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Status Updates posted by KingRyan

  1. I know it may be sort of counter intuitive to most ways the class is built, but with Ungoro Crater releasing "some time mid april" i am making a fuckin hunter deck with King Krush, Ghaz'rilla, the new Swamp King Dread, and hopefully a few other Menacing Titans of the Beast world. Rawr bitchez, here i come. 

    1. Dreamy


      Please let control hunter finally be a thing.

  2. yeeessssss i just won my first Legitimate Black Market Auction in WoW for the Vitreous Stone Drake, for 73K. So Hype. 

    1. AuthorReborn


      That is mostly technobabble to me since I never played WoW, but congrats! It is clearly something you happy with, so more power to you. 

  3. Oh god my legs. I walked over 20km today playing pokemon go. Caught an 82% Granbull and an 86% Noctowl and evolved some Rhyhorns. DO IT AGAIN TMW.

  4. It looks like the new Y TV commercial stole Siva....

  5. Hey Guys, question. Does anyone know if overwatch skins are linked to the xbox live account or the battle.net account specifically for that console? Me and my brother are gonna have to debate ownership of our xbox live account and i need to know if i link my battle.net account to a different xbox live account, will i still keep my skins? 

  6. I just ran full tilt sprint from one end of my campus to the other to catch a Larvitar in Go. #Werf #Dying 

  7. this is one of my new favourite things

  8. New Meta Buster Team: Reinhardt, Orisa, Ana, Dad 76 (With very active use of his biotic field to help his fwiednds), Junkrat, and a GOOD Genji. Not some Naruto Weab who sucks. 


  10. Does Shuckle have any viability in Go? It has decent health, shite attack and insane defence, with unique typing. 

  11. To quote the great Grog, I would like to Rage. 

  12. Hey uh....not asking for a handout here (altho one would be nice) does anyone have a borderlands 2 save file on xbox one? I could use a hand potentially getting some seraph crystals and/or legendaries. altho if you don't want your anymore i'd be more than happy to take them off your hands

  13. why can both Slowing and Tyranitar learn Fire Blast in GO? i don't get it. why. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucky98


      Don't they both get Fire Blast in the main series games as well?

    3. seki108


      According to Bulbapedia, yes they can.....  I mean I expected Tyranitar, but the entire slowpoke line can learn it, even from Gen 1.  Slowpoke can learn Fire Blast.  First, how and why?  Second, how am I just finding out about it? 

    4. doombotmecha


      you *obviously* don't spend enough time obsessively browsing the wiki at three in the morning

  14. I just realized that an anagram for Donald Trump is Lord Dampnut and i fuckin lost it. 

    1. WujiKyurem


      Dat runt p(ee) mold.

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I read this somewhere before but I cant pinpoint where exactly

  15. I am so fuckin hyped on Eurobeat right now. 

  16. As an Avid Lover of Reinhardt i must share this 



  17. Today has been so disappointing. Out of all the things i evolved today (which were a lot of 100 candy things and/or rare things) only 1 of them turned out the way i wanted. Charizard, Blastoise, Omastar, and Kingler have all failed me! PRAISE BE TO ALAKAZAM WITH SHADOWBALL AND CONFUSION!!

    1. Maelstrom


      Wait, is someone still playing Go?!?! Why???

  18. So, Lord Helix (Amstar) twice, My Charizard, and my Blastoise have all forsaken me with all "bad" move sets. (ones that i didn't want). luckily there is an omanyte nest on my campus. Also luckily Alakazam pulled through with Confusion/Shadow Ball. <3

  19. A God, A Saviour, A Battery, A King, A Baller, and an all terrain vehicle. Sounds like an awesome story. 

  20. within my 14 hour day, i have walked over 10km hunting for pokemon. As well as got a 100% on my physics quiz (worth 10% of my overall mark) as well as gone to all my classes and office hours and done tons of work on my solid works parts. time for sleepies.

  21. Is it wrong of me to be frustrated/Upset at the amount of work University and/or Adulthood puts upon people? If we did work until there was no more work, and only slept and ate when necessary, we would be dead before we got to play at all. I don't like this. I don't want to live this way and i want to change it for everyone else...

    1. Dreamy


      aaah don't say that I'm starting uni in less than a week and getting rather worried

  22. Question, when Gen 2 comes out for Pokemon Go, do you think we will get to pick one of the Gen 2 starters, like we did when we started pokemon go?

  23. I am a pokemon go master! (well, maybe an expert) after my math midterm this morning, i walked around my campus for an hour. caught at least a dozen Jigglypuffs, an omanyte, 3 eggsecute, a slowpoke, 2 Abra, a fuckin clam (shellder) like 3 Lickytongue, and got a handful of candy for my charmeleon. 

  24. You give the mind flayer a telepathic wink (like an eye wink)

  25. you're not proficient with goblin shit buckets. 

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