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Status Updates posted by RubyHeart

  1. People of Earth. I bring you gifts of compassion~ Here is 100,000,000KG of nuclear waste~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RubyHeart


      Of course it does~

    3. Sutoratosu


      The amount of Radiological Weapons in the world is going to freaking sky-rocket thanks to this...

    4. Sutoratosu


      It's like oprah, only with terrorist, soldiers...

      "And you get a Dirty-bomb, and you get a dirty-bomb, EVERYBODY gets a dirty-bomb!"

  2. Sooo, there is a shade of pink called "tickle me pink".... now then... where did that Eva go >:D

  3. Corny Love talk is Corny... But is also so awesome ♥

    1. Shanco


      I can attest to this

  4. In a world... Where Kam isn't a newb who uses luck to win every game.... oh wait... there isn't a world like that

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. RubyHeart


      Masochist Hukuna-senpai...

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Did...did you just call me Senpai?

    4. Shamitako


      *Stabs Huk* There you go ^^

  5. Stupid memories being stupid and coming back whenever I don't need them... YaY~

  6. Once a week, for the next two weeks. I'll put a picture of mine in the WDYLL topic and keep doing what I'm doing~ As well as the daily dose of yuri for ya'll~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      I'd probably do one myself, but I really don't have a good way of taking it right now.

    3. Diana


      You really should just post the picture of you. It's meant for that, not yuri.

    4. RubyHeart


      No can do

      The yuri must go up too

      if anyone has a problem with it, and it actually is breaking a rule, then a mod can remove it. Until then, it must go up too.

  7. Pocky game is best game

  8. Off to see a friend in the hospital. Yay for hospitals....

    1. Shamitako


      ...What did you do to Stormy? owo

  9. Anger, guilt and sadness are going to haunt me forever. But I can and will wait for the cliff at the end of the river

  10. "If I were to turn back time to, that day and hold you close, would things have changed at all?"

  11. Neko Maid SpiderDan needs to put on a show for us~ Also byebye people~

  12. The Theory Of Savage Youth

    1. Maelstrom


      Explain it pls. I've never heard of it.

    2. Felicity
  13. Going to be gone most of the day tomorrow owo

  14. Cuddly time is best time~

    1. Shanco


      Cuddly time is any* time

    2. Cepheus


      I would agree... if I had someone to cuddle with...

      *goes to cuddle with his blanket*

  15. "Love is just a word until someone gives it a meaning" owo

    1. Maelstrom


      Love was a complicated emotion before someone decided to make a single word/label to encompass and signify such a large, complicated idea in a simple, expedient manner.

  16. Coffee/Monster/tea/sugar, spice and everything ablaze. Now that is totally how I was created

    1. Kanaya


      Same except I was made with Darkness instead of burning things :D

  17. If it wasn't clear enough already, then the ONLY reason I came back was so I can stay in contact with Olivia because I couldn't stand not being able to chat with her.

  18. To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction, and a cat~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      And not being allergic to Cats.

    3. Kanaya


      My cat sits in the sink by itself. I don't need to do anything besides turn the fosset on.

    4. Shamitako


      Or, you could just let me bathe myself >:c

  19. "Through the darkness, fate brings the light of new beginnings, leaving behind the human's deepest and most selfish desire. Pure love, which sparks within the enlightened heart, becomes a gentle touch of beauty like a million butterflies across an endless blue sky of hope; a fluttery dance of life, swaying from one beginning to the next."

    1. RubyHeart



      Totally didn't steal this from Eva

      I actually mean that

    2. Arkhi


      There's not much spirit without human desire. Still, I like it.

  20. Having to wait for friends to finish exams is boring >w>

    1. zimvader42


      Have fun cheering'em up!

  21. Always treasure the people who are there for you

  22. Relying on someone else without exerting any effort of your own is just not right. Because the one you rely on most, can disappear, at any time.

  23. So even if a miracle occurred and somehow answered all of this Surley in ten or twenty seconds I could figure just a bit Even if I die right now I know that I will soon just be replaced And then again, saying crazy things like that, isn't it just silly?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RubyHeart


      But it's the last part that matters the most.

      Because just saying things like that are just silly.

      No one needs to know everything, and everyone should no that you cannot just be replaced

    3. zimvader42


      Well actually it is silly to say that kind of things, indeed. One of humans' biggest weakness is the ability to overthink even the smallest thought.

    4. Commander


      I knew I recognized the lyrics.

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