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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. @Maelstrom Do you find Cecilia to be a bit on the slow side? I summoned a 4* copy of both her and Merric in the same pull (both wind mages that I really like from the main series games) and initially ran her because of her higher movement and advantage against white units. I dropped her in favour of Merric around level 20 though because he had about 5 more speed than she did and was reliably doubling (with a higher might weapon to boot) on maps where she usually couldn't. Might just be that my copy has a negative speed nature though. @Chase As far as native axe users in the main series go he may well be the best yeah, and he's certainly the most celebrated. I'd put in arguments for Orsin from Thracia 776 (widely considered to be the best unit in the hardest Fire Emblem game), Haar from Radiant Dawn (basically Hector with flying movement), and Charlotte from Fates (for her insane critmachinery) though. Also I had more trouble with Definitelynotzacharias than with Veronica.
  2. Level ups are fixed from the point that you summon them. The game already determines what you'll get on levels 2-40 so don't worry about how or where you level up.
  3. @Maelstrom It's certainly a long way away from my favourite ability as well but at least it does something, which is more than I can say for pass. By investing in it you pretty much guarantee that Cordelia is death on wings to anything red because nothing short of a sword armour will take those two hits, and they get hit four times instead. With the low might of the brave lance you won't be doing much per hit to green units even if you don't have triangle adept so I suppose it works on her better than most. Overall though it really feels like if she had 1 more space of movement she'd be twice as good. 3 movement is always useful but on Cordelia it seems like it's what she was designed for. It'd let her: Reliably attack first, thus synergising with the brave lance. Pick and choose her targets, thus synergising with triangle adept. Get to ordinarily out of reach targets with pass. Do all 3 over again much more easily with galeforce. Would that leave her too strong? Dunno, but she sure as hell wouldn't be as underwhelming as she currently is.
  4. Mmm I've tried it but she wasn't that impressive using a steel lance either. What you essentially have then is a unit with good stats, an ordinary weapon, and some unremarkable skills (triangle adept and pass). The brave lance ultimately comes out a bit better because it stops her taking any damage when attacking, because you get both of your hits up front and triangle adept helps with its low power, but I don't see much reason to field Cordelia over Catria (killer lance, luna, armoured blow, seal attack) without bias.
  5. Yeah I know that, but like I said mine tells me I'm unranked. Given that the lower cutoff for rank is 100,000 I guess I'm just not in the top 100,000? Unfortunately Cordelia isn't as good as you might expect in this game because brave weapons are pretty lame. She's great vs fast sword wielders but overall her average movement and inability to double without attacking leave her a bit disappointing. Brave weapons seem like a great deal on slower units, but kill fast units.
  6. Sigurd? I can understand Ike but when has Sigurd ever been relevant to anyone who hasn't played Geanalogy? Don't get me wrong I love me some Sigurd but by the looks of what Nintendo's saying Seliph is a more likely bet. Then again neither of them have featured particularly highly in the choose your legends thing so I don't think we'll be seeing Genealogy for a while yet, more likely that they go through Tellius and Sacred Stones first imo, and more likely again that they go through Tellius and then develop the rosters from the games they've already visited. Much to my dismay though as I'd love to get my hands on Lewyn (though there's a good chance he'll be 5* exclusive). How did you get your ranking? Mine tells me I'm unranked, is that just because I haven't made it into the minimum bracket or is there some other requirement?
  7. Adding to this flying units that move two spaces and brave weapons that practically don't have an off phase. Anyway as you can probably tell from that combination I managed to summon Cordelia so now I'm sitting at: 4*s: Cordelia Jeorge Eliwood Tharja Robin Wrys 3*s: Matthew Barst Niles Honestly pretty damn impressive for a F2P. I've gotten really lucky with my rarity so far, and when my initial pull had both Cordelia and Jeorge (my favourite archer in the game currently) I couldn't believe my eyes. The main targets now would be Stahl, Azama, Kagero, Effie, Cecilia, and Sophia. Fortunately I'll be able to pick up half of those from the bonus quests if I haven't rolled them by then already. Friend code: 342 048 9553.
  8. Meanwhile I'm just over here still rerolling for Cordelia.
  9. FE: Heroes is out, at least it is here. Got my main bro Stahl on my first pull and I've been having loads of fun tanking anything that anyone can throw at him but I'm considering rerolling 'til I hit Cordelia. Decisions decisions.

  10. Here's the problem as I see it. The biggest issue with Shadow Dragon is that it essentially was Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light 2.0. The upside of this is that it's faithful to the original, but the downside (and it's a BIG downside) is Fire Emblem as a franchise has evolved and been refined across the course of many games, making a return to the earlier games feel like the player is taking 15 steps backwards. With that in mind what I really want to see out of Echoes isn't Gaiden 2.0, but a game inspired by Gaiden, with all of the neat aspects that set it apart from other games, but a slew of other features from more modern Fire Emblem games as well, most prominently real character differentiation through support conversations. These people need personalities. Shadow Dragon and its sequel needed to live up to the example of the preceding Tellius games, but instead we got a return to the very first Fire Emblem games and the result of this almost killed the franchise. This new Gaiden remake has an arguably even loftier bar to reach, that of Awakening and Fates, and I very much hope that Intelligent Systems has learned their lesson.
