

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Yeah, it's funny for someone like me, who sees this from the outside, but I can understand it must feel humiliating for you...

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      I don't see anything wrong with it. Work is work, if you really really really feel unconfortable go to your boss and refuse to work on that. But honestly, I think it's better to just accept it as part of your work, and rack in that sweet sweet green green moola. Porn is a legitimate way of making money.

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      The way I see it if it goes against your morals and isn't a manditory thing for the job then they shouldn't be able to make you do that

      I'm sure they can find someone else in the company who would have no problem seeing porn on the job that you can forward those to

  8. TIL that gravelording Sen's fortress is boring
  9. 14 We can preoccupy you with them so ha!
  10. 7 We can always ward Rose of with a constant stream of horrible puns
  11. I am literally physically incapable of summoning a good male servant. All I ever get is female ones
  12. 5 copyright laws are weird and convoluted, so your best shot would be to just look for free to use music
  13. Pretty sure that if I where to try and summon anything during this event I would just get black keys, because high level male servants just run from me like the plague, that or I end up getting Astolfo.
  14. EXPLODIA!.....................What do you mean explodia isn't a pokemon? seriously? fine! Espurr
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