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Azure NightStriker

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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Azure NightStriker

  1. Anyone want to wish me Happy Birthday?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. zimvader42


      You're drunkosher gohome.

      And nomming actually sounds quite more painful.

    3. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      @Vinny I live 18 hours ahead of EST so...

    4. Vinny


      Even if it's late, now i'll say it:

      Happy birthday xD

  2. Study....study....study.....uggghhhhh....

    1. BBD


      I know how you feel

  3. Currently playing a randomiser of Pokemon Insurgence, and I have run into 26 legendaries in 8 hours........

  4. My Azuril won't evolve!!! >:( (Why you hate me...?)

  5. My Azuril won't evolve!!! >:(

  6. My Azuril won't evolve!!! >:

  7. Bravely Default, AKA the longest game that exists which shouldn't be as long as it is

  8. Smashed FE Sacred Stones on Normal. Now playing on hard for a challenge

  9. About time I used my 1200 rupees...

  10. I put Ice Punch on my Dusknior in case Saphira was the next gym leader. Wasn't her, but I still demolished a Garchomp with it (GET REKT)

    1. Sonikku


      She will probably have a Garchomp too lol

    2. Notus


      ... Come to think of that, it seems everybody and their mothers ave Garchomps in Reborn XD

  11. I forgot how long it takes to EV train pokemon without power items....

    1. AuthorReborn


      Without Power items and Pokerus, it takes forever. Which is why I never bother until I have both.

    2. brianwee2013


      I wish there was an event for a pokemon with pokerus

    3. Simon


      It takes quite awhile, even if you buy Vitamins.

      Highly recommend saving up the money for it/finding a way to get it.

  12. I forgot how long it takes to EV train pokemon with power items....

  13. Rotom~ Rotom~ Rotom~ I love my rotom~

  14. Can't wait to get my hands on Persona Q

    1. Maelstrom


      I got it tonight but too busy playing Destiny with friends to start it.

  15. Studying for exams is annoying as hell :(

    1. Sonikku


      The outcome is worth it?

  16. Finally earned 500rupees. Now I need 1000 more -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      I want to change my name

    3. Nova


      Have someone else change it for you for R2000 :P

    4. Etesian


      Might wanna check your messages.

  17. Most people are all excited about the upcoming legendary fight and who's the traitor gym leader. I'm more worried about what type the next gym is (dragon?water?steel?)

    1. Azeria


      I wanna rek Terra before we get into the desert....she'll be a real threat if we face her there or the caves...

    2. HolyKnight


      probably Ciel is the next one.

  18. In the end I decided to go with Turtwig for my second round of Reborn. Sorry Chimchar, next time buddy ;-(

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Ugh, Torterra has double weakness to Ice... And I still wake up in the night with cold sweat running down my spine, as horrid nightmares of Sierra's gym battle haunt me even if it has been almost a year since I last faced her...

    2. Cornerman


      I used him and he is pretty decent. He will be a wall or a great earthquake wrecker.

      I still use him now in mah main team.

    3. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      The only problem I have with Torterra is that it's weak to fire, yet it will be my main way of knocking out fire types due to earthquake. -_-

  19. Kaito. Results. Now.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Settle down friend. It's still Wednesday and he's been pretty busy lately. He'll get it out when he can.

    2. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      Ohh....so that's why there not out yet. Where I live it's already Thursday so I was wondering why the results weren't out yet.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I wouldn't expect them for AT LEAST 24 hours in all honesty.

  20. Anticipating the results of the audition of Survivor:Reborn.....

    1. GotWala


      Can I predict that Quantum Theory makes it equally possible for everyone who applied to have been selected, haha?

  21. English exam.......My Worst Enemy

  22. Just finished the first two exams at school and I feel like Slaking off (XD)

  23. To my sister Jenny I leave...a boot to the head! - (Phoenix Wrong-Boot to the Head)

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      You do realize that this was originally made by a canadian comedy group, right?

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      (Not sure if you are going to notice this because I stalking your profile and saw this status update, but I love that skit. xD It had me laughing to tears the first time I saw it!)

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