  11. I dunno guys, I'd probably recommend FE7 out of all of them as the best one to start on. It's reasonably easy without being a cake walk and it has the best tutorial out of any of them ever. It also doesn't do anything extra like pair up, which you're then going to miss in installments that don't have it, it's just the basic formula with a great tutorial. What better start can you ask for? For accessing all of the bonus chapters I'd just use this. Any chapter listed as "chapter numberx" (e.g. 7x) is a bonus chapter and the page of that chapter will tell you how to access it. Just keep an eye on where the bonus chapters come up with respect to where you currently are at. The wiki is also really handy for promotion items, but tbh Fire Emblem isn't a good game franchise to be a completionist on as it's very difficult and counter productive to try and raise each unit to promotion. I'm not even sure that it's possible, and you definitely won't get each unit to the level cap.
  12. Yeah I was watching the direct like "Hunter's gonna love this". Personally I also love this. After playing the rerelease of Gaiden I'll have played every FE game (or a remake of that game) in history outside of Thracia 776. I am planning on playing Thracia before Echoes comes out though because I absolutely loved Genealogy and I'm super keen to continue exploring the world of Jugdral. So basically before this news got dropped Gaiden was going to be the odd one out that I'd never played, and wasn't planning on playing, so this is absolutely perfect for me.
  13. Enjoy the trip Ody, I hope you get a lot out of it. Maybe by the time you get back I'll have made some teams.
  14. But Quetz is in all gachas as soon as you beat Babylonia. She's not limited, just story locked.
  15. Sorry fren no can do. It's against policy to provide links for stuff like that, but if you just search "Fate/Stay Night VN Installation Guide" into google I'm sure there's another very popular forum based website that can help you out more. Holy... Was that trying for Merlin? You got Quetz... she's so cool... I didn't roll for her but I'm still slightly jelly, what's your friend code? I need a good Quetz on my friend list and I'd prefer to give the points to you than some random.
  16. So who here is going to be in the raid/rolling for Merlin? I made it to the end of Babylonia so I'll give the Solomon raid my all, but my quartz are reserved for more important servants.
  17. Dec 17: Favourite Mahoutsukai no Yoru character. For obvious reasons (THERE'S NO DAMN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) I haven't read Mahoutsukai no Yoru, though if there was a translation you can bet I would have. It sounds pretty cool and features some characters that I've always been interested in learning more about. There are a couple of characters in it that I have met in other works though so I can draw on my experience of them there to pick a favourite. With that in mind I'm going to go with Aozaki Touko because she's one of my favourite characters from Kara no Kyoukai. She's younger here than she is in KnK, and I'm sure that affects her personality to make her a very different character to the one that I know, but I'm sure she's still awesome.
  18. Aaaand like 4 chapters into Babylonia and I've already gone back to best Cu. Sorry Proto but FSN Cu is the only dog for me.
  19. Just about to go into Babylonia after frantically finishing Camelot, going nuts at the pair of Christmas events, and then turning around and doing a massive grinding session to strengthen my team and bring in some new blood. Here's what it's looking like nowadays: In case you can't already tell it's a crit team that gets by through passive skill/CE based star generation (unless Tristan's on the field) while spamming NPs (thanks to the abundance of Arts cards), heals, and invincibility skills. The team is a blast to use, and performs really well with a lot of synergy between members. Usual suspects for that support slot are my alt account's Scathach, an Arjuna, a Saber Lancelot, or a Minamoto no Yorimitsu, depending on what I need for the specific mission.
  20. No, she survives in the Fate route iirc. Also, there's nothing saying you can't use a character more than once.
  21. Alright, time to do some catchup. Dec 13: Favourite Fate/Strange Fake character. Dec 14: Favourite Fate/ spinoff. Dec 15: Favourite Fate/Stay Night girl. Dec 16: Favourite Fate/Stay Night boy:
  22. Happy birthday Rose, really. You know better than anyone else how much your friendship means to me, and will continue to mean to me in the future. Not only are you a great conversationalist on the occasions that one of us decides to say hi, you're also an extremely valuable source of knowledge and advice. I hope you had a fantastic day, that your students weren't too much trouble, and that you didn't work too hard. Have a good rest for the next of the night and stay in touch yeah? Yeah. P.S. You evolve into a Lilligant? Lilligant's low key my second favourite pokemon, what a coincidence.
  23. Happy birthday, but don't worry about Jan 'cause you're not old. What you are is talented, and a cool person, and I still fondly remember chillin' with peeps like you in the Europe timezone on the server. P.S. Your art is great.
  24. Happy birthday Kyo, we don't talk much but you always make me chuckle. All the best mate.
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