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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TheSpinyOne

  1. My top 5 tips would be: #1: Save Often! There are plenty of times when walking through a door or talking to someone will start an unforeseen battle. And don't be afraid to reset after losing a battle to save some money. #2: Field Effects Are (Often) Not Your Friend! The gym leader will always have an advantage over you. Definitely have at least 1 guy to set up your own terrain, destroy theirs, or create a weather effect. #3: Explore the Map! So many hidden nooks and crannies. And like Seal said, talk to the rocks. Rare, invisible items are plentiful and help keep your money up. #4: Expand Your Team! Having more than 6 guys really helps cover weaknesses you might not realize your team has. It nice before a gym battle to look at a squad of 10-12 trained and ready pokemon and pick which 6 you need. I'd also recommend keeping somebody with a killing move like perish song or destiny bond to make easy work of fighting the "boss" pokemon throughout the game. #5: Do Your Research! I always play with Bulbapedia or Serebii open. Really helpful to know exactly what your going up against or what moveset you're training towards. Oh, and don't forget the game is currently running off info from gen VII, ultra sun and moon.
  2. It makes sense to me that 7th street could be even worse than it was before. Now that the city has been cleaned up, all the thieves, druggies, and degenerates that were lurking in the alleys and abandoned houses probably went down there to hide. Given how secretive the location was, it could still be thriving. On top of that, I think it'd be cool if another, bigger gang has taken over. (Rocket Gang maybe ????)
  3. Victory road is going to consist of raising bookcases and pushing crustles in order to access chess puzzles.
  4. What I don't really understand about this relationship system is how we can actively change our values. As it is, there's not a whole lot of choices we really make that affect main NPCs, dialogue or otherwise. So, how much choice can we actually have to affect their opinion of us? Is side quest completion going to be the main factor? Or how we do in battle against them? I think it'd be cool if team comp had an effect. For example, Julia would like you more if you use electric types.
  5. Well, it'll be 4 elite four members, plus the champion, plus every rival in the game...
  6. She's obviously talking about Castform. It's just going to be a rainy field. Simple as that.
  7. For those asking, I believeEp 14 ended after the gym battle with Terra, right before leaving the tent.
  8. Ah, no more item PC. Personally, I thought it was pretty useful considering the vast amount of items in the game. Also, the death of the gym guy has really hit me on an emotional level.
  9. I think it's obvious that someone has been working against him ever since he had to lose his kick-ass Butterfree to that shiny slut.
  10. So, what are the chances that they both just died from jumping off the waterfall? Seems logical to me.
  11. I dislike the multitude of boring fish in the game. Qwilfish, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Basculin, Alomomola. They don't evolve and I've never wanted to use them. I wouldn't even know Relicanth existed if it wasn't require to get the Regis. Also, how does this: turn into this? What? Some ridiculous fish sorcery.
  12. Is it too much to hope that it could be Snap 2?
  13. happiness

    1. Garnet.


      you can't find happiness in the search bar, friend.

    2. Jan


      Is a gift. :')

    3. Garnet.


      no one in reborn gifts the item happiness, jan is a hacker

  14. flash

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      ...Not even gonna bother

    3. Shing


      @kosherkitten good

    4. Felicity



  15. Remember these guys? I think it would be cool to get some kind of rewards like this in reborn. I know I've been collecting a lot of guys on my main file and getting something good for it (other than my own satisfaction) would be nice to see. What do you all think?
  16. Plus, look at Absol's move set: night SLASH, psycho CUT, RAZOR wind..
  17. I could see there maybe being a particular field effect that allows mega evolution. That way, we could use it sometimes, without having full access to it. There would still be a key item that allows it all the time for some characters to have, but the player won't get the item until very late/after the story.
  18. That would be very nice. Perhaps it's just me, but I also find that the "mail" pocket is a little unnecessary.
  19. You could train until evolution and then common candy it back down to 45 for the gym.
  20. Cool, I started a normal monotype run recently too. I looked at your last post, and I guess you never fought the normal gym leader. It's hard to explain, but he gave me more trouble than anyone else. Be sure to get a guy with a good fighting move.
  21. Yeah, let's have some love for a few of those antagonists.
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